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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: Valedictory
Title:US CA: Column: Valedictory
Published On:2004-04-28
Source:Anderson Valley Advertiser (CA)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 11:22:13

Some 300 foes of marijuana prohibition attended the NORML Conference
in Washington, D.C. last week. The crowd seemed younger (at least 50
students) and more soulful than in past years, and the mood more
positive, thanks in part to the news from Santa Cruz.

On April 21, U.S. District Court Judge Jeremy Fogel issued an
injunction that will allow the Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana
to cultivate! The ruling stems from a civil suit by WAMM after DEA
agents raided their garden in September 2002. Judge Fogel relied
heavily on the Raich decision -an October 2003 ruling by the U.S. 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals ordering the feds to respect state law when
patients obtain cannabis in ways that don't affect interstate commerce.

Even if the Bush Administration appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court, it
could be eighteen months or longer before a ruling comes down. So the
WAMMers, who now are sexing their foot-high plants on a hillside
clearing in Davenport, can feel confident about harvesting them this

Here's what WAMM organizer Valerie Corral -a new member of the NORML
Board of Directors-had to say in Washington on April 24:

"It's an absolute joy to be here to share this with you. It's an
amazing time in our lives, as you might imagine... [Her husband]
Mike's not here today. He wanted me to send his love and his gratitude
to all of you. He's actually in the garden [applause]... It's really
all of us that have made this happen. Our gratitude to Professor
Gerald Uelmen, who's a remarkable constitutional lawyer, a brilliant
man. And to DPA [the Drug Policy Alliance]. And to Ben Rice and
Bingham McCutchen [lawyers]. And to NORML. To the city and county of
Santa Cruz [for joining the suit as co-plaintiffs]. To MAP [the Media
Awareness Project] and to MPP [the Marijuana Policy Project], who all
have supported and helped us.

"There are so many people who aren't here who might have been here if
they weren't in prison, if they hadn't died. Twenty-three of our
members have died since the raid on Sept. 5, 2002. Last year we had to
grow clandestinely. Hiding just doesn't make your pot as good. One
thing we've come to understand about growing medicine is how important
the involvement of an individual is. The provision of our own
medicine - providing for ourselves!- whether it's making muffins or
making capsules or making tinctures or topical solutions, there are
any number of possibilities... And growing our own medicine. It's that
particular opportunity that we share in creating our own nourishment
and healing. It's so incredible, as many of you know, to partake in

"Pharmaceutical companies see the multi-billion dollar paychecks that
lie ahead for them. We can't let them take away our breakin' it up,
rollin' it up, and lightin' it up. They say it's so bad for us to
smoke. Hell, if they really cared they'd be worried about diesel,
wouldn't they? Wouldn't they be worried about what they've dumped into
our rivers and what we breathe?...

"If four-twenty signifies smoking, maybe four-twenty-one, the day that
we got the injunction to be the first legal growers in the United
States -besides the feds [applause]. So when you hear
four-twenty-one, dig a hole and plant a seed in the ground...

"I think about our history, how far back it goes, and Brownie Mary and
Dennis Peron, that wild, maniacal firecracker, and so many people who
were called criminals. We have to say thank you to the gay movement
because the gay movement was so used to being persecuted, so ready
through their own suffering, so marginalized -and further marginalized
when the AIDS epidemic was called a 'gay' illness, and they were told
'your illness belongs to you because you are gay.'

"So there was an army of people -intelligent, remarkable, courageous
people-ready for the fight. They were mobilized already. And they
brought medical marijuana further. And we brought medical marijuana

"History fades and it creates a future. It doesn't remember our names.
And it's made from a kind of labyrinthine unfolding. It just unfolds
and unfolds and it's confused and convoluted. And it's disparite. It's
not often, really, that the story you hear is the story that was. I
mean, come on, Hollywood, you know? What sells!

"The truth is kind of boring. If you listened to what I've had to say
over the last 12 years [VC was first busted for cultivation in 1992]
or the last 30 years, since I started using marijuana medicinally,
you'd be bored to tears. History really is a million stories that are
never told...

"This moment is going to lend itself to creating freedoms built on
truth instead of the lies and the fear that was perpetrated through
this administration and administrations before it. Democrats have lied
to save themselves instead of standing up and saying no. We need 10
more parties...

"This is our job, our work -to tell the truth and be honest and to
take the risks involved in defending the truth. The liars are angry
and they are defending something that stands on nothing except fear.
This is a moment not only to rejoice in our victory but also to
remember from where it comes and how much liberty has been lost and
sacrificed out of fear...

"You don't need the DEA breathing down your neck to be afraid... We
are afraid, it's human, it protects us. But it allows us to give up on
the truth, or to back away from it. Fear won't help you at the moment
of death, when you need all your courage and all your reliance on truth.

