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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Proposed CISD Drug Testing Policy
Title:US TX: Proposed CISD Drug Testing Policy
Published On:2004-07-14
Source:Cameron Herald, The (TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 05:27:38

The proposed drug testing policy as presented to the Cameron ISD
school board at its meeting July 12 is as follows:

The District shall implement a mandatory drug testing program for all
students participating in extracurricular activities in grades 7-12.
For the purposes of this policy, extracurricular activities are any
activities sponsored by the UIL and/or listed in the Administrative
Procedures for the Cameron ISD, Mandatory Drug Testing Program for
Students Participating in Extracurricular Activities. Students
competing for future offices, positions, or team/squad memberships
shall be considered to be students participating in extracurricular
activities. Any other student in grades 7-12 may participate in the
drug testing program if parental consent is provided.

Goals: The goals of the drug testing program are described below:

(1) Encourage students to avoid illegal and life-threatening substance
abuse by holding students who voluntarily participate in
extracurricular activities accountable through a drug testing program
and its consequences.

(2) Prevent the detrimental effects of illegal drug use on the health
and safety of Cameron ISD students.

(3) Ensure that our school community and educational environment are
completely free of illegal drugs.

Process: Students selected for each testing occurrence will be determined
by use of a computerized method that insures randomization. Under no
circumstances may a representative of the District request that a specific
student be selected for testing.

The testing shall be conducted by a laboratory certified for
administering drug testing by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Administration (SAMHSA). Participating students will be divided into
two pools; one pool for students not yet tested and another pool for
students that have been tested at least once. Testing may be conducted
up to 15 times per year. The superintendent or designee will determine
the percentage of students to be tested from each pool. The
superintendent or designee will provide a list of available testing
dates for selection by the contracted service provider.

The testing sample shall be documented through a "chain of custody"
program to ensure the identity and integrity of the sample throughout
the collection, transportation and testing process. A medical review
officer will investigate the use of over-the-counter and prescription
drugs in the validation of a positive test.

Drugs that may be tested for include, but are not limited to: 1)
Alcohol, 2) Amphetamines - methamphetamines, 3) Opiates - morphine and
codeine, 4) Cocaine, 5) Phencyclidine - PCP, 6) Delta 9 -
tetrahydro-cannabioal (marijuana), 7) MDMA (Ecstasy).

Any student who refuses to submit the District's consent form for drug
testing will not be permitted to participate in any District
extracurricular activity. If a student refuses to submit to a drug
test after signing the consent form, the refusal shall constitute a
positive test. The failure to produce a sample or a medical written
explanation from a physician when selected for testing shall
constitute a positive test. Tampering or adulteration of samples will
be considered a positive test.

Privacy and Confidentiality: All aspects of the drug testing program,
including the collection of specimens, will be conducted so as to safeguard
the personal and privacy rights of the student to the maximum degree
possible. The test specimen shall be obtained in a manner designed to
minimize the intrusiveness of the procedure. Testing results shall be kept
confidential and disclosed only to the student, his or her
parent(s)/guardian(s), and school officials designated by the
superintendent. Confidentiality shall be maintained at all levels. Results
shall not be placed in student permanent records.

Results of Tests: All positive results shall be confirmed by a second, more
definitive test before being reported as positive. When there is a
confirmed positive test result, the following steps shall be taken:

1) The student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) will have the
opportunity to provide any information on currently or recently used
prescription or non-prescription drugs or other relevant medical

2) The medical review officer shall determine whether there may be a
legitimate medical explanation for the positive test. In the event the
medical review officer concludes that the positive test is the result
of a legitimate medical cause, the result of the test shall be
reported as negative.

3) The medical review officer shall notify the superintendent's
designee of any confirmed positive results.

4) The superintendent's designee shall notify the student and the
student's parent(s)/guardian(s) of the confirmed positive results of
the test.

Sanctions for Positive Test: No action shall be taken by the school against
a student with a positive test result other than suspension from
participating in extracurricular activities. No school-related privileges
will be withdrawn from students who are not participating in
extracurricular activities, but choose to participate in the District's
drug testing program by parental consent.

The first confirmed positive test will result in the following

1) The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will participate in a
mandatory conference with the campus principal.

2) The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will participate in a
mandatory conference with a district-employed counselor.

3) The student must agree to mandatory testing during the next three
random periods.

