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News (Media Awareness Project) - US SC: Edu: OPED: NORML
Published On:2003-11-14
Source:Tiger, The (SC Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 06:06:39

NORML stands for The National Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws. The Clemson University chapter of this nationwide
organization started last fall and was the first in South Carolina,
achieving over 100 registered members. Since then, a NORML chapter has
been started at the University of South Carolina and two community
chapters have also started up.

Contrary to popular beliefs, NORML is not a student organization full
of pot heads sitting around talking about smoking. Former president
and co-founder Terry Green explains, "We don't promote the use of
marijuana as a drug. You're not going to walk in and hear people
talking about smoking pot. That isn't what NORML is about. We are here
to educate people on the decriminalization of marijuana, the
legalization of medicinal marijuana and industrial hemp."

This is echoed by current president and co-founder, Josh McGee. "We
are an educational organization. We are here to talk about the global,
political and social issues surrounding marijuana and hemp."

NORML is a student organization that puts an emphasis on educating
students and encouraging them to take part in many activities. Members
are asked to not only take part in discussions, but to also give
presentations on different aspects of marijuana and hemp and to become
involved with NORML outside of college.

Josh McGee highlights the benefits of such an organization, especially
to freshmen. "NORML is excellent for freshmen, as being in a group of
like-minded individuals can give them confidence to speak up, and
provides them with a back bone for when they first arrive. It also
encourages them to get involved with other student organizations and
concerns, such as environmental issues."

He also emphasizes that it isn't an organization just for marijuana
smokers. It is not concerned with the currently illegal uses, but with
reforming the laws and educating people about marijuana and hemp.

They are also planning a debate for next semester, open to all
students, where they hope they will be able to have a fair and
objective discussion about marijuana and educate people to both sides
of the argument. Meetings are regularly attended by guest speakers,
from lawyers to faculty members, each giving their own ideas and
approaches to marijuana.

Other than simply educating members, they actively encourage people to
become involved politically. McGee went in to great depth on how the
Clemson chapter had become involved with trying to reform the Higher
Education Act, which deals with student scholarships. Under current
rules, any prospective student with any sort of drug charges is
rejected of federal financial aid. NORML is looking to change this
through petitioning and writing to South Carolina senators and
directly to Congress.

Aside from meetings, debates, forums and discussions, NORML also helps
organize benefit concerts to help raise awareness. Following the
success of this year's concert, which McGee was quick to point out
that they had sold out, they are hoping to organize another for the
spring semester in 2004.

They also have screenings of documentary films intended to educate
people on marijuana, such as the popular "Grass," which deals with the
history on the war on marijuana, and is both highly informative and
amusing. The Clemson chapter is even planning a trip to Europe next

NORML is an educational organization, encouraging student
participation in debates and forums and to become involved in activism
and other interests and concerns.

If you are interested in becoming a member, the meetings are every
Monday in Daniel Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend
and hear what NORML stands and fights for in their club.

For more information about the club you can go to their website at
www.clemson.edu/~norml. On NORML's site you can find a calendar of
events, pictures and links to other helpful websites. In the reading
room you will also find the Constitution of Clemson NORML and several
other informative articles related to the club's cause. Take a look at
the website and if you have any questions, you can also contact Josh
McGee at norml@clemson.edu.
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