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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: OPED: Maybe We've Got It Wrong
Title:UK: OPED: Maybe We've Got It Wrong
Published On:2004-01-23
Source:Herald, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 23:28:20

If truth is the first casualty of war, then confusion, it seems, is the
first consequence of changing the drug laws. By the end of next week the
law relating to cannabis will be changed as the drug moves from class B to
class C under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

When the home secretary, David Blunkett, announced the change last year,
what he seemed to be saying was that people in the UK would no longer be
arrested for possessing small amounts of cannabis for personal use. By
making cannabis possession for personal use a non-arrestable offence, the
police would, he argued, be able to focus on the two drugs ­ heroin and
cocaine ­ causing the most harm. So far so good, but that unfortunately is
where the clarity ends.

In the period following that announcement, Mr Blunkett accepted the advice
from, among others, senior police officers that losing the power of arrest
in relation to cannabis could be a step too far in changing our drug laws.
The resultant bill that will come into effect at the end of the month
allows the police to retain the power of arrest for smoking cannabis but
expresses the clear expectation that this will only happen in particular
circumstances, such as smoking cannabis in the company of children or in
the presence of a police officer.

Even in its diluted form, this still represents the biggest change in our
drugs laws in the past 20 years. But what will this change mean for
Scotland? One answer to that question is: not very much. The Association of
Chief Police Officers in Scotland has emphasised that it will be business
as usual and that people found in possession of cannabis will still be
subject to arrest.

To some extent, the rather luke-warm reception that reclassification seems
to be receiving in Scotland is as one might expect, given that the
legislative change is being imposed on Scotland from the Westminster
Parliament. It is an entirely open question whether the Scottish Parliament
would have backed this change had it had responsibility for drug-abuse
matters. Setting the politics aside, is reclassification something we
should welcome in Scotland or be alarmed about?

There will undoubtedly be those who applaud this change and regard it as
long overdue. There will be others who predict that any relaxation in the
drug laws will undoubtedly lead to an increase in cannabis use. At the
moment it is impossible to say what the outcome will be, but we are not
going to have to wait very long now to find out. Scotland has one of the
highest levels of cannabis use in Europe, with around 50% of 15-year-olds
having smoked the drug and around 25% smoking the drug on a regular basis.
In the light of those figures, it is arguable whether we should be doing
anything which might further increase the level of cannabis use when what
we should be doing is increasing our efforts at drug prevention.

Concern over the rescheduling of cannabis, however, is not simply a matter
of worrying about the possibility that the overall numbers of cannabis
users may increase. While cannabis is by no means as dangerous a drug as
heroin or cocaine, there is growing evidence that even infrequent users of
the drug face a one in 10 chance of becoming dependent and that this figure
may be as high as one in three for those who are regularly using it. We
also know that cannabis consumption increases the risk of lung and throat

Recent research has shown that in high dosages, and to some extent in low
dosage as well, cannabis can lead to a range of psychotic symptoms,
including confusion, amnesia, delusions, hallucinations, anxiety and
agitation, and that these effects may be particularly pronounced in young
people. Cannabis has also been shown to have a detrimental impact on
adolescents' educational performance and while the effect might be small,
in the case of those young people whose educational performance is already
somewhat marginal, the negative impact of cannabis could be significant.

On this basis, then, even if the overall number of cannabis users remained
stable we could still see a dramatic increase in the number of people
experiencing some of the adverse effects of cannabis use if the frequency
of their use were to increase in the face of the reclassification. In the
light of these kinds of adverse effects, was the home secretary right or
wrong to go ahead with reclassification? My own view is that if any of
these adverse outcomes increases as a result of reclassification, then the
decision to go ahead with moving cannabis from B to C has to look like the
wrong decision. Indeed, there will be those who say that in the face of
even the possibility that any of these adverse outcomes may increase, the
decision on reclassification looks highly regrettable.

It is not simply the reclassification of cannabis, though, which might
cause concern. Mr Blunkett's stated intention of focusing on heroin and
cocaine might also engender a sense of gloom on the part of those working
in the drug prevention field. Why is this? For the simple reason that
hardly anybody starts their drug-using career with heroin or cocaine. What
they start with, even if they don't progress to these harder drugs, is

If one is going to focus attention on heroin and cocaine, then one is in
effect switching attention from the start of people's drug-using career to
the point where their drug use is already well developed. It is in this
sense that the focus on heroin and cocaine may be poorly received by those
working in the field of drug prevention.

Aside from these issues there is the matter of how much police time will be
saved by reclassification. On the face of it one might assume that the
saving could be considerable. However, under the amended laws the police
are still going to have to confiscate the drug when it is found in people's
possession, they are going to have to determine whether the amount of
cannabis involved is indicative of personal use rather than intent to
supply, they are going to have to issue a warning in cases of personal use
and, as with all things to do with the police, they are going to have to
record every element of this process in minute detail.

As a result, the change in classification may save only small amounts of
police time and may even, in some cases, increase the time involved in
processing cannabis possession. Probably the only way of really saving
police time in connection with cannabis would be to make the drug fully
legal, which is plainly not what is being done in Scotland or elsewhere
within the UK.

Finally, there is the issue of those young people who choose not to use
cannabis. Recently, researchers at Glasgow University interviewed children
who had declined the offer of illegal drugs. This research found that some
children were turning down drug offers by referring to the fact that the
substances involved were illegal. While reclassification does not legalise
cannabis in Scotland, it brings legalisation that much closer and in a
small but significant way we may have made the task of turning down those
drug offers that much more difficult.
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