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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Column: Declaration of Evident Truth
Title:US TX: Column: Declaration of Evident Truth
Published On:2004-09-01
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 01:19:19

This third millennium offers a fresh perspective on life, the future,
liberty and truth.

On this day, I pledge to uphold all valid and reasonable laws of the United
States government, the individual States thereof and all laws of the city
and county where I may live; except for those laws which have been shown by
modern science, logic and understanding to be unfounded, based on lies and
which were designed to vilify and persecute a segment of our society for
the benefit of another, prohibitionist segment. This prohibition now
extends to the use of certain drugs. These prohibitions specifically deny
the use of the cannabis plant, for which I now make an exception to my
allegiance to these aforementioned laws.

Modern science and common sense have shown that the laws against cannabis
use are based not on fact but rather are quite simply tools of oppression.
The oppression is becoming more obvious as each day passes. Governments of
Mexico, Central and South America, Canada, Switzerland, Holland, Germany,
Italy, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand and other countries have seen the
folly that is a result of the failed U.S. policy on cannabis that now
approaches a century of abuse. Many of these countries have changed or are
changing their laws in regard to cannabis possession; only their fear of
losing U.S. preferential treatment or the breaking of international
treaties forced on them by the U.S. government prevents the complete
reversal of their cannabis laws.

For some, the use of cannabis can be a moment of enlightenment, an epiphany
or a moment of communion with their creator. It is a fundamental right of
each U.S. citizen to be allowed this moment of peace and serenity without
the threat of government interference. It is therefore necessary this day
that I deny the government authority that would prevent use of a sacrament,
the cannabis plant.

For many, the use of cannabis is necessary for life, pain prevention or
maintenance of other disabilities. Knowing that the real truth about
cannabis is aligned with benefit and relief rather than the supposed
government truth that speaks of death and destruction; I must again deny
the government authority that would prevent the use of cannabis for relief
of pain or for other medical reasons.

For all people, certainly for U.S. citizens, there are certain inalienable
rights and among them is the pursuit of happiness. Again, because the
government laws against cannabis have minimal basis in reality and because
they are designed to prevent access to a certain level of contentment that
may at times be available through the use of cannabis, I must once again
deny my allegiance to the government authority that would unduly prevent
the pursuit of a level of happiness as guaranteed in the Declaration of

Because the government has made no use of accurate, modern data about
cannabis and has thus far failed in any reasonable effort to ameliorate
this situation, I can make available to their agents more than 10,000 pages
of professional documentation prepared by scientists, doctors, governmental
bodies and other researchers from around the world that fully support each
word of my aforementioned denial of government authority. I am prepared to
show the courts and any inquisitive governmental agency how each of these
documents and these truths I speak of relate to my life and to the lives of
every American citizen.

As of this date, I pledge to support a drug policy that is based on fact
and not based on outdated government fiction. I pledge to support a harm
reduction policy in regards to drug use. Among those policies I will
support is the treatment of severe drug addiction as a health issue and not
one of the criminal justice system. Further, I pledge to work towards an
education policy that provides factual, truthful information about drugs to
all children. Insofar as cannabis is concerned, I am 100% certain that the
laws of man are wrong, bigoted and a violation of civil rights.

I submit my protest against government injustice in regards to overall drug
policy, especially the incarceration of non-violent drug offenders.
Further, I completely repudiate man's laws concerning cannabis. Still
further, I state that my belief and actions henceforth in regards to use of
the cannabis plant will follow only the laws of God, common sense, truth
and reality.

Please visit DrugTruth.Net. To learn more about what you can do to end the
war on cannabis consumers, please listen to KPFT radio 90.1 FM in Houston
and online at kpft.org.
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