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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: PUB LTE: Kucinich Would Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol
Title:US CO: PUB LTE: Kucinich Would Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol
Published On:2003-12-20
Source:Summit Daily News (CO)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 02:57:00

I was pleased the Summit Daily printed the story "Judge returns stash to
cancer patient," Dec. 10) about the medical marijuana confrontation with
the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Colorado state law in
Steamboat Springs.

Routt County Judge James Garrecht ordered Don Nord's cannabis (marijuana)
to be returned within 21 days from the DEA.

The federal government's policy of caging humans for using a plant is
historically discredited and should halt.

One avenue to wean the federal government off that addiction is to vote for
a Democratic presidential nominee who will decriminalize or relegalize

There is only one candidate willing to treat this nasty addiction and that
is Dennis Kucinich, who put in writing on his Web site that if elected
president he will decriminalize cannabis and regulate it similar to alcohol.

I would like to see the Summit Daily report more about this landmark
campaign issue, since most Summit County citizens would be interested to
know one candidate will end the senseless cagings.

Stan White

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