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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: Weekly News In Review
Title:Web: Weekly News In Review
Published On:2007-07-27
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 01:09:39



Pubdate: Thu, 26 Jul 2007
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2007 Los Angeles Times
Author: Steve Hymon, Times Staff Writer

Agents Hit the Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Shortly After the L.A.
City Council Bars New Facilities for a Year to Write Better Regulations.

The gap between state and federal drug laws became apparent again
Wednesday when federal agents raided 10 local medical marijuana
facilities only minutes after the Los Angeles City Council placed a
moratorium on new facilities so rules could be drafted to better regulate them.

The ban is for one year, but the council can extend it for another year.

The city move was widely applauded by medical marijuana activists who
believe that having a solid set of rules will help prevent future
city crackdowns and ensure that dispensaries remain open.


Drug Enforcement Administration officers served a search warrant on
facilities across Los Angeles County, including the California
Patients Group in Hollywood, said DEA spokeswoman Sarah Pullen. The
timing of the raid was not intended to coincide with the council
vote, she said.

"These are ongoing enforcement operations. As far as we know, we've
been planning this for some time," Pullen said.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n897.a13.html


Pubdate: Fri, 27 Jul 2007
Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Copyright: 2007 Hearst Communications Inc.
Author: Edward Epstein, Chronicle Washington Bureau

Freshmen Dems Blamed in Defeat of Plan to Stop Feds

Washington -- Backers of a proposal that would have blocked federal
authorities from interfering in state-approved medicinal marijuana
programs, stung by a disappointing defeat in the House, are zeroing
in on freshmen Democrats such as Rep. Jerry McNerney of Pleasanton
who opposed the proposal.

The proposal, which advocates have introduced for several years,
would have barred the Drug Enforcement Administration from stopping
the medicinal use of marijuana in the 12 states including California
where voters or the legislature have moved to legalize such pot use.

But the House voted 262-165 to defeat the bipartisan amendment
offered by Reps. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., and Dana Rohrabacher,
R-Huntington Beach (Orange County).

The medicinal pot forces, who cite public opinion polls and votes of
the public in California, among other states, as they lobby
lawmakers, were particularly angry that freshman Democrats, including
McNerney, voted late Wednesday against the proposal, which was an
amendment to the annual Justice Department spending bill.


McNerney, who alone among the Bay Area's all-Democratic House
delegation voted against the measure, tied marijuana use to other
illegal drugs.

"We are facing a drug crisis with meth and other drug use on the
rise. Until we get a handle on the crippling drug use in our society,
I cannot support the relaxation of current drug policy," McNerney
said in a statement.


"Not only does this amendment hurt law enforcement's efforts to
combat drug trafficking, but it sends the wrong message. Marijuana is
the most widely abused drug in the United States," said Rep. Rodney
Frelinghuysen, R-N.J.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n900.a02.html


Pubdate: Fri, 27 Jul 2007
Source: Guardian, The (UK)
Copyright: 2007 Guardian Newspapers Limited
Author: Polly Curtis, health correspondent

Smoking cannabis increases the risk of schizophrenia by at least 40%
according to research which indicates that there are at least 800
people suffering serious psychosis in the UK after smoking the drug.

Mental health groups called on the government last night to issue
fresh health warnings and launch an education campaign to advise
teenagers that even light consumption of the drug could trigger long-
term mental health problems. The findings came after a rush of
ministers declared their cannabis-smoking pasts and an order from the
prime minister for officials to consider whether the drug should be
reclassified amid fears about its more potent "skunk" form. Last
night the Home Office said the research would be considered in that review.

The study, an analysis published in the Lancet medical journal of
previous research into the effects of the drug on tens of thousands
of people, provides the most persuasive evidence to date that smoking
cannabis can cause mental illness years after people have stopped using it.

The overall additional risk to cannabis smokers is small, but
measurable. One in 100 of the general population have a chance of
developing severe schizophrenia; that rises to 1.4 in 100 for people
who have smoked cannabis.

But the risk of developing other psychotic symptoms among people who
smoke large quantities or are already prone to mental illness is
significant, the researchers say.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n900.a05.html


Pubdate: Wed, 25 Jul 2007
Source: San Francisco Bay View, The (CA)
Copyright: 2007 The San Francisco Bay View
Author: Bob Curley

The U.S. Conference of Mayors adopted the resolution during its June
21-26 annual meeting in Los Angeles, calling for a "new bottom line"
in drug policy that "concentrates more fully on reducing the negative
consequences associated with drug abuse, while ensuring that our
policies do not exacerbate these problems or create new social
problems of their own; establishes quantifiable, short- and long-term
objectives for drug policy; saves taxpayers money and holds state and
federal agencies responsible."

Sponsored by Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, the resolution
states that the drug war costs $40 billion annually but has not cut
drug use or demand. It slams the Office of National Drug Control
Policy's (ONDCP) drug-prevention programs specifically, the agency's
national anti-drug media campaign as "costly and ineffective," but
called drug treatment cost-effective and a major contributor to
public safety because it prevents criminal behavior.