"Sometimes I'm asked to articulate the effects marijuana has on people
who are facing death. I don't remember dying, if I have, but I've had
the great honor of being invited to sit with many friends who are
facing death... Usually I talk to smaller groups so we can talk
together about our own experiences. I call my talk 'Courting Death as
a Lover.' You have to hang around with people who are dying to be able
to say that and to find some humor in it... A lot of my friends are
dead so they can't complain. But the ones that aren't don't, and haven't.

"They've helped me formulate an idea.... of building a space for our
members to die. A lot of WAMM members -77 percent now, it was 87
percent but we've lost quite a few members... A lot of our membership
is terminally ill and need a place to be. An assistant care facility
is $547 a day in Santa Cruz -be put in a home, essentially. We're
building a non-profit to serve our membership. It'll be small, a
boarding house, a place where people can go... and speak to the people
around them about what they want instead of being stuck and poked and
prodded and sheets and noise.

"This is how we feel we can best serve our community of people who are
facing death.

"One of our goals is to have our garden, where we grow our food as
well as marijuana, participate in some of the future studies, but not
[producing] the schwag that the government provides... We keep talking
about more things to do as if we don't have enough things to do. But
we really don't. I mean we're busy all the time, doing work all the
time, thinking and conjuring and imagining and all we really have to
do is do it, and then not hold it so tightly to ourselves, because
really good ideas are never thought in single minds, they're coming
simultaneously and floating all around waiting to be realized... And
we share it with everybody we can and then we give it away, give it
away, give it away.

Whose Drug War Is It, Anyway?

The NORML conference was held in the basement ballroom of a fabulous
Shriner's Temple [art deco meets wannabe muslim] on K Street in
downtown Washington, where homeless people are everywhere and
emergency vehicles were constantly racing by with sirens blaring. The
once-beautiful city has been whupped with an ugly stick. The White
House isn't even white anymore, it's smudged with smog; you'd think
Laura Bush, who Cloroxes her closets (!) would do something about it.
Sharpshooters patrol the roof and green cyclone fencing extends the
perimeter by about 50 yards in all directions. Along the sidestreets
are barricades made of rubble, broken lumber, barbed wire, leaking
sandbags... If the ambience isn't third world, it's two-and-three quarters.

Journalist Eric Schlosser gave the keynote talk on Saturday, April 24
and a written version appeared on the op-ed page of the New York Times
two days later. Schlosser's anti-prohibition arguments were sound,
to-the-point, and clearly expressed, as you'd expect from the author
of "Fast Food Nation." He revealed that he drinks alcohol
recreationally "three or four times a week" and does not smoke
marijuana, although he has in the past. When Schlosser asserted that
marijuana "should not be smoked by young people, schizophrenics,
pregnant women and people with heart conditions," there was no murmur
of surprise or disappointment. NORML draws a polite crowd.

In a question session after his talk, Schlosser was asked to name the
forces driving the war on drugs. He singled out "the religious right"
and "law enforcement." The questioner had asked if "corporate America"
plays a major role, but Schlosser didn't go there. Nobody ever does,
it seems.

To use a cliche, and without meaning to put down my fellow primates,
the pharmaceutical industry is the 800-pound gorilla sitting in the
room -unacknowledged-whenever "drug-policy reform" is discussed. The
corporate drug manufacturers employ more lobbyists than we, the people
employ Congressmen -and pay them more. Their chief political tactician
is Tommy Boggs, son of the late Hale Boggs (the Louisiana Congressman
who, as Speaker of the House in the early 1950s, pushed through
mandatory-minimum sentencing for drug-related offenses). Thomas Hale
Boggs, Jr., who is Cokie Roberts's older brother, heads a lobbying
firm, Patton Boggs, whose most lucrative account is the Pharmaceutical
Research and Manufacturers Association (Merck, Lilly, Pfizer, et al).
The mechanisms by which PhRMA exerts influence and control over the
government are there, in Washington, for the exposing.

p.s. A glance at the Patton Boggs web page turned up this proud claim
of work the firm has done "pro bono" (for free): "We have represented
a group of indigenous Peruvian Indian tribes in negotiating a complex
bio-diversity agreement with several universities and major
pharmaceutical companies as part of a world-wide effort to promote the
development of new pharmaceutical products through the collection and
use of genetic resources with traditional use by indigenous peoples.
This is the only project in which representatives of indigenous
peoples are actually at the negotiating table, and the first in which
indigenous peoples have had the benefit of independent legal advice."

"Independent legal advice," indeed. More like, "Come into my house and
I will give you gingerbread."
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