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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Web: We Shall Be Released
Title:Canada: Web: We Shall Be Released
Published On:2004-03-26
Source:DrugSense Weekly
Fetched On:2008-01-18 17:32:13

I am released from jail after 72 hours in Saskatoon lock-up and
remand centre.

I used the term 'We Shall be Released' in spirit of the folk gospel
song because this is a harsh place, Saskatchewan, in the grip of an
evil tyranny by the government and policing forces in all
Saskatchewan, and there are many victims here, I am merely the most
known of many victims of vicious marijuana prohibition.

It is a shame and disgrace that Saskatchewan is part of Canada, a
condemnation of Canada, the province of Saskatchewan and the city of
Saskatoon. The police in this province are implicated in many police
scandals involving death, framing accused persons, concocting
evidence, in addition to extremely punitive sentencing.

I was released on an outrageously high bail of $3,500! I am
officially accused of passing two lit joints, thus I am charged with
trafficking, which carries a 7 year maximum. The crown is seeking
SIX MONTHS INCARCERATION on this charge, of passing two joints! I
had in my possession 2.3 grams of pot.

In addition to $3,500 bail (in cash!), I cannot POSSESS MARIJUANA or
HAND OUT MARIJUANA until my VERDICT, up to 3 or 4 months away! Wow!
MY HOME!, MY CAR, at any time by any police officer. If I break
these conditions, I will be remanded in custody until trial in
Saskatoon. Wow!

Further, the crown here wanted a curfew, restrictions on my ability
to travel and lecture and participate in the federal election. The
crown also asked that I not be in any building where marijuana
smoking may be going on. These conditions were rejected by the

In jail and remand, I could not eat any food as it was all garbage
and contained meat, which I cannot and will not eat, so I lost
weight (although I look much trimmer), though, strangely, I was
never hungry.

My ankles are bruised an ugly blue from leg irons being put on them
several times during the ordeal. I was conveyed back & forth each
day in a stuffed, very claustrophobic and nerve wracking police van,
crammed full with 12-14 prisoners.

There are many violent offenders, drug addicts and addicts to
alcohol in the Saskatoon Remand Centre. I was always treated well by
all other inmates, and the police or guards did not discriminate
against me (any different from the systemic abuse all prisoners
endure), but three days, $3,500 bail, searches on my home, person,
car for the next 3 months (without warning), prohibition of any
contact with marijuana, going 3 days without food, ALL FOR LIGHTING

Ironically, a fan, Justin McGowan, sunk me when he testified to
police, in admiration of me, that I passed out two joints, which
brought about the trafficking charge and the avalanche of bad news.
Even then, it is shocking and outrageous.

But then, that's why I headed this thread WE SHALL BE RELEASED
because the suffering of the cannabis culture here is great, and
remedy is desperately needed, and I shall be here often to rally the
marijuana community in this forsaken province. I am full of sorrow
for the people here. They suffer a reign of evil by Bible thumping
prohibitionists and corrupt police and sadistic prosecutors. I am
merely a victim of their obscenities but unlike those here, I garner
attention, unlike so many others here who languish in obscurity, and
no one hears their crying or pain.

Thank you to all who called the detention centres and jail, but the
sad truth is, the system here is cruel and punishments meted out
cavalierly to those that these laws are surely designed to punish.

I read the Bible here intensely, not for redemption, but because I
know now the Bible condemns all this unChristian behaviour. These
people are Philistines who mis-use the Bible as their bedrock to
inflict pain and punishment on the vulnerable, the poor, the young,
the drug addicted, and other marginalized persons.

There are many natives in jail. All the natives I spoke to who were
drug addicted or alcohol addicted had no father growing up, though
they never said this information in any sentiment or cloying way.
They were always surprised when I asked each one about their
childhood, but I have learned from my patients at Iboga Therapy
House that all drug addicts suffer awful and permanently scarring
childhood trauma in their delicate youth, and they spend all their
life struggling with this. The system metes out punishment in a most
bitter, anonymous way, to individuals (though they are hardly
regarded as individual persons) to whom they are never even
responsible for the conditions of their psyche they now endure.

They are not all good people, but surely they will only get worse,
and more desperate, warehoused and disrespected like this. It is a
depressing situation.

A few inmates were very happy to know 'a famous person' and confided
many things to me, and their brief trust made me feel blessed, that
I have love of friends, family, others, and can take comfort in that
while many here languish in despair that I know will be difficult
for them to escape and survive.

I am to come back to Saskatoon next week on Wednesday for my 'set
trial date', and I want to hold a rally at the court house, as I
will do every time I have to come back here. I will redouble my
efforts to motivate activists here and across Canada, as I have seen
the enemy, and it is everywhere in Canada, moreso worse here in
Saskatchewan. There will be no retreats nor lack of will, there is
only honour and greater glory in doing what must be done to correct
this awful situation.

I was delighted to find I enjoyed reading the Bible and studying it,
and I am keen to read all of it and read Chris Bennett's work, 'Sex,
Drugs, Violence & The Bible' and learn more.

I will comment more later, but do not relent in your activism. I am
released, but like you, and all others in the cannabis culture, here
in Canada, the USA and the world, I am not free. We are stripped of
our birthright, to freely enjoy God's intended gifts, and an
abomination is loose amongst us, driving many of us to despair, so
we have this mission before us that will never end.

Thanks for all your thoughts, words, actions on my behalf. I am, as
always in these times when I have been arrested (twenty arrests, 14
jailings, 5 raids now for cannabis), grateful and secure in the
knowledge that people love and care for me, and I am humbled by your
tribute to me.

I remain unbowed, vigorous to the cause, of which I will always put
forth my best efforts on our behalf, and I am enriched by this

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