"This Conference recognizes that addiction is a chronic medical
illness that is treatable, and drug treatment success rates exceed
those of many cancer therapies," the document states.

The resolution condemns mandatory minimum sentences and incarceration
of drug offenders, particularly minorities, and called for more
control of anti-drug spending and priorities at the local level,
where the impact is most acutely felt.

"U.S. policy should not be measured solely on drug-use levels or
number of people imprisoned, but rather on the amount of drug-related
harm reduced," according to the resolution. The document calls for
more accountability among federal, state and local drug agencies,
with funding tied to performance measures, more treatment funding,
alternatives to incarceration and lifting the federal funding ban for

The resolution, which will be used to guide the U.S. Conference of
Mayors' Washington lobbying on addiction issues, passed with minimal
debate, clearing two committees and the general assembly by unanimous votes.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n901.a02.html


Domestic News- Policy

COMMENT: (5-9)

Perceptions can vary widely in the drug war. A Washington, D.C.
publication that looks inside Beltway politics featured a rather
light cover story on "The Marijuana Lobbyist," as if it's hard to
believe that someone actually does this job. But, another publication
featured a rare story critical of a leading U.S. presidential
candidate who lobbied for a notorious pharmaceutical company in
recent years, even after talking tough about drugs for his whole
career. That notorious pharmaceutical company, by the way, was fined
heavily last week for promoting a legal drug, but no company
representatives will see any jail time.

The last two selections also show how two jailed border patrol agents
are polarizing law enforcement observers across the country. More
members of congress, including those perceived as liberal, like
U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein, are expressing support for the border
patrol agents, who shot a suspect and then tried to cover up the
incident, while some supporters of law and order still insist the law
has to apply to everyone, including law enforcement officers. It's a
shame jailed non-violent drug offenders don't garner so much
attention and serious consideration. Without the drug war,
particularly the war on cannabis, the border agents would not have
found themselves in such an unfortunate situation.


Pubdate: Wed, 18 Jul 2007
Source: Hill, The (US DC)
Copyright: 2007 The Hill
Author: Betsy Rothstein

So this is how he is: The chief lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy
Project has short, clean-cut blond hair, and wears crisp, dark suits
and conservative red-and-blue patterned ties. There is not a hint of
dope pusher about him. He's 28, married with three children, and
possesses a boyish face, easy laugh and driven demeanor. He doesn't
even have a tattoo.

And his office? Downtown Geekville. His desk is neat and tidy.
Volumes of Riddick's Senate Procedure and Deschler-Brown Precedents
of the U.S. House of Representatives are displayed prominently on
it. Like other buttoned-up lobbyists, he dines at locales such as
Bistro Bis, The Monocle and Sonoma.

His only nod to liberal living is that he lives in Takoma Park, Md.,
a hippyish community where people stick anti-war and "Impeach Bush"
cardboard signs in their front lawns.

Last week, Showtime aired "In Pot We Trust," a documentary that
shines light on Washington's marijuana lobby by spending days with
Houston and four chronically ill patients who rely on marijuana but
are tripped up by federal narcotics laws. The youthful lobbyist
walks the halls of the Rayburn House Office Building and has a chance
encounter with the chief opponent of the marijuana lobby, Rep. Mark
Souder ( R-Ind. ), who closes a door on him. Souder insists there is
no such thing as medical marijuana.

Houston also has hugfest encounters with lawmakers who support the
cause, such as Rep. Maurice Hinchey ( D-N.Y. ), Ron Paul ( R-Texas )
and Sam Farr ( D-Calif. ).


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n862/a05.html


Pubdate: Sun, 15 Jul 2007
Source: Newsday (NY)
Copyright: 2007 Newsday Inc.
Author: John Riley

On Oct. 23, 2003, Rudy Giuliani appeared with Rep. Curt Weldon in
suburban Upper Darby, Pa., to announce a new program -- called "Dime
Out a Dealer" -- that was designed to combat the growing scourge of
prescription drug abuse by offering $1,500 rewards to anyone who
turned in a pusher.

"Congressman Weldon's new program helps us go after the real villains
here, the illegal dealer," Giuliani said, praising both Weldon (
R-Pa. ) and Purdue Pharma, the Stamford, Conn., drugmaker that was
underwriting the program, according to a news release. "By doing so,
we ensure that the patients who require these same life-saving and
enhancing medicines are not denied access based upon the illegal
conduct of others."

The appearance was one in a series of efforts Giuliani undertook over
a five-year period after leaving City Hall in 2002 -- from
image-building and security-consulting to behind-the-scenes lawyering
- - -- that helped Purdue grapple with the fallout from widespread
abuse of its blockbuster painkiller, OxyContin, by focusing attention
on street criminals rather than corporate misconduct and lax regulation.

In May, however, the company and three top executives agreed to pay a
$640-million fine and plead guilty to fraudulently marketing the drug
between 1995 and 2001 by minimizing its addictive potential. Federal
prosecutors said scores had died and many more became addicted, and
with Giuliani now running for president, the plea deal he helped
negotiate has drawn new attention from some OxyContin critics who say
he provided a "smoke screen" that deflected attention from the
over-marketing and under-regulation they blame for the crisis.

