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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Drug Testing at Work 'To Increase'
Title:UK: Drug Testing at Work 'To Increase'
Published On:2004-06-28
Source:Guardian, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 06:46:35

Drug and alcohol testing at work is set to become more widespread despite
inconclusive evidence of its impact on safety and performance, the result
of an independent inquiry showed today.

According to the independent inquiry into drug testing at work (IIDTW),
which has been investigating the issue for the last 18 months, the practice
of testing employees for drugs and alcohol could "increase dramatically and
become a fact of everyday working life".

The IIDTW is urging the government to produce clear and definitive guidance
on drug testing at work, and said that UK employers were in danger of
following in the footsteps of their US counterparts. Between 40% and 50% of
US companies already put their employees through drug tests, meaning some
15 million people are tested each year.

A Mori poll conducted for the inquiry revealed that the vast majority of
employers, some 78%, would consider putting their employees through tests
if they felt that drugs or alcohol were affecting staff productivity.
Almost one third (32%) of employers did not believe that drug testing had
an impact on human rights.

However, independent report said that drug testing could, at most, have
only a "limited impact on safety and performance", and that testing the
general workforce was a "costly and divisive" way of managing employees,
and was an "inappropriate use of managerial power".

The report said that drug testing could be beneficial in sectors where
safety or public trust were an issue, but added that the practice had "no
role in the majority of workplaces, and should never be used simply to
investigate the private lives of staff."

Ruth Evans, who chaired the inquiry, said: "We know that testing is useful
in specific safety critical and sensitive industries, however it is a
quantum leap for employers outside of these sectors to advocate drug
testing of their staff.

"We are in danger of slipping into a situation where employers are taking
on a quasi-policing role with respect to the private lives of their staff."
Ms Evans added that drug misuse was a matter of concern throughout society,
but said that drug testing was "no panacea".

"The reality is that better management practices are a more worthwhile
investment of time and money than drug testing," she said. "This is also
about getting the work-life balance right and understanding that unhealthy
and stressful work environments contribute to the abuse of drugs and alcohol."

The investigation in testing was undertaken by the policy research and
development charity the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Network of European
Foundations, and facilitated by the advisory group DrugScope.

The TUC, which submitted evidence to the inquiry, welcomed the report.
Brendan Barber, TUC general secretary, said: "The increased use of drug
testing at work will boost the profits of companies peddling testing
regimes but will do nothing for the productivity, safety or profitability
of UK companies.

"Drug testing is irrelevant to most employees and companies. The TUC
believes that testing is only appropriate for staff in safety critical
posts and should be part of a comprehensive safety strategy that includes
support for staff who test positive, and the report supports this position."

He urged the government to adopt the report's recommendations by issuing
clear guidance to businesses on practical and legal limits of drug testing
at work, as well as introducing an accreditation system for testing companies.
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