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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: Stopping the Madness
Title:US MI: Stopping the Madness
Published On:2007-08-02
Source:Review Magazine (Saginaw, MI)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 00:40:50

Ex-Police Detective Howard Wooldridge on the Costly Failure of the War on Drugs

Since the War on Drugs (or Drug Prohibition) began back in 1971 under
the Nixon Administration, United States taxpayers have spent over $1
trillion dollars and arrested 36 million Americans with zero return
on the investment, as hundreds of warehouses filled with illicit
drugs continue to spread across our country.

As a result of this 36-year campaign, street drugs today are cheaper
than ever to acquire and easier to buy than when Nixon first declared his war.

If you don't believe me, consider this excerpt taken from a current
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) pamphlet: "Drugs are readily
available to America's youth, and many see little risk in using illicit drugs."

Howard Wooldridge is a rare breed of police officer. Now in his
mid-50s, he spent 18 years as a working cop, twelve years working the
streets and three years as a Detective in Lansing, Michigan.

In 1994 Wooldridge moved to Texas and began involving himself with a
campaign to educate the public and address the economic & human
travesty of drug prohibition by forming a national organization
called LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition).

In four years, LEAP went from five founders to a membership of well
over 5,000 law enforcement professionals across the United States,
mostly comprised of former drug warriors including fellow police
officers, judges, prosecutors, DEA and FBI agents, and prison wardens.

Today Wooldridge spends much of his time based out of Washington,
D.C., lobbying Congress and meeting with State Senators and
Representatives throughout the country in an impassioned endeavor to
return that rare commodity of sanity back to the manner in which
public policy is shaped.

Part of LEAP's mission is to educate the public, media, and lawmakers
about the failure of current drug policy by presenting a true
portrait of the history, causes and effects of drug abuse and the
crimes and costs to society related to drug prohibition.

But most important, as a former police officer, and in the crusading
vein of Frank Serpico, Wooldridge is on a quest to articulate the
truth as he sees it about the financial and human costs associated
with current policies, and the disconcerting police corruption and
misconduct that becomes an unfortunate by-product from three decades
of pursuing a failed drug war.

Recently, Gov. Jennifer Granholm proposed eliminating the notorious
'mandatory minimum' sentencing requirements in Michigan that are
costing state taxpayers $31,000 per day per inmate for room & board
in our State Prisons.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Wooldridge, in between his
lobbying efforts with our own State Legislators, encouraging them to
adopt her plan.

Review: You spent 18 years of your life as a law enforcement
officer. How did you make the 'leap', as it were, from officer to
activist against the policies associated currently with the War on Drugs?

Wooldridge: I spent enough time in the trenches to learn what was
really going on, plus my experiences as a Detective taught me that
70-90 percent of the caseloads in our Courts centers around the
policies set by Drug Prohibition.

Once you catch a crack addict that's broken into a person's home and
ask them why they did such a thing, they tell you its to get $200.00
to buy their daily supply of crack. That's been true since the late
1990s and is an experience borne out across America.

I know the key to reducing crime and improving our quality of life is
to end this inane drug policy - the same as ending alcohol
prohibition did in 1933 and we witnessed an extreme drop in crime.

I've probably met with 350 Congressional offices and tell them the
same story. We've spent over a trillion dollars on this war with a
zero return on investment. Drugs today are cheaper and easier to buy
than when the War on Drugs started back in 1971. Can you imagine what
that money could have done for our country? Spending it on this war
has been totally meaningless in terms of fashioning any positive
effect for America.

Review: Many experts from many professions have been advocating
decriminalization for close to 20 years now, yet our elected leaders
never seem to listen. Don't you find that frustrating? You talk to
politicians every day. To what do you attribute their reticence to
adopt reforms?

Wooldridge: As with most things in life, you have to follow the
money. My best information is that one of the largest lobby groups in
Washington, D.C. is the pharmaceutical industry. They fear marijuana
as a competitive drug because of its low cost - you can grow it in
your back yard like Jefferson did; plus it's highly effective - ask
any oncologist or the Nurses' Association.

The drug industry would suffer between 1 to 5 percent losses
somewhere between $4 to $20 billion dollars per year in gross sales
if decriminalization were to happen.

