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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: How Blair Stayed Cool at Spliff Time in Rock Star's Smoke-Filled Room
Title:UK: How Blair Stayed Cool at Spliff Time in Rock Star's Smoke-Filled Room
Published On:2004-05-01
Source:Guardian, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 11:17:49

As great leaders know only too well, it is best to never be seen in
the proximity of an oddly-rolled cigarette. Denials that you ever
inhaled are also compulsory.

So when the sweet smell of marijuana reached the prime ministerial
nostrils at dinner one evening, Tony Blair could have been forgiven
for racing from the room.

But, as the source of the smoke, film director Robert Altman, reveals
in today's Weekend magazine, the relaxed prime minister did no such

Sitting opposite Altman, Mr Blair, who once said the one thing his
father "drummed into" him was "never to take drugs", continued to
enjoy an intimate meal with some of his rock'n'roll idols.

The man Altman referred to as "the London dude" was more lead
guitarist for Ugly Rumours than prime minister while dining at Dave
Stewart's house during his first term as leader.

Another guest at the musician's mansion that night was Jerry

While Cherie Blair left early, Mr Blair stayed behind.

When the after-dinner spliff was lit up, Mr Blair did not partake,
according to the 79-year-old Altman, but appeared to have no
objections, even though it was in the days before cannabis was
downgraded to a class C drug.

"We were sitting there smoking grass," Altman said. "He [Mr Blair] was
sitting across from me, so I thought he was pretty cool."

Mr Altman, who was in Britain at the time to make Gosford Park, said
he was charmed by the prime minister.

But the director of Short Cuts said he was later "disappointed" by Mr
Blair's close relationship with President George Bush.

He mistook the prime minister's "cool" for openness, he said, when it
was in fact a pose.

Mr Blair has always enjoyed mingling with stars of rock and film who
have admitted using drugs.

Few, however, have dared smoke a funny fag in his presence.

While several in his governments, including Mo Mowlam, Yvette Cooper,
and Caroline Flint have publicly admitting smoking cannabis in the
past, Mr Blair has refused to admit he has ever been a consumer.

Asked if Mr Blair had ever smoked cannabis, David Blunkett, the home
secretary, once said: "Goodness me, he played the guitar very well,
but it is not synonymous with having a puff."
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