4) The student will be suspended from competition and/or public
performances in all extracurricular activity(ies) for six school weeks
from the date that he/she is first informed of the confirmed positive
test results. If a student tests positive within the final six weeks
of the school year, the six-week suspension will continue into the
summer for as many weeks as performances or competitions occur, with
any remainder of the six weeks to continue the following school year.
The six weeks suspension shall not prevent students from competing for
future offices, positions, or team/squad memberships.

The second confirmed positive test will result in the following

1) The student will be suspended from participating in all
extracurricular activities for 12 months from the date that he/she is
first informed of the second confirmed positive test results. Students
will not be allowed to compete for future offices, positions, or
team/squad memberships during the 12-month suspension.

2) The student must successfully complete, at the expense of the
parent(s)/guardian(s), a drug counseling program approved by the
superintendent's designee.

3) The superintendent's designee shall re-admit the student into
extracurricular participation after the student has successfully
completed the one-year suspension and the drug counseling program.

4) If the student is re-admitted, the student must agree to mandatory
testing during the next six random testing periods.

The third confirmed positive test will result in permanent suspension
from all extracurricular participation.

Prior Violations: Confirmed positive test results are cumulative from
grades 7-12. Previous violations regardless of elapsed time/years, shall be
a precursor for determining penalties for subsequent violations.

Appeal: The parent(s)/guardian(s) may appeal for a retest of the original
sample. The laboratory conducting the retest must be certified by the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The
cost of the retest shall be at the expense of the parent(s)/guardian(s).

Parent(s)/guardian(s) may appeal the consequences of a positive test
as outlined in board policy FNG (legal) and FNG (local). Any sanctions
imposed will remain in effect during the appeal.

Nothing in this policy limits or prohibits the application of other
District policy, including the District Student Code of Conduct,
regarding student possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs or
alcohol on school property or at school activities or events.

Administrative Procedure for the Cameron ISD Mandatory Drug Testing
Program for Students Participating in Extracurricular Activitie

Purpose: The purpose of the Cameron ISD mandatory drug testing programs is
to insure the health and safety of our students and to serve as a deterrent
to the use of drugs by those students. It is recognized that drug abuse is
a major health problem in adolescents across this country. By participating
in the drug testing program, the student will be subject to the risk of
detection and its consequences to help offset the ordinary pressures
concerning drug abuse. Implementing this program is intended to send a
message to the students that we do care about them as individuals and what
they do to their bodies. It is clear indication that the Cameron
Independent School District will not tolerate drug abuse in its
extracurricular programs.

This program requires that any student in grades 7-12 desiring to
participate in any District extracurricular program, consent to
mandatory random drug testing as described in this document. This
program also allows any student not participating in extracurricular
activity(ies) to participate in the drug testing program if parental
consent is provided.

List of Extracurricular Activities Requiring Drug Testing:

Students who participate in the following extracurricular
activities/organizations in grades 7-12 will be required to
participate in Cameron ISD's mandatory drug testing program:

All UIL extracurricular activities, including Academic, Music and

Ballet Folkloric

Band - Marching, Concert, Jazz and Stage

Bell Brigade

Business Professionals

Cheerleading - Varsity, Junior Varsity, Ninth Grade, Eighth Grade, Seventh

Christian Club

Class Favorites

Class Officers


Fall Production





FFA/Junior FAA

Flame King/Queen


Homecoming Court

Jr. - Sr. Prom Royalty

National Honor Society


Science Club

Senior Personalities

Student Council


Yoe Babes

Any other school related student organizations not

Process: All students in grades 7-12 who participate in extracurricular
activity(ies) will be subjected to a mandatory random drug testing
throughout the school year and will be required to provide the District
with written consent signed by both the student and a parent/guardian. The
laboratory used by the District will be certified to administer drug
testing by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA). The vendor will determine the students to be tested for each
testing occurrence by use of a computerized method that insures
randomization. Under no circumstances will human interference be allowed to
alter the randomized nature of student selection.

Through the use of urine samples, the drug testing vendor will be able
to detect the presence of drugs taken prior to the test. If a student
has been taking medication, he/she will be given the opportunity to
indicate the type of medication being taken. A "chain of custody"
procedure will be used to monitor the identify and integrity of the
sample throughout the collection, transportation, and testing process.
The drug testing vendor will provide the personnel to conduct the
collection, transportation, and testing as well as randomly selecting
the student participants to be tested.

The percentage of students to be tested will vary between 10-20
percent of the student testing population. Results from the testing
laboratory will be available no later than 4 p.m. on the third day
after samples are collected.