"The country was being devastated, continues to be devastated, and
his function was to convince the public that there wasn't a problem
with the drug," said Marianne Skolek, a New Jersey nurse whose
daughter Jill died in 2002 of heart failure after she was prescribed
OxyContin for a herniated disc. " ... He is not a hero to the
thousands of parents who have lost kids or whose kids are in rehab
facilities as a result of Purdue peddling this drug."


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n872/a03.html


Pubdate: Sat, 21 Jul 2007
Source: Roanoke Times (VA)
Copyright: 2007 Roanoke Times
Author: Laurence Hammack

The Deal Ordering $634.5 Million Over OxyContin's Marketing Is One Of
The Largest Such Fines

ABINGDON, Va. --A pharmaceutical company and three executives were
fined $634.5 million Friday for the deceptive marketing of OxyContin,
a painkiller that reaped billions for the company and misery for its
victims. Before accepting a plea agreement between federal
prosecutors and Purdue Pharma, Judge James Jones said he was troubled
by the lack of jail sentences for three company officials.

"While this may not be a popular decision, my job is not to make
popular decisions but to follow the law," Jones said.

Earlier in the day, the three Purdue executives sat impassively
through emotional statements by people who blame them for the
overdose deaths of their loved ones. Other speakers recounted their
own near-death experiences with addiction to a potent painkiller
hailed by the company as a miracle drug in the fight against pain.

One woman brandished an urn holding the ashes of her cremated son at
the defendants.

"This is from your drug, OxyContin, and here he is, in this
courtroom," said Lee Nuss of Palm Coast, Fla., whose 18-year-old son,
Randall, died from an overdose. "Here he is, for you all to see."

Friday's sentencing in U.S. District Court in Abingdon ended a
lengthy federal investigation that forced guilty pleas from a company
that has long argued it should not be held responsible for what
happens when its painkiller is abused.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n891/a04.html


Pubdate: Sun, 22 Jul 2007
Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Copyright: 2007 Hearst Communications Inc.
Author: Edward Epstein, Chronicle Washington Bureau

Washington -- Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, normally a target
for criticism from outspoken conservatives, is being hailed as an
unlikely hero by the political right for joining them in calling for
President Bush to free two U.S. border agents convicted of shooting a
suspected drug smuggler.

The case of agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos has become a
cause celebre for conservative talk radio, bloggers and
politicians. The agents were sentenced in October 2006 to 12 and 11
years in prison, respectively, by a federal judge in El Paso, Texas.
Supporters say the initial verdict and the sentences were
unbelievably harsh, an example of overzealous prosecution and of
misplaced government priorities.

The critics of the sentence, many of whom opposed the failed
immigration reform bill that Feinstein backed, also say the incident
shows the U.S.-Mexico border is out of control because of drug
smuggling and illegal immigration.

The two agents admit they shot and wounded unarmed drug smuggling
suspect Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila in the buttocks as he fled from them
after crashing a van loaded with 743 pounds of marijuana. He fled on
foot, they caught him and scuffled. He escaped and refused their
order to stop as he ran toward the Mexican border.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n882/a03.html


Pubdate: Mon, 23 Jul 2007
Source: Austin American-Statesman (TX)
Copyright: 2007 Austin American-Statesman

One of the odder controversies swirling these days is the bitter
criticism being flung at Johnny Sutton, the U.S. attorney for the
Western District of Texas, which is based in San Antonio and includes
Austin. Sutton's shortcoming, it appears, is his strict enforcement
of the law even when the law-breakers are Border Patrol agents.

Sutton, appointed by President Bush, prosecuted the two agents for
shooting at and wounding a fleeing but unarmed drug suspect and then
lying about it in 2005.

However, it wasn't Sutton who convicted them; a West Texas jury did
that after a 2=-week trial laying out all evidence. The agents are
Jose Alonso Compean, who is serving a 12-year prison sentence, and
Ignacio Ramos, who is serving an 11-year sentence.

Among many Americans alarmed about the nation's porous border with
Mexico, Compean and Ramos are seen as martyrs, unjustly prosecuted
and imprisoned by an over-zealous prosecutor while trying to protect
the country from drug runners.

Sutton, though, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington
this week that Compean and Ramos "are not heroes. They deliberately
shot an unarmed man in the back without justification, destroyed
evidence to cover it up and lied about it."

The agents contended that they saw an object in the suspect's hand
that looked like a gun. But they first made that claim a month after
the shooting, Sutton said.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n893/a01.html

Law Enforcement & Prisons

COMMENT: (10-13)

More corruption and more cruel overkill by law enforcement, and yet
the smugglers still find new paths.


Pubdate: Tue, 17 Jul 2007
Source: Daily Advance, The (Elizabeth City, NC)
Copyright: 2007 Cox Newspapers, Inc.
Author: Diana Mazzella

The state probe of an Edenton police detective facing felony criminal
charges was sparked by allegations he planted criminal evidence on
several suspects he arrested, court documents show.

