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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Santa Cruzans Light Up For Arnie
Title:US CA: Santa Cruzans Light Up For Arnie
Published On:2003-11-18
Source:Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 05:09:23

SANTA CRUZ -- After the divisive recall, only one thing can heal the state's
political wounds -- medical marijuana.

At least that was the idea behind Light Up with the Governor. Billed as an
alternative inauguration party, Monday's event on the Eastside featured
costumed revelers, a grope booth and a screening of the 1977 classic
bodybuilding film, "Pumping Iron."

"This is the one issue that unifies people in Santa Cruz across the
political spectrum," said Arnie Schwartz, organizer of the event and a
member of Lefties for Arnie. "(We) support the right of doctors to meet the
needs of their patients."

To prove his point, Schwartz invited speakers from diverse political
backgrounds to the party.

Dennis Peron wrote Proposition 215, the state's successful medical marijuana

"We finally have a pothead for governor," Peron said. "I've been waiting for
this for a long time."

Schwarzenegger appears to be taking a toke in "Pumping Iron," and has
admitted to smoking pot.

Peron said he supported the new governor, who is bringing hope to the state.

"These are trying times for everybody," he said. "I want to give the guy the
chance to let the people recapture the California dream."

Chris Hoops is the editor of Redwood Review, a UC Santa Cruz student
newspaper with a Christian conservative point of view. A backer of limited
government, he said the U.S. Constitution doesn't permit the federal
government to act against a state's right to regulate medical marijuana.

Hoops parted company with Peron on Schwarzenegger. He supported conservative
Republican Tom McClintock in the recall. He said he was concerned with "how
much (Schwarzenegger) wants to spend of taxpayers' money," and appeared only
slightly impressed that Schwarzenegger lived up to a campaign promise and
rolled back vehicle license fees Monday.

The party started slow at 4:20 p.m. -- a time associated with smoking pot
taken from the police code 420 for marijuana -- with seemingly more media
than participants. But by dark, when participants moved from the front yard
to the rear of the Branciforte Drive residence, the party got a buzz with
dancing, live music and more than a few partigoers lighting up.
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