"Confirmation Test": A drug test conducted to substantiate the results
of a prior drug test on the same specimen. The confirmation test must
use an alternative method of equal or greater sensitivity than that
used in the previous drug test.

"Consent": All students desiring to participate in the District's
extracurricular programs will be required to provide the Cameron
Independent School District with written consent signed by both the
student and parent or guardian. If the student or his/her
parent(s)/guardian(s) refuse to provide written consent to be tested,
the student will be denied participation.

"District": The Cameron Independent School District, including an
authorized representative acting on its behalf.

"Drug": 1) Drugs that an individual may not buy, possess, use, sell,
or distribute under either federal or Texas law. Such drugs may
include but are not limited to:


Amphetamines - Methamphetamines

Opiates (morphine-codeine)

Phencyclidine (PCP)

Delta 9 - tetrahydro-cannabinol (marijuana)

MDMA (Ecstasy)

2) All prescription drugs upon reasonable suspicion that they were
obtained without authorization.

3) All prescription and over-the-counter drugs upon reasonable
suspicion that they are being used in an abusive manner.

"Drug Test": A chemical test administered for the purpose of
determining the presence or absence of a drug or metabolite in a
person's urine.

"Medical Review Officer": A Medical Review Officer (MRO) is a licensed
physician who has additional training and certification in the area of
drug testing. Specifically, they have detailed knowledge in how drug
testing is done, how testing is affected by foods and medications, and
the various methods used to adulterate specimens to give a false
negative result. The medical review services of the drug-testing
vendor will be used.

"Prescription or Non-Prescription Medication": A drug prescribed for
use by a duly licensed physician, dentist, or other medical
practitioner licensed to issue prescriptions or a drug that is
authorized pursuant to federal or state law for general distribution
and use without a prescription in the treatment of human diseases,
ailments, or injuries.

"Random Testing": Between 10-20 percent of students involved in the
extracurricular programs will be selected for testing each testing
period. The students selected for each testing occurrence will be
determined by use of computerized method that insures randomization.
Participating students will be divided into two (2) pools; one pool
for students not yet tested (pool "A") and another pool for students
that have been tested at least once (pool "B") The student selection
process will be designed to create the likelihood that all students
are tested at least once each school year. Testing may be conducted up
to fifteen (15) times per year. The superintendent or his designee
will determine the percentage of students to be tested from each pool.
The superintendent or designee will provide a list of available
testing dates for selection by the contracted service provider.

"Specimen": A product of human physiology chemically capable of
revealing presence of drugs in the human body. As referred to in this
procedure, the product will be urine.

"Student Participating in Extracurricular Activities": A student
enrolled in the Cameron Independent School District who is
participating in any extracurricular activity as defined previously in
these procedures. Drug testing is mandatory for all students
participating in extracurricular activity(ies), whether the student is
in the period of participation for his/her activity or in the
off-season of his/her activity. Also, students in grades 7-12
competing for future offices, positions, or team/squad memberships
shall be considered to be students participating in extracurricular

Urinalysis Drug Testing Procedures:

1. The collection of specimens shall be performed under reasonable and
sanitary conditions. Individual dignity and privacy shall be preserved
to the extent practicable. The student will be directed to a private
toilet area with instructions to void into an individually assigned
collection cup. The collection technician will be the same gender as
the student providing the specimen. The collection technician will
remain in the area that provides visual security of the facility but
will not enter the private toilet. Voiding of the specimen will not be
observed by a collection technician under any circumstances.

2. All students chosen to be tested must report immediately to the
test site upon notification. If the student is unable to produce a
urine sample at that time, he/she will be given two (2) hours and
allowed to drink up to forty (40) ounces of liquid. If the student is
again unable to produce a specimen, the parent may, at his or her own
expense, take the student to a physician before the end of the
business day. A written medical explanation from the physician will be
treated as a positive test result.

3. If at any time a student is found to be tampering with or
attempting to adulterate the sample, the student may be required to
provide a new sample. The questionable sample shall be properly
identified as such and sent to the laboratory with the second sample.

4. All samples will be identified with the student's specific
identification number, sealed, and submitted to the District's testing

5. Specimen collection, storage, and transportation to the testing
site will be performed in a manner that will reasonably preclude
specimen contamination, adulteration, or erroneous student-specimen

6. Specimen testing for drugs shall conform to scientifically accepted
analytical methods and procedures and shall be conducted by
laboratories certified for drug testing by the Substance Abuse Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

7. A specimen for a drug test may be taken or collected by any of the
following non-school personnel: a physician, a physician's assistant,
a registered professional nurse, a licensed practical nurse, a nurse
practitioner, or a laboratory technician.

