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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: City Removes Election Signs Deemed 'Not Political'
Title:CN BC: City Removes Election Signs Deemed 'Not Political'
Published On:2004-06-25
Source:Abbotsford Times (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 06:58:50

Nearing the end of his federal election campaign trail Marijuana Party
candidate Tim Felger is furious that city officials have taken down
his campaign signs and vows to see that Elections Canada conduct a
full investigation.

"They had no right to take down my signs," Felger said.

Abbotsford mayor Mary Reeves, who claims support by legal counsel,
said that Felger's signs were not campaign signs and required city
permits in order to be erected.

"We are removing all signs that are not political. Mr. Felger does not
have sign permits for these," Reeves said.

The signs in question are the ones demanding "Randy White and Mary
Reeves Legalize Marijuana Now."

Both White and Reeves stated they received telephone calls from
concerned citizens wondering why they supported the legalization of
the illicit drug. "These signs only confuse the voters," said Reeves.

According to the stipulations outlined in the Canada Elections Act,
all election advertising including campaign signs must contain the
clause, "authorized by the official agent of the candidate or by the
registered agent of the party."

Both Felger and the Western Canadian Marijuana Party leader, Norman
Siefken, admitted "some" signs did not have the disclaimer on them.

Felger stated that his official agent, Hugo St-Onge did not personally
approve the signs.

"All I have to say is that they were approved by him, he doesn't
actually have to see them," said Felger who went out on June 22 to add
the disclaimer to his signs after he caught word city workers were
taking down his signs.

"I instructed Tim to put the stickers on all signs - he did that
[Tuesday]," Siefken told the Times.

Despite Felger's last-minute effort, St-Onge said he had not
personally authorized any of the signs with Mary Reeves' and Randy
White's name on them. "When he did that he didn't talk to me first. It
was a misunderstanding between me and him," St. Onge said. "But now
it's clear. His signs will be good now."

Felger - citing section 325.1 of the Elections Act, which prohibits
any one from removing or damaging election advertising - said he has
put in a complaint with Elections Canada and will await the results.

"My move now is to find out what the elections commissioner says,"
Felger said.

"I want the city to give me my signs back or I want Elections Canada
to tell the city to give me my signs back."
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