The State Bureau of Investigation's application for a search warrant
also indicates that Michael Aaron Davidson -- charged July 10 with
altering evidence in a criminal investigation -- has been
investigated multiple times during his law enforcement career for
allegations that include missing money, use of excessive force and
planting evidence. The investigations occurred while Davidson was a
police officer with the Kinston Police Department and a deputy with
the Tyrrell County Sheriff's Office, the application states.

Davidson, 32, was arrested and charged last Tuesday before being
released on $1,000 unsecured bond. He is currently on administrative
leave from the Edenton Police Department.

The application, filed with a Superior Court judge July 9, also lists
allegations of misconduct during Davidson's employment in
Edenton. Three years before Davidson was hired by the Edenton Police
Department, he was investigated by the State Bureau of Investigation
while he was an officer in Kinston, according to court documents.

That probe was prompted by Davidson's arrest of Claude O'Neal
Petteway in 2000. According to the search warrant application,
Petteway alleged that Davidson planted evidence on him.

Petteway told investigators that he was beaten by Davidson who took a
crack pipe from his police car and charged Petteway with possessing
drug paraphernalia.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n861/a08.html


Pubdate: Thu, 19 Jul 2007
Source: Detroit News (MI)
Copyright: 2007, The Detroit News
Author: Norman Sinclair, The Detroit News

DETROIT -- A 17-year veteran narcotics officer is suspected of
stealing six kilos, or 13 pounds, of pure cocaine worth at least $2.4
million, authorities said.

Detroit Police Chief Ella Bully-Cummings said Thursday the officer,
whom she didn't identify, signed out the drugs from the department's
evidence room and replaced it last week with imitation cocaine.

The officer has been suspended, she said, and the matter has been
turned over to the FBI for further investigation. Meanwhile, the
department will continue to review whether the officer is suspected
in other illegal activities, she said.

Bully-Cummings would not reveal the officer's specific assignment,
but she did say it wouldn't raise suspicion for him to sign out
actual drugs. Bully-Cummings said the criminal case in which the
cocaine was evidence had ended before they discovered the theft.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n870/a09.html


Pubdate: Wed, 18 Jul 2007
Source: Stranger, The (Seattle, WA)
Copyright: 2007 The Stranger
Author: Dominic Holden

The Washington State Patrol Will Do Almost Anything to Bust a Pot Grower

On July 11, Washington State Patrol troopers found 8-year-old
Chandler Osman in the cab of a truck that had just crushed her
grandfather to death. Larry Maurer, 63, was trying to repair the
vehicle after it broke down coming over Snoqualmie Pass. When he
unhooked the driveline, the tractor rolled over him. How did
troopers console the little girl? By questioning her, raiding her
home, and arresting her parents.

You see, Chandler reportedly admitted that her mother and father,
Rainee and Bruce Osman, grew marijuana--as medicine--in their Kent
home. Washington State Patrol Lt. Jeff Sass says the topic came up
when a female officer asked Chandler questions intended to comfort.
"Her number-one concern was to get the girl home without upsetting
her," Sass told The Stranger. The female officer inquired, "Where
does mommy work?" to which Chandler replied: "Mommy doesn't work.
Daddy doesn't work. Daddy grows medicine for mommy," Sass says.

A routine background search under the parents' names would have
revealed the couple was arrested for growing marijuana in 2005. But
search returns would also have shown no criminal charges were filed
against the couple because they were authorized by their doctor to
cultivate marijuana under Washington's Medical Use of Marijuana Act,
passed in 1998.

Rather than trust records showing that the parents were abiding by
the law, rather than check to make sure their pot paperwork was
valid, rather than get a warrant before entering the home, and rather
than take any humane step to comfort the grieving family, WSP
troopers immediately dispatched several patrol cars to search the
family's apartment.

"An officer pushed [my wife] into the house, flipped her around, and
handcuffed her," explains Bruce Osman. "Then they slammed me against
the wall and told us to shut up, and dragged us out of our house onto
the steps of our apartment." He continues, "They went in and out of
the house several times, and said they were waiting for a search warrant."

The Osmans, who are both disabled from hepatitis C and use marijuana
to curb nausea and wasting syndrome, were not allowed to reenter for
four hours while officers ransacked their apartment, removed the
plants, and seized $2,000. KING-5 TV ran sympathetic footage of the
couple's upturned house the next day.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n870/a10.html


Pubdate: Sun, 22 Jul 2007
Source: Press-Enterprise (Riverside, CA)
Copyright: 2007 The Press-Enterprise Company
Author: Julia Glick, The Press-Enterprise

CALEXICO - U.S. Border Patrol agents in inland California are
catching more and more drugs welded into gas tanks, secreted under
upholstery or stacked brazenly in car trunks and driven across the desert.

The Border Patrol's El Centro Sector, which includes 72 miles of
California's inland stretch of the border and areas north --
including sections of Riverside and San Bernardino counties -- has
seized hundreds of more pounds of cocaine and thousands of more
pounds of marijuana than neighboring sectors have since the current
fiscal year began in October.

