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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MS: NIE: Marijuana Quiz
Title:US MS: NIE: Marijuana Quiz
Published On:2003-10-21
Source:Sun Herald (MS)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 08:28:34

An NIE Educational Activity

Test your smarts! Take this quiz to separate marijuana fiction from fact.


1. Marijuana isn't all that harmful.

2. Marijuana, unlike some other illegal drugs, is not addictive.

3. Kids are more likely than adults to become dependent on marijuana.

4. Marijuana is less popular among kids today because of ecstasy and other
new club drugs.

5. Smoking pot only makes people feel mellow.

6. Marijuana doesn't have any long-term effects.


7. Smoking one marijuana joint is as harmful as smoking how many cigarettes?

(A) Five; (B) Four; (C) Two; (D) One

8. What happens when a person uses marijuana, other than feeling high? (A)
Loss of motor coordination; (B) Distorted perception; (C) Increased heart
rate; (D) Trouble with thinking and problem solving; (E) All of the above

9. What percent of 12th-graders say that marijuana is "fairly" or "very"
easy to obtain?

(A) 27; (B) 46; (C) 52; (D) 67; (E) 88

10. How long does marijuana stay in your body? (A) Up to 3 days; (B) Up to
10 days; (C) Up to a few weeks; (D) Up to several months

11. The majority of kids who enter drug treatment are there for addiction to:

(A) Cocaine; (B) Heroin;(C) Ecstasy; (D) Marijuana; (E) Alcohol

12. A marijuana joint can contain: (A) PCP; (B) Pesticides; (C) LSD; (D)
Cocaine or crack; (E) All of the above

13. Marijuana use has been associated with:

(A) Cancer; (B) School failure; (C) Traffic accidents; (D) Sexually
transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS; (E) All of the above

14. What percent of 12th-graders believe occasional marijuana use is
harmful? (A) 23; (B) 30; (C) 42; (D) 55; (E) 66

15. According to kids ages 13 to 17, what's the number one reason they
don't smoke marijuana or use other drugs? (A) Risk of getting kicked
off a sports team; (B) Losing their parents' respect; (C) Worry they'll
look silly or stupid in front of their friends; (D) Concern about being
suspended from school.


1. False. Marijuana is not a harmless little plant. The drug is more potent
than ever and can lead to significant health, social, learning and
behavioral problems at a crucial time in kids' lives. And it leads to some
changes in the brain similar to those caused by cocaine and heroin.

2. False. Research shows that marijuana is addictive. In fact, more teens
enter treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependency than for
all other illicit drugs combined.

3. True. Research shows that marijuana use is three times more likely to
lead to dependence among adolescents than adults. And the earlier they
start using it, the more likely they are to develop problems later in life.

4. False. Far more youth use marijuana than ecstasy or any other drug.

5. False. Marijuana can cause paranoia, panic attacks, anxiety and
depression. Heavy marijuana use has even been linked with increased
aggression, rebelliousness and violent behavior.

6. False. Marijuana use can have many long-term effects. In addition to the
health risks, using marijuana can lead to failure in school, trouble with
the law or risky behaviors that could have lifelong consequences.

7. (A) Five. Smoking one marijuana joint is equal to smoking five
cigarettes; smoking four joints is like smoking an entire pack.

8. (E) All of the above. These effects are even greater when other drugs are
mixed with marijuana. A user may also experience dry mouth and throat.

9. (E) 88. The vast majority of high school seniors find marijuana "fairly"
or "very" easy to obtain. Moreover, more than one-third of teens ages 14-17
say they could purchase marijuana within a five-block radius of their home.

10. (C) Up to a few weeks. Even after users stop feeling the effects of
marijuana, the drug can linger in the body for a few weeks. That means it
can be detected by a standard drug test long after its initial use.

11. (D) Marijuana. More teens enter treatment with a primary diagnosis of
marijuana dependency than for all other illicit drugs combined.

12. (E) All of the above. Many things can be added to marijuana leaves
without users knowing it. PCP and LSD can be placed on dry leaves, while
joints can be laced with crack or cocaine.

13. (E) All of the above. A roadside study of reckless drivers (not impaired by
alcohol) showed that 45 percent tested positive for marijuana.

14. (B) 30. Less than one-third of 12th-graders surveyed think occasional
marijuana use is harmful.

15. (B) Losing their parents' respect. Parents are the most important influence
on children when it comes to drugs. Two-thirds of youth say losing their
parents' respect is one of the main reasons they don't smoke marijuana or
use other drugs.


14-15 correct answers: You're an expert. Congratulations on your knowledge
of marijuana.

10-13 correct answers: Very good. You know a lot about marijuana, but
there's more to learn.

5-9 correct answers: Good. Go back and check your answers to see where you
need more information.

1-4 correct answers: Not so good, but give yourself a pat on the back for

For information about marijuana, visit www.theantidrug.com or call
1-800-788-2800 and ask for free information about the drug.

MORE ACTIVITIES AT www.sunherald.com
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