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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NV: Backers Not Named for Ballot Efforts
Title:US NV: Backers Not Named for Ballot Efforts
Published On:2004-09-02
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 01:05:37
Ties to Trial Lawyers:


Report Made on Insurance Rate Rollback, Frivolous Lawsuit

CARSON CITY -- A group with ties to the Nevada Trial Lawyers
Association does not have to reveal the individuals who contributed to
its campaign to put two questions on the November ballot, one of its
leaders said Wednesday.

The group Yes on Questions 4 and 5 reported to the secretary of state
that it received no cash contributions, but spent $326,000 in
qualifying its petitions for the Nov. 2 ballot. Questions 4 and 5 are
the so-called insurance rate rollback and frivolous lawsuit measures
favored by trial lawyers.

Instead of money, the group reported the nonprofit organization People
for a Better Nevada paid all of its bills, including $276,000 to the
Southwest Group for collecting signatures on petitions.

Gail Tuzzolo, the secretary to Yes on Questions 4 and 5 and a
consultant to People for a Better Nevada, said the source of money to
nonprofit organizations does not have to be disclosed.

"It doesn't have to be reported," she said. "If I did something wrong,
I will fix it, but it has been done this way in the past."

The Nevada Trial Lawyers Association called on its members in March to
make contributions to the insurance rate rollback petition.

Besides calling for a 20 percent cut in insurance rates, the ballot
question would nullify moves by the Keep Our Doctors in Nevada
organization to place a $350,000 limit on the amount of pain and
suffering damages patients can collect in medical malpractice cases.

Although the other ballot question calls for outlawing frivolous
lawsuits, it also would prevent limits being placed on what lawyers
can earn for representing their clients.

"Considering what the opposition is going to spend against us, our
little amount of money is not going to concern anybody," Tuzzolo said.
"Nobody is trying to hide anything. The insurance companies and
medical association are doing it the same way."

But state Sen. Sandra Tiffany, who worked on the Keep Our Doctors in
Nevada petition, said the failure to identify the source of
contributions "is another dirty trick by lawyers."

"Nobody ever said that attorneys are dumb," added Tiffany,
R-Henderson. "They are very clever people. They were clever when they
created disingenuous petitions and clever in finding a way to hide
their contributions."

Tiffany said Keep Our Doctors in Nevada identified its contributors in
a 2002 petition drive to limit medical malpractice payoffs to
$350,000. That question also appears on November ballots.

Las Vegas political consultant Jim Denton, spokesman for a group that
opposes questions 4 and 5, said the trial lawyers consistently have
tried to hide their involvement in the petition effort. He said Yes on
Questions 4 and 5 this week purchased $1 million in TV advertising
time for its fall campaign.

"People have a right to know who is paying for campaigns," he added.
"If there is a loophole in the law, it should be changed."

Ronda Moore, deputy secretary of state for elections, said Nevada law
does not exempt nonprofit organizations from reporting contributions.
State law requires the identification of the source of all
contributions of more than $100.

Moore said anyone who feels the Yes on Questions 4 and 5 violated the
law can file a complaint with the secretary of state's office.

"They should write me a letter and I will correct it," Tuzzolo said of
state officials. "But I don't think I did anything wrong."

Tuzzolo pointed out that two years ago the group seeking to legalize
marijuana in Nevada reported its contributions came from the Marijuana
Policy Project of Washington, D.C. The Marijuana Policy Project was
not required to identify its contributors.

Tuzzolo on Monday registered Yes on Questions 4 and 5 as a political
action committee and ballot advocacy group with the secretary of
state. Previously People for a Better Nevada had been spearheading the
petition effort.

Las Vegas lawyer Beverly Salhanick is listed as the resident agent for
both People for a Better Nevada and Yes on Questions 4 and 5. She also
is treasurer of the Nevada Trial Lawyers Association.

In a March 8 letter to its members, NTLA President Andrew Thomas asked
them to commit $10,000 to $25,000 to meet the funding needs of the
insurance petition drive and campaign effort.
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