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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WV: Column: The Question of Drug Testing
Title:US WV: Column: The Question of Drug Testing
Published On:2003-12-21
Source:Parkersburg Sentinel, The (WV)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 02:40:44

Should all junior high and high school students involved in extracurricular
activities be drug tested, as permitted by law and held constitutional by
the Supreme Court?

Calhoun County schools will become the third district in the state -
joining Logan and Braxton county schools - to begin a drug-testing program
on Feb. 1 of all students participating in extracurricular activities, such
as sports teams, bands, choral groups, academic teams, clubs, etc. The law
maintains education is a right that cannot easily be denied, but
participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege that can be
withheld for violation of school policies, including drug usage.

While I agree with the state law and the U.S. Supreme Court ruling (as if
my disagreeing would mean anything), I wonder what method of testing will
be done, how much it will cost, how will the random selection of students
be conducted, will the testing include all types of drugs and alcohol, will
hair samples be taken in which drug usage can be detected over a lengthy
period of time and how will a student's right to confidentiality be protected?

I also wonder why the testing is only being done of students. Why not
randomly test teachers, coaches, school support staff and others who have
contact with students? Heck, for that matter, let's test the school board
members and school administrators. After all, what's good for the goose is
good for the gander!

And before someone shouts I'm being "holier than thou," I'm a firm believer
in drug testing in the workplace because I don't want to put my newspapers'
reputation or fellow workers' safety in the hands of a drug user ... and
that includes alcohol abusers.

I believer all fire, police, ambulance personnel, doctors, nurses, hospital
personnel, pilots, bus drivers, taxi drivers, truck drivers and other
safety/health/transportation-related personnel should be drug tested on a
regular basis ... and that test should also include alcohol use. If I'm
going to put my safety and the lives and safety of my family and friends in
the hands of such personnel, I want to know they're not high, drunk, going
through DTs or sobering up.

Does this make me an enemy of individual rights ? No, it makes me want the
best chance of not being put in jeopardy by one who is under the influence
of something that hampers their ability to think or react.

So don't complain to me if you flunk a drug test or get busted for DUI.
Maybe your being busted will help keep someone else from being injured,
killed or led by their own vulnerability into drug usage and/or alcohol abuse.

Thibodeaux had 50 yard line tickets for the Sugar Bowl.

As he sits down, a man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat
next to him.

"Mais, no," says Thibodeaux, "Dat seat be empty, yeah."

"That's incredible," said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a
seat like this for the Sugar Bowl, the biggest sporting event of the year
for LSU, the SEC champions, the first time since 1987 they make it to the
Sugar Bowl, and then not use it?"

Thibodeaux says, "Dat seat belong wit me, yeah. I wuz comin' wit my wife,
but she done pass on. Dis de first LSU football game we didn't came wit
each udder since we bin married in 1960."

"Oh ... I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find
someone else - a friend or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?

Thibodeaux shakes his head sadly. "No, dey all at de funeral."

Geaux Tigers!

Tree friends from de local Cajun congregation of Carencrp, La., were asked,
"When you in you casket, and you friends and parish members are mourning
over you, what would you like dem to say?"

Thibodeaux said, "I would like dem to say, I was a wonderful husband, a
fine spiritual leader and a great family man."

Fontenot commented, "I would like dem to say, I was a wonderful teacher and
servant of da church, who made a huge difference in people's lives."

Boudreaux said, "I'd like dem to say, 'Look, he's movin!'"

On a side note ... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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