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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MS: PUB LTE: Education Should Not Be Used As a Weapon
Title:US MS: PUB LTE: Education Should Not Be Used As a Weapon
Published On:2003-12-21
Source:Sun Herald (MS)
Fetched On:2008-01-19 02:35:02

A college education isn't a reward confined to a single individual, but
instead is something that has the potential to reach beyond that person and
impact our community in a positive manner. It is for this reason I am
opposed to the federal law that denies educational assistance to
individuals who have committed any type of drug offense.

If we believe providing financial aid for school to drug offenders is
rewarding bad behavior, then we believe providing the same to murderers,
rapists and thieves is also a reward. If this is true, we are against
drugs, but we support murder, rape and stealing. A kid has a better chance
of turning his life around if he murders than he does if he is caught with
a marijuana cigarette.

Kids should be punished when caught with drugs, but we should take a
realistic look at the conceptual picture and what we are doing in the name
of "taking a firm stand." A financially disadvantaged kid makes a mistake
and the price he or she pays is "Now you can't go to school"? We have just
confined this individual to a certain socio-economic class, one that is
proven to propagate criminal behavior. As taxpayers, we end up footing the
bill anyway, generally through the welfare or penal system.

The cost of housing a prisoner is about $26 thousand per year. We presently
have over 2 million incarcerated and nearly 6.5 million in the penal
system. The cost of a college education is a small price to pay by
comparison. I would much rather my tax dollars be spent on universities
than prisons.

We should embrace education and the value it provides. We should never use
it as a weapon against anyone regardless of their past mistakes. Contact
your congressman to urge change!

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