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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: Tosses Gov Pot Potato
Title:US NY: Tosses Gov Pot Potato
Published On:2004-09-17
Source:New York Post (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 23:55:20

MONTEL Williams, who's in Year Five of his battle against multiple
sclerosis, has moved his now-trademark campaign for legal, medicinal
pot to Albany.

The talk show host -- who uses marijuana daily to curtail pain -- met
this week with Gov. Pataki in hopes he could change the governor's
mind about state laws that (technically, at least) make a lawbreaker
of Montel every night.

"Gov. Pataki asked a lot of questions," Williams said. "He stated
unequivocally that he's going to take a very serious look at the issue
and . . . legislation."

"Our talk was scheduled for 15 minutes and ended up being an hour,"
Williams said. (The two met earlier this year, along with several
other lawmakers, for the same purpose.)

A spokesman for Pataki yesterday said the meeting had been
"informative" but said the governor has not yet been won over.

"Nothing should be done to encourage illicit drug use," the spokesman
said. "But we have asked Health Department professionals to continue
to look at this issue."

Even if Montel did not walk away with the endorsement he's hoped for,
the meeting was another milestone in the cause that has begun to
consume him.

On Tuesday, Montel had set up an on-air debate on his daily show (9
a.m./Ch. 5) between opponents and advocates of medical marijuana.

"One of the myths surrounding marijuana since 1937 is that it has no
redeemable efficacy as a medicinal agent -- and that's a bold lie," he
said. "The government has known for over 25 years that this isn't true.

"On Tuesday's show you're going to meet a [chronically ill] man from
Florida named Irvin who's been receiving cannisters of pre-rolled
marijuana cigarettes from the government every single month for 20

Williams said the marijuana has been sent to people suffering from
AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

"The marijuana is grown in a government program at the University of
Mississippi and was being shipped to 12 people, five of whom have
passed away," he said.

"This is the same government that claims marijuana doesn't work
medicinally -- yet has done a 25-year study and continues to deliver
[marijuana] to these patients.

"The government obviously believes it has some benefit."

Nine states -- not including New York -- have legalized marijuana for
medicinal use. But it is a legal gray area since federal law still
prohibits the cultivation and consumption of pot..

"We claim to be a compassionate society -- we should at least try to
allow those of us suffering in pain to be pain-free," Williams said.
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