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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: An Anniversary That Calls For Action
Title:US: Web: An Anniversary That Calls For Action
Published On:2004-06-02
Source:AlterNet (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 08:46:55

One year ago, on June 4, 2003, something remarkable happened in a
California courtroom: A judge who could have sentenced the defendant in
front of him to 40 years in federal prison instead heeded the pleas of the
jurors who had convicted the man, who said that their own verdict was
wrong. The judge let the man walk free, sentenced only to time already
served, and a tragic injustice was averted.

Still, Ed Rosenthal -- who was simply obeying the laws of his state and
trying to help sick people -- left that courthouse a convicted felon.
Congress must make sure that such an injustice never happens again.

Eight states allow seriously ill patients to use medical marijuana legally,
and in a matter of days Vermont will become the ninth. These laws have
given a measure of comfort to tens of thousands of patients battling
cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other horrific illnesses. But the
federal government refuses to accept these laws and continues to wage a
bizarre and cruel war on the sick.

Federal agents have stormed into homes and businesses, arresting sick
people and their caregivers. In one particularly grotesque raid, Drug
Enforcement Administration agents pointed automatic rifles at the head of
Suzanne Pfeil, paralyzed from the after -- effects of polio, demanding that
she stand -- and when she couldn't, they handcuffed her to her bed.

Congress will soon have an opportunity to stop this madness by passing what
is called the Hinchey/Rohrabacher amendment. This measure, to be introduced
by a New York Democrat and a conservative California Republican during
consideration of the Commerce-Justice-State appropriations bill, would
prevent the federal government from interfering with state medical
marijuana laws. It would end the DEA's raids on medical marijuana patients
and caregivers following state law. It would not prevent the DEA from
arresting individuals who are involved in marijuana-related activities
unconnected to medical use.

Last year, 152 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted for this
sensible, humane proposal -- an impressive start, but not nearly good
enough. It will take 66 more votes for the House to pass this amendment.

Those votes shouldn't be hard to come by, since a huge majority of
Americans supports medical marijuana. According to a Time/CNN poll taken in
October 2002, 80 percent of the American people "think adults should be
able to use marijuana legally for medical purposes." The public understands
that it is cruel and pointless to criminalize people battling terrible
illnesses for trying to relieve some of their suffering.

Support for protecting medical marijuana patients continues to grow in
America's public health community. At its 2003 annual meeting, the 2.6
million member American Nurses Association adopted a resolution supporting
medical marijuana, calling for "legislation to remove criminal penalties
including arrest and imprisonment for bona fide patients." Other groups
taking a similar stand in recent months include the American Academy of HIV
Medicine and the Rhode Island Medical Society, as well as the United
Methodist Church.

These groups join an impressive list of organizations supporting legal
access to medical marijuana for seriously ill patients, including the
American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Public Health
Association and the New England Journal of Medicine.

The federal government has been consistently hostile to medical marijuana,
yet a federally funded study concluded that marijuana is an effective
medicine. According to the 1999 National Academy of Sciences' Institute of
Medicine's report, Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base,
"Nausea, appetite loss, pain, and anxiety are all afflictions of wasting,
and all can be mitigated by marijuana."

The experts and the public agree: It makes no sense to subject people
fighting for their lives to arrest and jail just because they and their
doctor find that medical marijuana provides relief when standard medicines
fail. It is time for Congress to stop this madness, now.
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