Border Patrol and other law enforcement officials say the federal
government's unprecedented buildup of agents along the border, a
greater focus on border enforcement in San Diego and Arizona, and
grisly cartel wars in Mexico may all be driving the sector's
exponential increase in confiscated drugs over the past few years.
The trend may indicate a shift in international drug trafficking
toward the inland region or just a larger dent in the vast amounts of
undetected drugs flowing up from Mexico along inland routes.

"It is clear that your numbers of seizures of at least marijuana and
cocaine are up, way up, but the problem is trying to explain that,"
said Scott Stewart, a senior terrorism and security expert with
Strategic Forecasting. The Texas-based firm, known by the nickname
Stratfor, provides geopolitical analysis to international companies.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n883/a10.html

Cannabis & Hemp

COMMENT: (14-18

As the Los Angeles' City Council votes, the Drug Enforcement Agency
conducts raids. The DEA seldom goes after individual patients, but
in Canada there is growing evidence that law enforcement is looking
for any excuse to bust medicinal marijuana patients.

From the newspaper of Canada's capitol comes a reefer madness
column. "...as many as one in four cannabis users is genetically at
risk for developing schizophrenia or a related psychotic
disorder" The actual risk, according to peer reviewed medical
journal articles, is about 1 in 6,000 users. The studies also make
clear that the psychotic disorders could be pre-existing - the users
self-medicating with marijuana. B.C. Bud and skunk are 25 times
stronger than resin sold a decade ago? Drug War Distortions
http://www.drugwardistortions.org/distortion11.htm states "According
to data from the Potency Monitoring Project, the THC content of
commercial-grade marijuana increased from 1997 to 2000 for
commercial-grade (4.25% to 4.92%) and for sinsemilla (11.62% to
13.20%)" Hmmm. If we multiply 11% by 25 times we have the best bud at
an amazing 275% THC! Oh, the newspaper is the Independent on Sunday,
which has a separate, independent, staff from the weekday
Independent. Margret Kopala seems to have a hard time getting anything right.

On the other hand, the Health Editor for the Independent tells it as it is.

Your commentator and others from the DrugSense Weekly staff watched
Virginia Resner receive the Robert C. Randall Award for Achievement
in the Field of Citizen Action in 2001. She has passed on to a better place.


Pubdate: Thu, 26 Jul 2007
Source: USA Today (US)
Author: William M. Welch, USA TODAY

Threatens to Seize Properties Where Medical Marijuana Sold

LOS ANGELES -- The U.S. Justice Department is unleashing a potent new
weapon in its battle against California's hundreds of medical pot
clinics, threatening landlords with arrest and property seizures for
renting to tenants who flout federal drug laws.

Intensifying its crackdown on pot sales that are legal under
California law but illegal under U.S. law, agents of the Drug
Enforcement Agency executed search warrants Wednesday in raids on 10
marijuana dispensaries across Los Angeles.

As agents were moving in, Los Angeles' City Council voted 11-0 to
tentatively approve a one-year moratorium on more medical marijuana
stores, which have exploded in number in the past two years.

Federal officials estimate there are 400 storefront and office
operations selling medical marijuana in Los Angeles and L.A. County,
up from 20 two years ago and more than double the number at the start
of the year, DEA Special Agent Sarah Pullen said. Law enforcement
officials contend the sales have become a source for recreational pot users.

"It's clearly not about compassion or care at this point," Pullen
said. "It's about money."

The most serious threat to California's voter-approved pot sales came
in a letter last week from the DEA to 150 property owners or managers
informing them that a tenant is operating a marijuana dispensary on
the property in violation of federal law.

The letter warns that California's pot law, approved as Proposition
215 a decade ago, "is not a defense to this crime or to the seizure
of the property." Landlords, the DEA warned, could lose their
buildings and land and face felonies with 20-year prison sentences.


Kris Hermes, spokesman for Americans for Safe Access, a pro-marijuana
lobby, called the warning an "attempt by DEA to intimidate these
operators and force these facilities to close."

His group has not opposed the moratorium, reasoning it could be a
step toward city regulations recognizing legal pot sales. He said the
DEA's timing appeared intended to shut down as many clinics as
possible just as a city moratorium takes effect, preventing stores
from reopening at another location.

L.A. Councilman Dennis Zine, sponsor of the moratorium, wrote DEA
Administrator Karen Tandy on Wednesday protesting the focus on
landlords. He asked "that you abandon this tactic."

"Voters in California and in Los Angeles support the medical use of
cannabis and want safe, well-regulated access," he said.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n898/a08.html


Pubdate: Tue, 24 Jul 2007
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2007 Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Glenn Kauth, Sun Media

An Evansburg man who takes pot for his pain fears he's about to get
sicker after police seized his weed yesterday.

Steve Chorney, 39, has been on painkillers for years, but over time
they've started to damage his liver.

As an alternative, he started smoking pot under Health Canada's
medical-marijuana program, but yesterday's police raid at his farm
means he'll have to go back on his other pain medication.

"If I don't get off these pills, I'm going to die," he said.

