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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: LTE: More Than Anger Needed
Title:CN BC: LTE: More Than Anger Needed
Published On:2007-07-30
Source:Queen Charlotte Observer (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 00:51:10

Editor, Sir;

I have been thinking a lot about our beautiful island Haida Gwaii,
and the recent picture scandal. Thinking about it and hearing about
it everywhere. As to our island is such a tight knit community that
news travels fast. Most of the time the story isn't always right. A
lot of people like to stretch the truth. To try to get over the wrong
that has been done. It is always easy to point a finger and say that
you did this, but own up to it. Yeah, what was done was wrong, but
you know what...I think that it isn't just the photographer's
fault...Maybe we should be pointing a finger at the people that are
giving Haidas a bad name. Maybe they shouldn't be out partying every
weekend, all night long, snorting coke.

Be mad all you want. That's not going to help anything? Our community
has been dealing with a drug problem for years. It's about time that
it's been exposed like it has. What is it saying to my generation? I
look around in shame, I look and see my former classmates, and
childhood friends, all into partying, some even getting messed up on
Ecstasy. Dropping out of school, thinking that all they have to do is
sell drugs, and they'll be balling in life. I wonder where they
learned it from? Yeah, we can all deny it and say, 'oh they learned
it from television, and the entertainment industry.' The thing is
Television, and the entertainment industry, they warn us what the
consequences are of drinking, and doing drugs. I've seen a lot of b.s
in this community. What really gets me going is that our community
has made these signs that are posted all over. 'DO YOU KNOW WHO'S

Well everyone knows who it is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to
know. Why are these signs up? I don't know, but it really makes me
mad. Don't put the signs up unless you really care. I'm sure there
are a lot of people that care and want to bring these drug dealers to
justice. It's just that something should be done...Myself am a
teenage girl, would try to do something about it, but who actually
cares what a girl entering adulthood has to say about these minor
problems we have. I've known lots of adults who couldn't do anything
about these situations. No one wants to listen, they just want to
misrepresent our island. Making tourists believe we have it all. What
a joke? Embarrassed of the recent pictures that have been put on the
internet for the world to see?

You can make him take it down, and delete them, but were still going
to have this problem with partying and drugs. If you want our Haida
nation to survive, then please resolve this matter in a way that can
actually make a change. Get rid of those who sell drugs. Don't
protect them, they may be relatives of yours, but just think to the
future. Is this the right way to go?

No, drugs are killing our people. It's making my generation drop out
of high school. So if we want success in life, we got to bring it to
ourselves. We need to get rid of the drugs and the alcohol. Yeah,
it's fun to drink every now and then but every weekend? It's not
necessary. So if you're my age? Go back to school, do something with your life.

Me, myself, I am working for success to show the world we aren't all
drunks, and addicted to drugs. DRUGS+ALCAHOLuILURE, but

The greatest thing in life. Success! I recently figured out what I
want to be, a Medical Lawyer. Many people may not believe in me, but
I'm going to do it. It will take a while for me to do it. In the end
I'm going to be ballin'!

Anyways I'm done with my ranting and raving.

Sarah McCanna

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