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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: U S Considers Case Against Aristide
Title:US: U S Considers Case Against Aristide
Published On:2004-04-02
Source:Wall Street Journal (US)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 13:33:51

MIAMI -- U.S. prosecutors are investigating whether Haiti's recently
ousted president received millions of dollars for allowing drug
traffickers to ship cocaine through the chaotic island nation, people
familiar with the matter say.

Although any indictment could be months away, these people say the
investigation has gained momentum since President Jean Bertrand
Aristide left office in February. At least one convicted major cocaine
trafficker has stepped forward to offer details of Mr. Aristide's
purported involvement in the trade. Moreover, last month one of Mr.
Aristide's top security officials, Oriel Jean, was extradited from
Canada to face drug charges in a Miami federal court.

A person familiar with the matter said the government hopes to secure
Mr. Jean's cooperation. Mr. Jean's attorney, David Raben, declined to
comment on any negotiations and said, "We will defend the accusation
very aggressively."

Mr. Aristide's lawyer here, Ira Kurzban, vehemently denied the
allegations as "all lies" and "part of the U.S. government's ongoing
campaign of political assassination."

Change in Political Climate

"This appears to me to be part of the whole anti-Aristide campaign,"
added Rep. Charles Rangel, a New York Democrat and a staunch Aristide
supporter. "It contradicts everything I've heard about Aristide's
cooperation with U.S. drug authorities."

U.S. officials concede they have weighed political factors in the past
in deciding whether to pursue drug-related charges against Mr.
Aristide, a fiery leftist and former Catholic priest. For the past few
years, U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence officials say there have
been reports that at the very least, Mr. Aristide turned a blind eye
as his political movement, Famille Lavalas, profited from Haiti's
growing involvement in the drug trade.

As of late last year, one official says, there was "plenty of
circumstantial evidence but no smoking gun" pointing to Mr. Aristide's
alleged drug ties. Officials in Washington debated the pros and cons
of pursuing an indictment. But while he remained in office, the
officials concluded that an indictment would work against U.S.
interests, since the U.S. would lose all leverage to get Mr.
Aristide's cooperation on issues such as the repatriation of Haitian
refugees. Under international law, it is difficult to indict a sitting
head of state.

Now the political equation has changed, U.S. officials say. Mr.
Aristide has antagonized Washington by insisting he was ousted by a
U.S.-sponsored coup d'etat and then kidnapped. American officials
flatly deny that account, but the accusation has resonated in the
region. Last week, the 15-nation Caribbean Community withheld
recognition from Haiti's new U.S.-backed interim government.

High-ranking U.S. officials now are arguing strongly to clear the
political road for an indictment -- but only if the evidence warrants
it, so as to avoid charges of political manipulation, says a person
involved in the deliberations. "You only get one bite at the apple," a
U.S. law-enforcement agent says.

Agents are intrigued by stacks of rotting $100 bills found in a secret
basement compartment by looters who ransacked Mr. Aristide's mansion.
They believe the cash may be linked to possible drug payments and want
to examine the moldy money, which totaled about $350,000.

To be sure, one big obstacle to any U.S. case is the criminal history
- -- and possible motives -- of the possible witnesses. One who has come
public is Beaudouin Ketant, a convicted Haitian drug trafficker who in
February accused Mr. Aristide during a Miami court hearing of
controlling Haiti's drug trade. Prior to a judge sentencing Mr. Ketant
to 27 years in prison, the defendant compared Mr. Aristide to a hungry
baby. Mr. Aristide "never stops. He keeps on sucking, because if you
don't pay, you die or you have to get out," Mr. Ketant said.

Payments for Landing Strip

For more than a decade, as Mr. Ketant headed an organization that
shipped some 15 tons of cocaine to the U.S., the flamboyant drug
dealer threw lavish parties and hobnobbed with top officials in Mr.
Aristide's government, according to U.S. law-enforcement officials. He
had done the same with the top brass of the military regime that
overthrew Mr. Aristide in 1991 and ran the country until U.S. troops
returned Mr. Aristide to power in 1994, according to Mr. Ketant's
sentencing report.

According to a member of his legal team, Mr. Ketant met Mr. Aristide
in 1998. At the time, Mr. Aristide was preparing to run for the
presidency a second time in 2000. By Mr. Ketant's account, he began
paying Mr. Aristide a monthly cash retainer of $500,000, says the
member of his legal team. Mr. Ketant also claims to have paid hundreds
of thousands of dollars to Mr. Aristide's Famille Lavalas movement,
the president's Aristide Foundation social-work organization, and to
top cops. The money bought Mr. Ketant rights to use a stretch of
National Route 9, a new highway close to Mr. Aristide's mansion, as a
landing strip for drug flights, the member of Mr. Ketant's legal team

Mr. Aristide's lawyer, Mr. Kurzban, says, "President Aristide never
met with drug dealers and never dealt personally with money. He has no
drug money. He has no money, period."
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