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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: OPED: Dennis Hastert on Dope
Title:US: Web: OPED: Dennis Hastert on Dope
Published On:2004-09-01
Source:Slate (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 01:06:27

Two Heartbeats From the Presidency, an Absolute Nut Job.

We live in dangerous times-more dangerous
than you might imagine. Terrorists have marked the president of the
United States for death. Heart disease has similar designs on the
vice president, who's already had four heart attacks and goes into
the hospital for angioplasty as frequently as some people take their
cars to Jiffy Lube for oil changes. If that isn't enough danger for
you, here's more: If both Bush and Cheney were to suddenly drop dead,
the law would transfer the presidential powers to a man who proved
himself an absolute nut job on the Aug. 29 edition of Fox News
Sunday: Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

Hastert used the Fox appearance to blurt out a bizarre and baseless
accusation about billionaire George Soros, a Democratic Party
financier and donor to anti-Bush 527s. We enter the Fox News Sunday
interview transcript just after host Chris Wallace introduces the
subject of 527s, such as MoveOn.org and the Swift Boat Veterans for
Truth. Hastert starts complaining about the power flexed by
non-political party groups:

HASTERT: Here in this campaign, quote, unquote, "reform," you take
party power away from the party, you take the philosophical ideas away
from the party, and give them to these independent groups.

You know, I don't know where George Soros gets his money. I don't know
where-if it comes overseas or from drug groups or where it comes from.
And I-

WALLACE (interrupting): Excuse me?

HASTERT: Well, that's what he's been for a number years-George Soros
has been for legalizing drugs in this country. So, I mean, he's got a
lot of ancillary interests out there.

WALLACE: You think he may be getting money from the drug

HASTERT: I'm saying I don't know where groups-could be people who
support this type of thing. I'm saying we don't know. The fact is we
don't know where this money comes from.

Before, transparency-and what we're talking about in transparency in
election reform is you know where the money comes from. You get a $25
check or a $2,500 check or $25,000 check, put it up on the Internet.
You know where it comes from, and there it is.

(Emphasis added.)

I didn't see the program, but reading the transcript, it's easy to
visualize Chris Wallace vaulting forward from whiplash as he says,
"Excuse me?" and then asks, "You think [Soros] may be getting money
from the drug cartel?" Had Wallace had the presence of mind, he might
have challenged Hastert about the "mysterious" source of Soros' money.
Soros runs the Quantum Fund hedge fund and earned a reported $1
billion in 1992 betting against the British pound. According to the
Christian Science Monitor, he's dropped $5 billion of his fortune on
his various "open society" programs around the world. He's given $12.6
million to the anti-Bush 527s, chump change relative to the size of
his fortune. In addition, Soros has been a very public advocate and
funder of drug-law legalization and liberalization campaigns.

Soros denies the charge that he is in the pay of drug cartels in this
Aug. 31 letter he sent to Speaker Hastert, demanding an apology. Soros
spokesman Michael Vachon says there's been a "concerted effort to
smear George Soros since he became an administration critic" and calls
the Hastert comments the "usual conservative message-machine M.O.:
Throw something out there and see if it sticks."

Hastert states in a Sept. 1 letter to Soros that he never referred to
drug cartels on Fox News Sunday, that Chris Wallace did. The "drug
groups" Hastert claims to have had in mind were the "Drug Policy
Foundation, The Open Society, The Lendesmith [sic] Center, the Andean
Council of Coca Leaf Producers, and several ballot initiatives across
the country to decriminalize illegal drug use." On this score,
Hastert's letter is completely disingenuous. These groups are
beneficiaries of Soros wealth: He's given them money. In the program
transcript, Hastert is clearly asking about the source of Soros' money
for his political and social campaigns, and then he asks the leading
question, is it from "overseas or from drug groups"?

Where did Hastert get the notion that Soros might be getting money
from drug cartels? A good guess would be the organization headed by
political fantasist, convicted felon, and perpetual presidential
candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. This campaign literature from the
"LaRouche in 2004" Web site, dated Oct. 29, 2003, makes the drug
charge directly:

Years of investigation by LaRouche's associates have answered that
question in grisly detail: Soros's money comes from impoverishment of
the poor countries against whose currencies he speculates, and from
deadly mind-destroying, terrorism-funding drugs.

(Emphasis in the original.)

The LaRouchie slander of Soros dates back to the early '90s. Michael
Lewis recorded an anti-Soros protest by LaRouche followers in a Jan.
10, 1994, profile in the New Republic. Since then, the drug charge has
been a LaRouche literature mainstay. See, for example, this cached
copy of a 2002 interview with LaRouche from his organization's
Executive Intelligence Review.

Hastert may have also brushed up against the idea in a 1997 House
hearing about needle exchanges that he chaired. David Jordan, the
former U.S. ambassador to Peru, testified that Soros has backed drug
legalization initiatives and owns a piece of a bank in Colombia.
Connecting the imaginary dots, Jordan says, "And I think it would be
very interesting for you to look to see and bring sometime [sic] who
benefits from the legalization of narcotics."

Of course, if there were a shred of truth to the charge that Soros is
mobbed up with the drug cartels, Hastert would contact the Drug
Enforcement Administration or at the very least hold Hill hearings
instead of broadly hinting about it on Fox News Sunday. Whatever the
reason behind his eruption, Hastert has answered the question of who
is screwy enough to run on this year's LaRouche ticket.
"LaRouche-Hastert in 2004," anyone?
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