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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: Editorial: Protecting Kids From Kids
Title:US FL: Editorial: Protecting Kids From Kids
Published On:2004-03-26
Source:Bradenton Herald (FL)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 14:04:08

Sheriff's School Sweep Takes Suspects Into Custody

Manatee County Sheriff's Department launched an operation recently
that targeted students wanted for misdemeanor and felony warrants. It
sent a strong message to our children: Don't ignore the legal system
if you are charged with a crime, or you'll pay the price.

At least 22 students who were pulled out of class March 17 for a
variety of alleged offenses, including lewd and lascivious conduct and
battery on a school official, had ample opportunity to show up for
court appearances. But, for whatever reasons, they chose to turn a
blind eye to the law. The active warrants for their arrests were
served with no visible school disruptions, according to sheriff's
department and school officials, and the juveniles were granted the
rights guaranteed under our legal system.

The cooperative effort between the law and our educational system must
be lauded. The operation was conducted with professionalism and
consideration of the educational environment, according to those who
observed the process. School personnel brought the students to the
administration offices, where sheriff's officials made the arrests and
transferred the students to the Juvenile Assessment Center.

Within hours, most students not considered to be a threat were
released to the custody of their parents or guardians.

More than 40,000 children attend school in Manatee County, so the
arrests represent only a small percentage of those in the system. But
it is important that school-age children understand the importance of
obeying and respecting the law - a lesson that should be clear from
the Manatee County Sheriff's Department sweep.

School Superintendent Roger Dearing and Manatee County Sheriff Charlie
Wells deserve praise for carrying out such a large operation in a
clockwork fashion. And parents should be thankful that local law
enforcement is helping to maintain order and safety in our schools.
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