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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Column: Ayatollah Ashcroft And Associates Accountable
Title:US TX: Column: Ayatollah Ashcroft And Associates Accountable
Published On:2004-06-01
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 08:25:18

The Federal, "Marijuana Tax Act" of 1937 was declared Unconstitutional in
1969 by a Supreme Court ruling in "Timothy Leary Vs. USA". Suddenly
without means to persecute their jihad against the oh-so-dangerous pot
smokers of this earth, the Justice department and the US Congress in 1970
pulled another unconstitutional law from their nether regions: "The
Controlled Substances Act."

Timothy Leary, had been found guilty of sneaking marijuana INTO Mexico, but
was later found innocent by the "Supremes" when they determined the MJ Tax
act was illegal and unconstitutional because it required the 60's "guru of
LSD" to incriminate himself were he to seek a federal tax stamp for his stash.

Preamble to the US Constitution: "We the people of the United States, in
order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare,
and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do
ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

There is nothing, not one aspect of the Controlled Substances Act that
provides for the general welfare of this nation. Rather than ease or
subjugate any problems associated with drug use, sales and importation or
any other aspects of the "illegal" drug trade, the CSA ensures that any
such problems are magnified exponentially.

This author, and as many other plaintiffs as may be gathered will, this
summer, sue the US Justice Dept., John Ashcroft, the Attorney General and
all his minions for their support of terrorist organizations existent
within every nation of planet Earth. Quite obviously, it is the policy of
Ashcroft & friends to provide price supports for terrorist grown, smuggled
and sold drugs through mechanisms of the US "controlled substances act" and
all the laws attendant thereto.

It is their policy to ensure that Osamma, (and kind), garner Billions of
dollars each year from drug sales, that needless overdose deaths occur,
that street gangs have violent encounters over drug territory and that
children retain easy access to substances that can and should be more
properly controlled under a truly regulated market. Veritably, Ashcroft
and crew, the US Congress and all of law enforcement are lackeys of the
drug lords and terrorists of this earth.

Each year, the 5 billion dollar market for illegal drugs is turned into a
500 billion dollar black-market when the 50 billion dollar expenditures of
US federal and state agencies make possible the 100 to one inflation of the
market price of these products, made from weeds.

As a former auditor/accountant, in this time of Bush economics, I found
time to create a snapshot view of the magnitude of the dollars involved:
Each year we spend $50 Billion, enough to fill 7 railroad cars, to the top,
with $100 bills. Over the lifetime of this drug war, we have provided
enough money to drug lords, terrorists and criminals of every stripe to
fill a train, 10.6 miles long, full of hundred dollar bills.

Before the incursion of government into the business of drug prohibition,
heroin sold on the shelf next to aspirin at the same price. Each year in
the US, despite and/or because of our policy of prohibition, aspirin still
kills more people than does the use of heroin. Before our draconian policy
took its toll, less than 1% of Americans had smoked marijuana and yet now
the numbers who have tried pot exceeds 50%. It is our policy, and our
policy alone that ensures the growth of the world's largest
multi-level-marketing organization and huge financial rewards for criminals
of every stripe.

I have contacted every official in my "chain of command"; from AG Ashcroft,
down through the ONDCP, the DEA, the state AG, mayor White, District
Attorney Rosenthal, our new police chief Hurdt and others, to request their
presence on my radio shows to clarify the need for the continuance of this
now 89 year old war on our own people. No positive response has ever been

To acquiesce, to roll-over, to allow the continuance of this abominable
drug war for even one more day is unpatriotic, Un-American and slap in the
face to the founders of our nation. Ben Franklin was a known opium user,
George Washington was quite fond of the cannabis harvest season and Thomas
Jefferson grew thousands of opium poppies at his Monticello home. If they
were alive today, we would be forced to arrest them as drug lords. Surely
their actions speak louder than did their possessions. Should we not all
be afforded the same liberties?
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