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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MO: DARE Graduation Held Friday In Seymour
Title:US MO: DARE Graduation Held Friday In Seymour
Published On:2004-02-06
Source:Webster County Citizen (MO)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 21:28:39
Certificates From Program

More than 100 family members and friends watched Friday as 78 fifth-grade
students from the Seymour Elementary School were graduated from the Drug
Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program.

D.A.R.E. is taught in Seymour by Sgt. Tammy Atteberry and Deputy Teresa
Alexander of the Webster County Sheriff's Department. Atteberry, who has
taught D.A.R.E. in Seymour for many years, presented graduation
certificates to each of the 78 graduates from the local school.

"I can't explain how proud I am of this group of children," Atteberry said
just prior to the presentation of certificates. "Teresa and I have just had
a blast working with the kids this school year ... and they have done so
well, learning so much and being so eager to learn about the dangers of drugs."

After Alexander began the program with introductions, she turned the podium
over to Atteberry, who announced the eight D.A.R.E. essay winners - two
students from each of the four fifth-grade classes in Seymour.

Essay winners were Logan Bell, Erik Gage, Kolby Helms, Kelsey Hennigh,
Chelsey Huff, Stephanie Ince, Sherri Poyner and Trevor Thieman.

Each student read their essay to the crowd.

Once the essays were read, the floor was turned over to Ronald Oakley, a
former drug offender who went through rehabilitation at the Ozark
Correctional Center near Diggins. Oakley talked about how he ended up in
prison and warned the children about the dangers of drug abuse.

Atteberry presented D.A.R.E. certificates after Oakley spoke.

Earning their D.A.R.E. degrees were:

MRS. DEBBIE KASTNING'S CLASSROOM - Ruchel Baldwin, Logan Bell, Garrett
Bright, Derek Gage, Amber Hirsch, Aubrey Hutson, William Jackson, Ashley
Jessen, Raegan Merchant, Steven Moore, Jordan Parrish, Darleen Pickett,
Sherri Poyner, Kaylee Pruett, Rose Rippee, Patrick Simpson, Dylan Taylor,
Brian Thompson, Morgan Wilkins and Nikki Yates.

MRS. JULIE MINGUS' CLASSROOM - Brett Dile, Shelby Dusenberry, Thomas
Fisher, Karrie Fleek, James Forster, Sam Fox, Kyle Gavin, Dalton Helms,
Taylor Hirsch, Stephanie Ince, Jeffrey Jessen, Kyle Lisenby, Brandon
Mackey, Brooke Rippee, Alishia Russell, Olivia Smith, Trevor Thieman, Cody
Thomas and Dylan Welker.

MRS. DEBBIE ROSS' CLASSROOM - Ashley Albers, Deidra Arthur, Danny Baldwin,
Christopher Clegg, Brandon Crain, Salvador Fonseca, Kolby Helms, Vincent
Hennager, Kelsey Hennigh, J.J. Larsen, Kurtis Lisenby, Joseph Matus, Nikole
McLean, Tyler Overfelt, Kay Reuther, Jericho Shipman, Tommy Smith, Rusty
Terry and Jason Thomas.

MRS. ANDREA ROWE'S CLASSROOM - Jake Boring, Johnnie Carl, Dalton Casady,
Cassie Cron, Erik Gage, Christopher Grabher, Joey Grieco, Jared Hibbard,
Taylor Hodge, Chelsea Huff, Kallie McCowan, Benny McIntosh, Brandon
Terrill, Kyle Thomas, Sharlett Tiburcio, Allie Tripp, Anthony Valenzuela,
Trevor Walton, Josh Young and Jimmy Zimmerman.

At the ceremony, all 78 of the students were wearing their new D.A.R.E.

At the close of the event, the students, teachers and members of the public
were served free hotdogs with all the fixings.
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