What's easier to do, place it on the shelf next to pills or put
$100,000 in the freezer for each Congressman and Senator to keep it illegal?

Secondly, you have the liquor industry. Millions of people from
time-to-time put down their Jack Daniels and pick up a joint instead.
They would face losing hundreds of millions of dollars in sales.
Again, follow the money.

Finally, you have the 'morality issue'. There are people in this
country who feel it's immoral to use a mind altering intoxicating
drug, and marijuana does fit that profile. So the same people that
brought you alcohol prohibition in 1919 now bring you pot. The minute
alcohol prohibition was lifted, 20 states made pot illegal exactly so
you could not switch to another mind-altering drug.

Review: How about other officers in your profession?

Wooldridge: Not to be discounted, once again you need to follow the
money. My profession is guarding paychecks and union membership. I
met with the Fraternal Order of the Police in Washington, D.C., and
their leading officer was crystal clear. His union has 324,000
members and is more concerned with guarding paychecks and building
more prisons.

The Sheriff Association relies on drug-war money for 20 percent of
their budget, on average. That's a huge chunk of their revenue.

Then you have Wackenhut, the private prison industry, spending $70
billion this year on new prisons, trying to make the War on Drugs
into an effective policy.

Everybody has his or her finger in the pie.

Review: But if you contrast that to the cost of lost lives and
insurance claims due to breaking and entering, and a host of other
factors, why don't politicians balance the cost of this failed policy
against the benefits that could be derived from re-directing that
money into other areas?

Wooldridge: You have to remember, Bob, that politicians aren't
elected to save money. Their lives depend on spending money. If they
can say they're building a new prison in the middle of Michigan that
is going to employ 500 people with good paying state jobs and
benefits, it helps them get re-elected.

There is a huge prison/industrial complex in Michigan. Far too many
politicians are controlled by power, ego, and money. They like to
have people kiss their ring and everything else. That's the other big
chunk of this. The PAC money is huge.

Then you have 'ego', meaning the hardest three words to say in the
English language are 'I Was Wrong'. Imagine Bush coming out and
saying, "yes, we've spent $1 trillion dollars for 30 some years and
I'm sorry ladies & gentlemen, it's been completely ineffective.
Prohibition is a bad concept. It's time to return to a controlled
system where government regulates and taxes these drugs.'

That's not how you get re-elected. It takes a real man or woman to
admit they were wrong.

Review: Well, to me that only underscores the frustration and
futility of the situation.

Wooldridge: You must never give up hope. There are changes happening
as we speak. In my own experience, the freight train of the Drug War
mentality - namely, if you incarcerate enough people one day you'll
make it too hard to buy these drugs - stopped around year 2002-2003.
I see this at the Rotary Clubs that I address. Most of those
attending admit the policy is not working.

Nobody talks about the strategy of prohibition, but America
understands today that it is a failed policy and will never be successful.

People are hungry for new ideas, which is why LEAP is able to book so
many engagements with these groups.

To me it is very huge that Gov. Granholm wants to eliminate mandatory
minimum sentencing in Michigan because the state does not have the
money, especially for incarcerating non-violent drug offenders. She
said, 'we need to lock up the people we're afraid of, not mad at
because they chase pot and not whiskey'.

It might take another 10 years, but money is a great motivator.
Michigan is the first state to pursue this reduction of mandatory
minimums since the drug war started.

Marijuana may be a bad choice, as is any mind altering intoxicating
drug, but its not a societal problem. Every credible study shows the
'gateway argument ' that pot will lead to harder drugs, is simply not
true. But mainly, people will do anything to stop a regulated tax
market for marijuana, because they view it as immoral - even though
the Holy Bible used by Christians and Jews advocates the use of
alcohol - wine, specifically.

Review: Again, its' hard to see hope here.

Wooldridge: Many states have been successful in moving forward. Texas
went for a treatment as opposed to incarceration approach back in
2003 through the legislature, and Maryland followed suit a year
later. Texas didn't do it for humanitarian reasons, but because they
didn't have the money to build more prisons.

Twelve states in five now have access to God's Medicine and medical
marijuana initiatives will probably be on the Michigan ballot in
2008. I think people in Michigan will vote for this measure and it will pass.