The RCMP, meanwhile, says Chorney was growing the plants illegally.

"According to Health Canada, there is no licence in place for this
individual," said Cpl. James House of the Evansburg RCMP.

Chorney, though, said he was in the midst of getting his licence
renewed in order to move his plants outdoors.

After applying to Health Canada in late winter, he was asked last
month for another form.

He admits the licence had expired but said he had advice from Health
Canada officials to keep growing the pot in the meantime and to call
them if he had problems with police.

"I tried showing the paperwork (to police), and they threatened to
arrest me," said Chorney.


Kirk Tousaw, a Vancouver lawyer who acts for medical-marijuana users,
said he knows of cases in which police have waited for pot licences
to expire in order to launch raids.

Tousaw added users are increasingly in limbo as the process to renew
licences gets more complicated.

Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n890/a03.html


Pubdate: Thu, 26 Jul 2007
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2007 The Ottawa Citizen
Author: Margret Kopala, The Ottawa Citizen

Scientific developments have established that as many as one in four
cannabis users is genetically at risk for developing schizophrenia or
a related psychotic disorder.

Given recent statistics from the United Nations citing Canada as the
industrial world's leading consumer of cannabis, this information
should set alarm bells ringing. Instead, Canada's mainstream media
responded as if someone had passed out The Happy Hippy Hymn Book that
no one noticed is 10 years out of date.

"Legalizing pot makes sense," intoned a National Post editorial.
Comparing cannabis with alcohol and tobacco, it asked where's the
"health footprint of our love for the weed?" A Globe and Mail article
titled "The True North Stoned and Free" giggled about Canada's
"little pot habit." Then there were the columnists. Suffice to say,
only one mentioned the word "psychosis" and that, only in passing.


To its credit, Paul Martin's Liberal government quietly withdrew its
marijuana decriminalization bill shortly after publication of my 2005
column. I like to think that someone in that government had finally
managed to do their homework. But did anyone else?

Apparently not, even though the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
featured marijuana and psychosis as the cover story of its summer
2006 issue. Recently, Addiction magazine predicted that a quarter of
new cases of schizophrenia by 2010 will result from cannabis smoking.
In March of this year, the Independent -- a major British newspaper -
- -- retracted and apologized for its stand on decriminalizing
marijuana: "Record numbers of teenagers are requiring drug treatment
as a result of smoking skunk, the highly potent cannabis strain that
is 25 times stronger than resin sold a decade ago."


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n898/a06.html


Pubdate: Sat, 21 Jul 2007
Source: Independent (UK)
Copyright: 2007 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor

In a week in which Gordon Brown signalled a toughening of the law on
cannabis and Labour MPs queued up to confess to smoking dope in their
youth - a dozen cabinet ministers at the last count - there has been
a widespread assumption bandied about that the country is in the grip
of an epidemic of cannabis-induced psychosis.

But there is no evidence that cannabis poses a greater threat to
health today than it did 30 years ago, and reports that stronger
forms of the drug, called skunk, have 25 times the potency are wildly
exaggerated. The joint, symbol of peace and love in the 1960s, has
become a totem of degenerate Britain - increasingly linked with
mental breakdown and axe-wielding maniacs.

The Prime Minister, who has ordered the second review of the
classification of cannabis in two years, is said by insiders to want
to reverse the decision of the former home secretary, David Blunkett,
who downgraded the drug from class B to class C in 2004.

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which examined the issue
18 months ago, will be asked to do so again. It concluded in its
report in December 2005 that the strength of cannabis resin (hash)
had changed little over 30 years and was about 5 per cent
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Skunk, it found was 10 to 15 per cent THC
- - - two to three times as strong, not 25 times.

Professor Leslie Iversen, a pharmacologist at Oxford University, said
the widespread belief that skunk was 20 to 30 times as powerful was
"simply not true".

The biggest change over recent decades has been in the strength of
indoor-cultivated herbal cannabis, but even this has only doubled to
12 to 14 per cent THC. Although exceptionally strong skunk can be
found on the market in Britain, it always has been available,
according to reports from the UN Drug Control Programme.

On the question of psychosis, the advisory council was clear.
Cannabis use may worsen the symptoms of schizophrenia and lead to a
relapse in some patients. But on causation, it said: "The evidence
suggests, at worst, that using cannabis increases the lifetime risk
of developing schizophrenia by 1 per cent."

It added that more than three million people were estimated to have
used cannabis in the previous year, but "very few will ever develop
this distressing and disabling condition".


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n880/a07.html


Pubdate: Thu, 26 Jul 2007
Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Copyright: 2007 Hearst Communications Inc.
Author: Carolyn Jones, Chronicle Staff Writer

Virginia Resner, a longtime advocate for drug policy reform and the
families of imprisoned drug offenders, died July 18 after a lengthy
battle with breast cancer. She was 60.

Ms. Resner was co-author of the book "Shattered Lives: Portraits from
America's Drug War," which won the Robert C. Randall Award for
Achievement in the Field of Citizen Action from the Drug Policy
Foundation in 2001. The book documents how families are affected by
federal drug enforcement policy.

