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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Study Lists Warning Signs of Teenage Marijuana Use
Title:US: Study Lists Warning Signs of Teenage Marijuana Use
Published On:2004-09-09
Source:Washington Post (DC)
Fetched On:2008-01-18 00:33:57

Researchers at the University of Maryland's Center for Substance Abuse
Research recently developed a set of signs for detecting marijuana use
among teenagers and affirmed that early use of the drug often leads to
experimentation with other illegal substances.

The study, released in late July, was based on data collected for the
2002 Maryland Adolescent Survey, a biennial survey of nearly 34,000
6th-, 8th-, 10th- and 12th-graders about their experiences with drugs
and alcohol.

The study's resulting warning signs and recommendations were applauded
by state educators and juvenile services officials, who said the
findings validate their long-held ideas about ways to determine drug
use among teenage students.

The study "is important because it's the first time we've been able to
scientifically determine the signs and what can result from marijuana
use," said Erin Artigiani, a spokeswoman for the center, also known as

Warning signs include the use of cigarettes and alcohol before age 15,
arrests for alcohol or drugs, 20 or more unexcused absences, and the
attitude that smoking cigarettes and marijuana is safe.

"A lot of this is, yes, common sense, but there's the perpetual denial
factor. Parents never want to believe that it's their kid," said Milt
McKenna, the state Department of Education's specialist on safe and
drug-free schools.

"What this report . . . tells us [is] that these are no longer the
things that we think and believe. Now we can say: 'Here are the facts.
This comes from what your kids are telling us.' "

In addition to establishing the signs, researchers concluded that
parents, educators and law enforcement authorities play an important
role in identifying and preventing teens from using drugs.

"We found that teenagers really do rely on their parents to shape
their attitudes on drugs. We encourage parents to talk to their kids
about drugs, to understand that drug use is a mistake and to be
prepared for their responses," Artigiani said.

According to the four-page report, early marijuana users have the
"highest risk of using other illegal drugs and developing serious
drug- and alcohol-related problems."

About 43 percent of high school seniors reported in 2002 that they
used marijuana, and 20 percent had used the drug before they were 15,
the report said. CESAR's Maryland Drug Early Warning System studied
the relationship between the age a student first smoked marijuana and
later drug and behavioral problems. By age 15, according to the
report, 36 percent of the 12th-graders had used alcohol, 27 percent
had smoked cigarettes, and 20 percent had smoked marijuana.

About 70 percent of the high school seniors had drunk alcohol at least
once, and about one-fourth had used any of the 14 drugs they were
asked about in the survey, including PCP, cocaine, crack cocaine and

"The aim of the warning signs is to help educators, parents and the
state's juvenile system intervene sooner and, hopefully, avert those
problems associated with drug use," Artigiani said.

The study recommended that the state's Department of Juvenile Services
staff members work closely with schools and parents to encourage
post-release intervention for youths arrested and detained for
alcohol-or drug-related offenses, such as special counseling
sessions. It also suggested that state educators implement policies to
ensure that students exhibiting signs of marijuana use receive help
and that all students are taught the dangers of drug use.

"This report essentially tells us that students who hang out with
their parents, students who receive direction from their parents, are
at a lower risk of using drugs," McKenna said. "These are things we've
always told parents, but now we have the data to back up our message.
Without data, you're just another person with an opinion."

McKenna said the report and an accompanying brochure were made
available to teachers across the state. He said a statewide
Parent-Teacher Association meeting, to be held next month, will
address the findings.
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