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News (Media Awareness Project) - Trinidad: OPED: It's War On Kingdom Of Darkness
Title:Trinidad: OPED: It's War On Kingdom Of Darkness
Published On:2003-12-23
Source:Trinidad Guardian, The
Fetched On:2008-01-19 02:27:54

One wonders if the criminal element will suspend its kidnapping and killing
activities on Christmas Day. But alas, this may be asking too much from a
godless bunch of cowards who has sparked an extraordinary degree of fear in
the hearts of thousands of citizens.

But this should not surprise us. John 8:44 states: "From the very beginning
he was a murderer, and has never been on the side of truth, because there
is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural
to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies."

Of course John is referring to the devil - that merciless dragon, that
roaring lion who seeks to humiliate, torture and devour.

We cannot win the war against crime without declaring war on the devil and
his kingdom of darkness: the empire of vampires. Of course, we cannot
celebrate Christmas without Christ; we cannot have a holy Christmas without
the Holy Spirit.

Let us declare war on demonic ideas. There is no brand of alcohol that
should be labelled "The spirit of Trinidad". Some people believe that you
cannot celebrate Christmas without alcohol and, of course, the devil is
well pleased. When men come home drunk, beat their wives and brutalise
their children, is this the spirit of Christmas? When mafiatic agents in
their callous acts of revenge drink their rum and smoke their ganja before
they smoke out the enemy, is this the spirit of Christmas?

Let us declare war on the kingdom of darkness! Let us declare war on
university professors and Senators who wish to legalise marijuana. These
prominent citizens do not believe that we have enough young people who are
being prepared for a long stay at our hospitals, prisons and rehabilitation
centres. They want more youth to use these gateway drugs so more could get
hooked on the "harder" stuff. But even this concept of harder stuff is
proving to be one big fat lie. Why?

Based on current research, which UWI is apparently avoiding, marijuana is
not so soft at all. We knew about bronchitis, emphysema, and there were the
unconfirmed reports about the carcinogens: cancer-producing ingredients in
the marijuana.

Now, the reports have been confirmed. There is overwhelming evidence that
there is a greater proportion of benzopyrene in marijuana smoke than in
tobacco. Smokers are paying a higher price for the temporary euphoria. You
see, benzopyrene is a dangerous, carcinogenic compound.

Please, T&T, as we prepare for the New Year's battle against crime, let us
not underestimate the size, power or intention of the mafiatic enemy. I
heard one official from the Ministry of National Insecurity state that
there are just a few bandits terrorising our population. Just a few? Which
statistician is providing that information?

I made a statement about six years ago, that there were about 10,000 youth
who had access to guns, guns which they could purchase or rent. The Express
flogged me, like some of the Government supporters on the talk shows, for
speaking the truth. They continue to contribute to this sad state of
affairs with their denial.

Again, I wish to state that we must not underestimate the size, power or
intention of the enemy. And it is not just the "poor" enemy, but the "rich"
and "famous" enemy. There is an earthquake in the kingdom of darkness.
Confidence is giving way to despair, complacency is giving way to concern,
and fear is blasting the halls of wealth and aristocracy.

The church must be about transformation. Preachers of the gospel must
proclaim the good news of salvation, that hope must never give may to
despair, that we can depend on Jesus during the storm. We must be confident
as we declare war on the kingdom of darkness. In this season of goodwill,
we must proclaim to our congregations that there is a storm that shatters
our peace but there is a peace that can shatter any storm.

Isaiah 9:6 states: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince
of Peace."

He is the Prince of Peace - not George Bush, bin Laden, Ariel Sharon or
Yasser Arafat. He alone has the power to cast out demons, cleanse the
lepers, cause the blind to see, the cripple to walk, the dumb to speak and
the dead to live.

Watch Him in absolute splendor outside the tomb of Lazarus proclaiming "I
am the resurrection and the life." Watch Him walking in the fiery furnace,
installing "climate control" in order to protect Shedrach, Mesach and
Abegnego. God is able!

T&T, He was able then, He is able now, and will always be able. This must
be the season of goodwill, not the season of "tears, sorrow and blood."

We need to remember the voice crying in the wilderness "prepare ye the way
of the Lord." El Shaddai arrived then and is preparing to return. All
sinners must appear before the judgment bar of God: that includes
kidnappers, murderers, abortionists, rapists, drug lords, liars,
prostitutes, atheists, etc. But there is power in the name of Jesus - power
to change, power to heal, power to convict, power to be courageous, power
to stand still and see the salvation of God.

Let us declare war on the kingdom of darkness. The message of Christmas is
the message of hope: that it is possible to move from the kingdom of
darkness to the kingdom of light. The philosophers state that the heart of
the human problem is the problem of the human heart. But the real message
of Christmas is that the heart can change.

There are righteous citizens who have decided that they are going to
sacrifice their lives to save this country. Some are judges, magistrates,
lawyers, police officers, pastors, journalists, teachers, soldiers,
politicians. They have decided to unite to save the country. They are
blessed with the power of God and their first obstacle will be demons in
their professions - their colleagues who worship at the altar of bribe and

Let us declare war on the kingdom of darkness. Those who wish to liberalise
"abortion laws" and then have the audacity to call themselves ASPIRE must
be condemned. Now, if they had chosen the name EXPIRE I would be more
satisfied. You see, we are prepared to drink from the fountain of the "new
morality" which is really the old immorality. With so much blood on our
streets and in our homes, we want the blood of the innocent and unborn to
stain our consciences. No, a thousand times no!

Let us declare war on those teachers who sexually abuse students and then
claim that they are just "being nice and loving." These brutes must be
eliminated from the profession, in addition to those who come to school
"drunk and disorderly".

Let us declare war on parents who do not provide adequate training for
their children and engage in the "scapegoat mentality", blaming everybody
for the woes of their children, when they should blame the "person" in the
mirror. Some parents abandon their children, while they party all day and
night to satisfy their ungodly passions. Time to stop, if we have to save
the children.

You see Christmas is more than a day, it is an attitude. It is about the
control that only the Holy Spirit can provide. It is about liberation from
the power of evil. It is about unconditional love, love for your children
and for the neighbours' children. Love for peace, mercy and justice. There
is so much hatred, revenge and injustice but love, God's love, conquers all.

Have a happy, holy, healthy Christmas.
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