She was also president of Green-Aid, an Oakland medical marijuana
legal defense fund that champions the plight of Ed Rosenthal, a
former High Times columnist who twice has been convicted of violating
federal drug laws for growing medical marijuana.

"She was a very compassionate and very caring person," said
Rosenthal. "Some people get bogged down in the intricacies of issues,
but not Virginia. She had a good strong sense of herself and what she
believed in."

Ms. Resner was born in San Francisco and graduated from Galileo High
School. Her father was Herbert Resner, a prominent labor lawyer who
worked with longshoreman union activist Harry Bridges.

"She was a real red-diaper baby," said Ms. Resner's brother, Hillel
Resner. "A lot of her values and interest in social justice came from
our father."

In the early 1990s, Ms. Resner's boyfriend, Steven Faulkner, was
arrested for drug dealing and sentenced to five years in prison. Even
though Ms. Resner did not know about Faulkner's activities, federal
agents raided her house searching for evidence. She became involved
with a group that helps families of drug offenders and fought against
mandatory drug sentencing minimums.

She also helped gain clemency for Amy Pofahl, a Los Angeles woman who
was sentenced to 24 years in prison for conspiracy in her estranged
husband's ecstasy operation. President Bill Clinton granted Pofahl
clemency in 2000 after she served nine years.

To all her activist endeavors, Ms. Resner brought energy, a strong
sense of purpose and outstanding organizational skills, Rosenthal said.

"Virginia had a very strong commitment to social justice and was very
well loved," said Mikki Norris, Ms. Resner's co-author on "Shattered
Lives." "She had a real solid inner strength and wisdom."

She is survived by her brother.

A memorial service is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday at Temple
Emanu-El, 2 Lake St., San Francisco.

Donations can be sent to Coming Home Hospice of San Francisco,
Green-Aid or Temple Emanu-El.

Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07/n898/a05.html

International News

COMMENT: (19-22)

In Thailand, the Justice Ministry is again looking at the impact of
the deposed Thaksin government's war on drugs, which killed 2,500
drug suspects who were summarily executed by police. Former
attorney-general Khanit na Nakhon was invited to head a special
committee, focusing on "studying in depth the Thaksin Shinawatra
government's anti-drugs policy, in which more than 2,500 suspects
lost their lives." Human rights observers welcomed the announcement,
but doubt much help will come from "police, who were suspected of
having a hand in most of the killings."

Methamphetamines is increasingly linked with HIV, according to a
study presented to the International AIDS Society (IAS) conference in
Sydney last week. "The effect of methamphetamine on behaviour is
disastrous for the gay population," said Professor David Cooper,
director of the National Centre for HIV Epidemiology and Clinical
Research in Australia. "And I fear that young straight Australians
experimenting are also more at risk."

Police in Ottawa, Canada said this week that "drug use" is their
biggest problem, as arrests for cocaine soar. Recorded criminal
offenses in Ottawa rose across the board last year, but "violent
crime dropped seven per cent". Ottawa police had earlier claimed
that "criminal activity" was increasing in Ottawa. Others noted that
the price of cocaine has fallen, and "because it's so cheap, people
who didn't used to use are using." Ottawa city council was criticized
last month after voting to stop a sterile crack pipe distribution
program which was praised for helping stop the spread of Hep C and HIV.

And we leave you with a remarkably lucid article from the New
Statesman in the UK. "Prohibition Has Failed, Just As It Did With
Alcohol." While there were but 10,000 "problematic drug users" in the
UK in 1971, now there are 300,000, which makes the Misuse of Drugs
Act of 1971 "one of the least effective pieces of legislation ever
enacted." Summarizing a report by the Royal Society of Arts released
last March, "The authors would deny it, but the logic of these
reports is that cannabis, cocaine, Ecstasy, heroin and the rest
should be legalised." Drug "prohibition has failed, just as
prohibition of alcohol once failed in America... Many - perhaps most
- - users handle drugs without significant harm to themselves or others."


Pubdate: Mon, 23 Jul 2007
Source: Bangkok Post (Thailand)
Copyright: The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd. 2007
Author: Anucha Charoenpo

The Justice Ministry is setting up a special committee to study the
Thaksin government's war on drugs and its impact on innocent victims,
so that proper financial help can be extended to them and their families.

Deputy justice permanent secretary Charnchao Chaiyanukij said the
secretary-general of the Office of the Prime Minister sent a letter
to the ministry last week instructing it to set up the committee.

Mr Charnchao said the ministry had invited former attorney-general
Khanit na Nakhon to chair the panel.


Working guidelines have already been drawn up for the committee. The
panel will focus on studying in depth the Thaksin Shinawatra
government's anti-drugs policy, in which more than 2,500 suspects
lost their lives.


Angkhana Neelaphaijit, chairwoman of the Working Group on Justice for
Peace, said she welcomed the government's latest move.