8. In the case of positive test result, the Medical Review Officer
shall contact the superintendent's designee. The student and his/her
parent(s)/guardian(s) will have the opportunity to provide any
information on currently or recently used prescription or
non-prescription drugs or other relevant medical information. The
superintendent's designee will inform the student and the
parent/guardian of the confirmed positive test result. Every attempt
will be made to contact the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s)
within twenty-four hours of notification by the Medical Review
Officer. The student is subject to the specified disciplinary actions
from the date that he/she is first informed of the confirmed positive
test results.

9. Every specimen that produces a confirmed positive test shall be
preserved in a frozen state by the licensed laboratory that conducts
the confirmation test for a period of one (1) year from the time the
results of the confirmed positive test are mailed or otherwise
delivered to the District. During this period, the student who has
provided the specimen shall be permitted by the district to have a
portion of the specimen retested. The cost of the re-test shall be at
the student's expense. The laboratory conducting the re-testing will
be chosen by the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) but must be certified
for drug testing by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA. The laboratory that has performed the test for
the district shall be responsible for the transfer of the portion of
the specimen to be re-tested and for the integrity of the chain of
custody during such transfer. The results of the re-test will be
forwarded to the Medical Review Officer representing Cameron ISD for
evaluation. If a re-test yields a negative test result, the student
will be reinstated to the Cameron ISD extracurricular program after a
confirmation by the Medical Review Officer.

10. A diluted drug test result will be referred to the Medical Review
Officer for clarification. The result may be that the student will be
re-tested at the request of the Medical Review Officer. An adulterated
test sample will be considered as a positive result.

11. Students designated for testing that are absent from school at the
time the specimens are collected will be tested on the next random
testing date. Truancy from school in order to avoid drug testing will
be treated as a positive result.

12. The student's parent(s)/guardian(s) may request and receive from
the district a copy of the test result report.

Confidentiality: Testing results shall be kept confidential and disclosed
only to the student, his or her parent(s)/guardian(s), and school officials
designated by the Superintendent. Confidentiality shall be maintained at
all levels. Results shall not be placed in student permanent records.

Sanctions for Positive Testing: No action shall be taken by the school
against the student with a positive test result other than suspension from
participating in extracurricular activity(ies). No school-related
privileges will be withdrawn from students who are not participating in
extracurricular activity(ies), but choose to participate in the District's
drug testing program by parental consent.

The first confirmed positive test will result in the following

1. The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will participate in a
mandatory conference with the campus principal.

2. The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will participate in a
mandatory conference with a district-employed counselor.

3. The student must agree to mandatory testing during the next three
(3) random periods.

4. The student will be suspended from competition and/or performance
in all extracurricular activity(ies) for six school weeks from the
date that he/she is first informed of the confirmed positive test
results. If a student tests positive within the final six weeks of the
school year, the six-weeks suspension will continue into the summer
for as many weeks as performances or competitions occur, with any
remainder of the six weeks to continue the following school year. The
six weeks suspension shall not prevent students from competing for
future offices, positions, or team/squad memberships.

The second confirmed positive test will result in the following

1. The student will be suspended from participating in all
extracurricular activities for twelve (12) months from the date that
he/she is first informed of the second positive test results. Students
will not be allowed to compete for future offices, positions, or
team/squad memberships during the twelve (12) month suspension.

2. The student must successfully complete, at the expense of the
parent(s)/guardian(s), a drug counseling program approved by the
superintendent's designee.

3. The superintendent's designee shall re-admit the student in
extracurricular participation after the student has successfully
completed the one-year suspension and the drug counseling program.

4. If the student is re-admitted, the student must agree to mandatory
testing during the next six random testing periods.

The third confirmed positive test will result in permanent suspension
from all extracurricular participation.

Confirmed positive test results are cumulative from grades 7-12.
Previous violations, regardless of elapsed time/years, shall be a
precursor for determining penalties for subsequent violations.

The parent(s)/guardian(s) may appeal for a retest of the original
sample. The laboratory conducting the retest must be certified by the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The cost of the retest shall be at the expense of the

Parent(s)/guardian(s) may appeal the consequences of a positive test
as outlined in board policy FNG (legal) and FNG (local). Any sanctions
imposed will remain in effect during the appeal.

Nothing in this policy limits or prohibits the application of other
District policy, including the District Student Code of Conduct,
regarding student possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs or
alcohol on school property or at school activities or events.
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