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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MO: LTE: Limbaugh, Drug War Are Unrelated
Title:US MO: LTE: Limbaugh, Drug War Are Unrelated
Published On:2003-10-21
Source:Maneater, The (Columbia, MO Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 08:18:41

Rush Limbaugh's drug use proves nothing about the war on drugs. All it
proves is Rush Limbaugh has a drug problem.

Anthony Johnson, your local campus champion for the American Civil Liberties
Union, seems to believe this matter should be a wake-up call for America in
how we deal with the local junkies (Letter: "No sympathy for Limbaugh the
junkie," Oct. 14). Give me a break. This mindset is nothing more than
another liberal crusade for income redistribution and "fair treatment" of
anyone on the planet, no matter how trashy they are. Let me be the first to
admit I think marijuana should be legalized. The stuff is probably less
dangerous than alcohol, and any recreational pot smoker will tell you the
"gateway" theory about marijuana is bullshit. It could be legalized with the
same restrictions placed on alcohol use, and everyone would be happy.

However, Johnson seems to think we should be extending "compassion" to all
the nonviolent crackheads, meth abusers and ecstasy users, so long as they
have not crashed their car and injured someone else or beaten the shit out
of someone in a drug-induced rage.

I'll bet Johnson thinks the government should pay for the treatment and
rehab of these offenders using taxpayer money. Well, I don't want to pay for
rehab for some idiot crackhead. I work hard for what little money I have,
and I'm not about to spend it on some moron who can't say "no."

Although I do feel slight compassion for Rush Limbaugh versus the local kid
who just decided to try some hardcore drug to see what it's like, I fully
believe the guy should serve time for whatever crimes he has committed.
Anthony Johnson would have you believe this isn't going to happen, but, then
again, the investigation isn't complete. For all we know, Rush will end up
in the slammer for purchasing pills in large amounts from an illegal clinic.

Matt Norris, junior
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