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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: The Agony of Ecstasy Research
Title:US: Web: The Agony of Ecstasy Research
Published On:2003-12-03
Source:Reason Online (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 04:20:30

Science Gets Recruited in the Drug War

Damaged and dead monkeys? Call in the feds! In 2002, the prestigious
journal Science stunned club-going kids everywhere with a study from
Johns Hopkins University researcher George Ricaurte. Probably not
coincidentally, the study also furthered the cause of such draconian
laws as the Reducing Americans Vulnerability to Ecstasy (RAVE) Act,
which notoriously allows the police to shut down clubs and bars and
prosecute their owners if any patron is caught using the apparently
deadly drug Ecstasy on their premises.

Ricaurte's study, you see, found that monkeys dosed with Ecstasy--the
street name for the chemical methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA)--suffered permanent brain damage, exhibiting symptoms similar
to Parkinson's disease. Even more alarming, two of his 10 monkeys
actually died shortly after being dosed.

Even club kids who had long ago noted that 20 percent of their
X-rolling compatriots weren't leaving blood on the dance floor must
have had their buzz harshed by contemplating such dire results in a
major peer-reviewed science journal. Well, party on. This September
the magazine actually retracted the whole story. This Tuesday, The New
York Times reported on the remarkable retraction and the whole sorry
saga of hyped-up anti-drug research that is Ricaurte's career.

America's drug warriors, of course, embraced Ricaurte's original
widely publicized study. For example, Dr. Alan Leshner, former head of
the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), told the Associated Press
that the Ricaurte study shows "that even an occasional use of Ecstasy
can lead to significant damage to brain systems." Ricaurte wrote in
Science, "The most troubling implication of our findings is that young
adults using Ecstasy may be increasing their risk for developing
parkinsonism, a condition similar to Parkinson's disease, as they get

That there seemed to be something amiss with Ricaurte's original study
was noted even before the retraction by other researchers and
anti-Drug War activists. The initial criticisms focused on the fact
that Ricaurte injected the drug (although most users swallow pills),
and that the dosages he used were much higher than in typical
recreational use.

Researchers on Parkinson's disease also initially doubted Ricaurte's
findings. Now that he's retracted his paper, Stephen Kish, a Toronto
Parkinson's disease researcher, writes in an editorial in the November 2003
issue of Movement Disorders: "There is no epidemiological evidence that
parkinsonism or any neurological abnormality, with the possible (but as yet
unproven) exception of mild memory loss, is a persistent (months to years
after last use) consequence of exposure to Ecstasy, a drug that has been
used widely worldwide."

How could this study have gone so wrong? To start with, it studied the
wrong drug. In his retraction Ricaurte admitted that the monkeys had
been injected with methamphetamine instead of Ecstasy. He claimed that
the mistake occurred because RTI International, the supplier of the
drugs, had mislabeled the vials sent to his lab. After reviewing its
records, RTI International says that it could find no evidence of

Why didn't peer review catch the flaws in Ricaurte's article before
Science published it? Oxford University physiologist Colin Blakemore,
who will soon be chief executive of the UK's Medical Research Council,
suspects that the peer review may have been rushed because the editors
of Science were anxious to publish the report just as Congress was
considering the RAVE Act.

Indeed, this was not the first time that a Ricaurte study of Ecstasy
has influenced public policy. His 1985 study that found that the
longer-lasting Ecstasy analogue, MDA, reduced serotonin in rats just
happened to appear as the Drug Enforcement Administration was
considering banning Ecstasy by putting it on its Schedule 1 of
controlled substances. That paper launched his career as a well-funded
researcher on the effects of Ecstasy. Persistent problems with
Ricaurte's research were extensively examined in Addiction Research by
UCLA researcher Charles Grob in 2000. Nevertheless, NIDA continued to
fund Ricaurte.

Since the retraction, Blakemore and others have called on Science to
convene an independent inquiry into how the Ricaurte paper was
approved for publication and to publish its approving referees'
reports. So far Science's editor in chief, Donald Kennedy, has
remained silent.

In contrast to Ricaurte's success, researchers who want to study the
possible therapeutic benefits of Ecstasy have trouble getting
permission to study the drug and their results are coldly received by
many journals. "It's an open secret that some teams have failed to
find deficits in Ecstasy users and had trouble publishing the
findings," according to the New Scientist last April. Andrew Parrott,
a researcher at the University of East London, told the New Scientist,
"The journals are very conservative. It's a source of bias." Parrott
himself has had two papers showing no significant deficits turned down.

Now that Ricaurte's work is being discredited, other researchers are
investigating his earlier claims that Ecstasy depletes the
neurotransmitter serotonin permanently. Recent brain-scanning research
done at the University Hospital in Hamburg, Germany, found that levels
of depleted serotonin are substantially restored in Ecstasy users in
the long term.

Since the scandal broke, the NIDA ecstasy "fact" sheet has been
quietly pulled from its website and is being updated.

Ricaurte lab's research on Ecstasy is often sloppy and it dependably
finds what its Drug Warrior funders want it to find. The lab's
research results need to be independently reviewed by others who have
no stake or funding in agencies associated with the Drug War.

The lesson here is not that Ecstasy is safe, though evidence that it
is particularly harmful is certainly lacking. The lesson is that
scientific peer review, like all human institutions, is an imperfect
process, sometimes subject to political pressures. When it goes wrong,
as it clearly has here, how it went wrong needs to be thoroughly
investigated and fixed. That's the minimum the public and the
scientific community should expect from Science in this case.
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