However she was sceptical about whether the inquiry would receive any
cooperation from law enforcement agencies, particularly police, who
were suspected of having a hand in most of the killings.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n887.a12.html


Pubdate: Tue, 24 Jul 2007
Source: Herald Sun (Australia)
Copyright: 2007 Herald and Weekly Times
Author: Tamara McLean


A U.S. survey of young men newly-diagnosed with HIV shows that an
increasing number are using methamphetamines like the dangerous
stimulant ice, the International AIDS Society (IAS) conference in
Sydney has been told.

Between 2000 and 2005, the number of HIV-positive American men under
30 who also took club drugs rose from 1.7 to five per cent.

The study is one of the first in the world to strongly link
methamphetamines and HIV infection - a trend that leading Australian
HIV researcher Professor David Cooper believes could be fuelling the
resurgence of the virus here.

Australia's infection rates have almost doubled in the last seven
years and new figures also show an increasing number - now one in
eight young Australians - have had speed or the more potent ice in
the past year.


Lead researcher Dr Christopher Hurt said while it could not confirm
that club drugs directly caused the infection, there were definite
increasing trends over time that couldn't be overlooked.


Dr Hurt said previous studies had already shown that gay
methamphetamine users were more at risk of HIV infection.


Prof Cooper, co-convener of the conference and director of the
National Centre for HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, said the
trend was alarming.

"The effect of methamphetamine on behaviour is disastrous for the gay
population," he said. "And I fear that young straight Australians
experimenting are also more at risk."

Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n890.a04.html


Pubdate: Wed, 25 Jul 2007
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2007 The Ottawa Citizen
Authors: Andrew Seymour, and Jake Rupert

Charges For Possession, Trafficking, Importing Up 57%

The number of drug charges Ottawa police laid for the possession,
trafficking and importation of cocaine jumped 57 per cent last year.


While the dramatic increases could partially be attributed to
increased enforcement and attention by police, Chief Vernon White
said the statistics are an indication that the use of crack cocaine
is on the rise in Ottawa.

"It tells me that the concerns about drug use downtown are absolutely
right. That is probably our biggest challenge right now," said Chief White.

It is the third year in a row the number of charges laid in relation
to cocaine under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act have risen.
That number has more than doubled since 2004.


The police statistics also showed a 28-per-cent increase in the
number of charges in relation to marijuana, and a 78-per-cent
increase in relation to a broad category labelled "other drugs."
Overall, drug charges were up 40 per cent last year.

Wendy Muckle, executive director of Ottawa Inner City Health, said
there's been a marked increase in the number of people using crack in
the city over the last couple of years.


"It's a volume business now," Ms. Muckle said. "They sell smaller
amounts for less and because it's so cheap, people who didn't used to
use are using."


Overall, the number of Criminal Code offences rose slightly in Ottawa
last year, although violent crime dropped seven per cent.


Meanwhile, a group of social support and health organizations will
hold a meeting tomorrow night to discuss their next moves after city
council voted two weeks ago to kill the crack-pipe program.

The program saw the city making clean crack pipes available on demand
through the organizations, with the goal of reducing the spread of
HIV and hepatitis C among users. The organizations supported the
program because they believe, along with the city's chief medical
officer of health and an epidemiologist who studied the program, that
it was reducing the spread of disease.

Officials from the organizations have roundly criticized council for
the decision to kill the program, and have called on the provincial
government to strip council of its responsibilities as a board of
public health.

Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n894.a11.html


Pubdate: Thu, 26 Jul 2007
Source: New Statesman (UK)
Copyright: 2007 New Statesman
Author: Peter Wilby

Prohibition Has Failed, Just As It Did With Alcohol

Almost anybody who takes a sustained, unprejudiced look at the
current drugs laws eventually reaches the conclusion that they are
hopelessly unfit for purpose.

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 must be one of the least effective
pieces of legislation ever enacted.

At that time, there were perhaps 10,000 problematic drug users in the
UK; now there are nearly 300,000.

The Downing Street Strategy Unit concluded that "government
interventions against the drugs business are a cost of business
rather than a substantive threat to the industry's viability".


In March, a Royal Society of Arts commission - which included a
recovering addict, a senior police officer, a drug treatment
specialist and a Telegraph journalist - decided that "drugs policy
should, like our policy on alcohol and tobacco, seek to regulate use
and prevent harm rather than to prohibit use altogether". The
authors would deny it, but the logic of these reports is that
cannabis, cocaine, Ecstasy, heroin and the rest should be legalised.

The harm the various drugs do is irrelevant. Their prohibition has
failed, just as prohibition of alcohol once failed in America. Calls
for politicians to "get tough" are, as the RSA observes,
"meretricious, vapid and out of date".


Stronger types of cannabis are now on sale, we are told, and research
shows a link with schizophrenia.

This is like saying Chablis should be banned because cognac is much
stronger and because some people become alcoholics, with dire effects
on themselves, their families and society.


If we are trying to send "messages" to young people about the dangers
of drugs, as press and politicians claim, we do it in a pretty
confusing way. Many who try one class A drug without ill effects may
well conclude they can all be taken freely.


Many - perhaps most - users handle drugs without significant harm to
themselves or others.


Continues: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v07.n898.a03.html
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