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News (Media Awareness Project) - US KY: Edu: Debate Explores Highs and Lows of Marijuana
Title:US KY: Edu: Debate Explores Highs and Lows of Marijuana
Published On:2004-04-16
Source:Kentucky Kernel (KY Edu)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 12:24:17

The counterculture met the drug enforcement contingent last night, arguing
both sides of marijuana legalization in a debate, "Heads versus Feds."

Bob Stutman, a retired special agent of the Drug Enforcement Agency, and
Steve Hager, former editor of High Times magazine, spoke and took questions
from 400 students packed in Memorial Hall.

The debate, held by the Student Activities Board, was a stop on an annual
tour of more than 40 colleges for the two men.

Hager, who edited the marijuana-savvy magazine for 15 years, offered five
reasons why marijuana should be legalized: its medicinal values, the money
it costs the prison systems, the corruption brought on by drug money,
hemp's environmental values and its importance to the counter culture.

Stutman, who was the head of New York City's DEA office in the 1980s, said
those were nothing but excuses.

"Most who want it legalized, don't really want it for those five reasons,"
Stutman said. "They want it as a recreational drug of choice."

Marijuana interferes with reason, causes accidents and can cause head and
neck cancer, Stutman said.

The 'head' and the 'fed' countered each other energetically, rousing
frequent applause from the audience.

One of Stutman's arguments was that natural substances aren't necessarily safe.

"If doing it yourself is a good science, then why didn't Jonas Salk try the
polio vaccine on himself?" Stutman asked. "That argument is a bunch of crap."

Hager did argue that smoking marijuana is as dangerous as smoking any
substance. Holding up a Grow magazine cover with a photo of a vaporizer on
it, Hager said marijuana is better consumed in healthier ways.

"Drink it in tea, put it in brownies or use a state of the art vaporizer,
like this," he said.

Hager also argued that tremendous money is wasted criminalizing marijuana
and feeding corruption.

Billions of dollars buy "a lot of dirty cops, people!" Hager said.

The two were vehement about their sides of the issue, but both said that
hasn't diminished their respect for each other.

The men have become best friends since meeting at their first debate three
years ago.

Common interests rise above personal attacks, they said. Both like riding
motorcycles and love talking politics.

Stutman said that it's important to show college students that while two
people may have disagreements and come from two different backgrounds, they
still respect each other.

Both took questions from the audience and students asked about the
criminalization of marijuana compared to alcohol, how hemp would help
struggling Kentucky farmers and the state of the health care system.

Students appreciated the lively debate and said the two sides were well

"I think they (both) were the most qualified," said undeclared freshman
Laura Reynolds. "Steve [Hager] introduced a lot of topics that I'd never
thought about."

"Marijuana smokers shouldn't be treated like criminals," said David Lander,
a public administration sophomore. But Lander said controls should be
placed, like any other enforced law.
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