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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: Feds Seek to Decrease Illegal Drug Use by Hispanic Youth
Title:US FL: Feds Seek to Decrease Illegal Drug Use by Hispanic Youth
Published On:2004-04-14
Source:Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 12:41:40

MIAMI -- Concern over rising drug use among Hispanic youths has led to a
national media campaign that asks parents to get more involved in the lives
of children at risk of using marijuana and other illegal substances.

Federal drug czar John P. Walters, joined at a news conference Wednesday by
Florida first lady Columba Bush, said the message was targeted at marijuana
use among young Hispanics, specifically eighth-graders, who are facing "the
most crucial time in their lives."

"We know that parents are the most important influence in preventing youth
drug use. These new ads demonstrate effective strategies for raising
drug-free teens," said Walters, who also praised workers at a drug
prevention center in Little Havana.

Anti-drug advocates and law enforcement officials are concerned with the
most recent statistics that show that Hispanic eighth-graders now have the
highest use rates of most illegal drugs, including marijuana, cocaine and
heroin -- above all other racial or ethnic groups.

Also, one in 10 Hispanics ages 12-17 report using illicit drugs in the past
month, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Some
factors that contribute to the rising numbers include a higher poverty rate
and less education, as statistics show that more than two in five Hispanics
who are 25 or older have not graduated from high school.

Walters said it was important to focus on marijuana because of its
accessibility and the growing numbers of youths who are being treated for
problems stemming from its use.

"It's a particularly dangerous time to start," Walters said. "The younger
young people start, the more likely they are to have a tendency to have
longer term problems."

Walters said marijuana has increased in potency in the past decades because
of home growing methods. He also said higher-potency marijuana is being
smuggled from Canada.

"Canada is exporting to us the crack of marijuana, and it is a dangerous
problem," Walters said.

The 30-second Spanish-language television ads will run in major Hispanic
markets, including New York, Florida, Texas, California and other states
bordering Mexico. Walters' office is issuing a bilingual booklet addressing
the issue in Hispanic communities and offers more information on a Web site.

Both commercials have a young eighth-grader speaking directly into the
camera, asking a parent questions such as "Do you know what I did yesterday
after school?", "Do you know where I'll be while you're at work?" and "Do
you know that someone offered me marijuana yesterday?"

The announcer then says, "If you can't answer these questions, your child
could be at risk of using marijuana and other drugs."

Research shows that while Hispanic parents recognize the nation's youth
drug problem, a significant number doesn't believe their children could
begin using drugs. Also, a recent study showed that more than two-thirds of
Hispanic teens see great risk in upsetting their parents -- and more than
half see great risk of losing the respect of family and friends -- if they
smoke marijuana.

"The ads aim to overcome this resistance by reminding parents that most
kids sooner or later are faced with the choice of whether or not to use
drugs," Walters said.

Bush pointed out 2000 Census figures that show Hispanics are the country's
youngest, largest and fastest growing ethnic population, and said reaching
parents of the children is an important first step in preventing future
drug use.

"Reaching Hispanic audiences is not only about communicating in Spanish,
its about communicating culturally with a message," Bush said. "Familia
(family) is a strong force in protecting our children."
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