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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, Oct. 31, 2003 #324
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, Oct. 31, 2003 #324
Published On:2003-10-31
Source:DrugSense Weekly
Fetched On:2008-01-19 07:20:44
DrugSense Weekly, Oct. 31, 2003 #324

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* This Just In

(1) UN: Afghan Opium Production Spreading Like Cancer (2) Pot Panel Invites
American Drug Czar (3) Police To Conduct Random Roadside Drug Tests (4)
Antidrug Ads Target Hispanics

* Weekly News in Review

Drug Policy-

(5) The Rush On Drugs (6) Nervousness Alone Can't Prompt Search (7)
Justices Weigh Appeal Of Man Who Sold His Urine (8) Coast Guard Steps Up
Drug War

Law Enforcement & Prisons-

(9) Helriggles Question Convict's Lie (10) SWAT Team Gears Up (11) Police
Chief Faces Charge In Drug Case (12) The Arrest Of Rodney Simms

Cannabis & Hemp-

(13) Canada's Cash Crop (14) Makes No Sense At All (15) Joint Operation
(16) Suffer From Achy Joints? Come To The Saint John Cannabis Cafe And
Light Up (17) Toxic Toke

International News-

(18) Vigilantes Bug Anti-Crime Drive In Davao Sur Town (19) Bolivian
Growers Want To Reverse Coca-Eradication Program (20) Myanmar Slams U.S.
For Refusing To Cooperate On Drugs War (21) U.S. Woman Held In B.C. On 1972
Drug Charge

* Hot Off The 'Net

Drug Policy Alliance Conference

UK MPs Vote To Downgrade Cannabis

Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Licit And Illicit Drug Use In Amsterdam, 1987 TO 2001

Insite - North America's First Legal Supervised Injection Site

POT-TV Interview With NDP Leader Jack Layton

Peter Christ of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

* Letter Of The Week

Drug Policy Debate Needs Higher Priority / By Larry A. Stevens

* Feature Article

Why Dr. Hurwitz? / By Dr. Joel Hochman

* Quote of the Week

Titus Lucretius Carus
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