Review: I'm interested in the process when you working as a police
officer that changed your thinking on this issueS

Wooldridge: It can be explained in one seismic event: the first fatal
accident I witnessed by a drunk driver. That solidified my focus to
getting drunk drivers off the roads. I arrested hundreds of drunk
drivers and wrote tickets for speeding cars at red lights, because to
my mind public safety is improved when an officer does that.

The year before I became involved with LEAP, I started seeing too
many officers pursuing people for simple possession of marijuana
during a traffic stop. That takes officers out of service and reduces
public safety.

You can spend 40 hours chasing Rush Limbaugh and in that time my
colleagues in Florida could have arrested two child predators.

The trouble is the way these drug laws are written. Simple possession
must be investigated and punished, so cops spend too much time
chasing Whitney Houston and public safety suffers.

Any specialist will tell you that if a person has self-destructive
tendencies or behavior, the only line of defense is family, friends,
and colleagues. If those layers of defense can't stop you, the police
certainly cannot. You cannot fix stupidity in the privacy of one's
home. And if you do try to fix that, you miss the drunk drivers
actually running people over. I'm trying to fix that and it's what
drives me forward.

Review: What is the biggest misconception people harbor about

Wooldridge: The notion that if you make these drugs legal and
regulate them, use will skyrocket. Consequently, people will lose
their homes and jobs and social chaos will reign with tens of
millions of people using hard drugs.

To my mind, that's the last question out there with any merit. And my
response is that I'm not qualified to answer it. You need to talk to
doctors and addiction psychologists.

However, the ones that I have spoken with all note that more people
try illegal drugs because they are illegal - it's like a glamour
factor - the forbidden fruit. Whereas if you decriminalize it,
suddenly you don't have gangs selling it next to schools and giving
away free samples to kids.

Look at World War II. Free cigarettes were given in every K-ration
package, so 9 million fighting men had cigarettes and 3 million of
them were killed from lung cancer after smoking for 40 years.

A drug dealer is a drug dealer, regardless. If you're selling
something addictive and out to make money, you're a drug dealer.

Review: What is the most challenging thing about turning things
around at this stage?

Wooldridge: Getting people informed, hands down. Educating the public
is where I spend all my efforts. When people understand that 100
years ago you could buy heroin at the local pharmacy with less social
chaos than you have today by allowing a Pablo Escobar to operate or
an Al Capone, then you start to reach a 'tipping point' of understanding.

People need to know that every drug taken away from society is
replaced, which is why I'm urging Congress to call for a bi-partisan
blue ribbon commission to answer questions as to why a regulated
market would be superior to the current system where criminals &
terrorists are in charge of ten different street drugs.

I think Granholm's proposal may be highly significant. People need
to contact their legislators, so politicians get comfortable with
looking at alternatives to building more prisons that don't work and
realizing that they don't need to worry about not getting re-elected
if they discuss the topic.

It's a no-brainer to simply regulate & tax marijuana It would be a
huge monkey off the back of law enforcement and open new revenue
sources to the state.

A Harvard professor has estimated that nationally this approach would
realize $2.6 billion dollars in revenue. That's $60 million dollars
in Michigan alone. Meanwhile, law enforcement in this state spends
$160 million chasing Willie Nelson. That would result in over $200
million savings in Michigan.

You have to understand the dynamics of Mandatory Minimum sentences.
We know today that drug dealers accept long prison terms as a
condition of their employment. Every time you arrest one, another
will take his place because there's too much money involved.

The producers understand they're going to lose 10 percent of their
product between the jungles of Columbia and the streets of Saginaw,
so they start with 110 percent and build that 10 percent loss into
their shipments. With every kilo or truckload of dope & guns seized,
it means nothing. The price is still going down on both cocaine and heroin.

Review: Any final thoughts?

Wooldridge: Each person in Michigan should understand that it costs
$31,000 per year for 20 years for each prisoner is caught and
incarcerated in jail.

Law enforcement in this context is a mosquito on the butt of an
elephant, and every narcotics officer knows this. But unless you ask
direct questions, they'll shut up because of their job and their union.

For a lot of drug enforcement officers, they get to make good bucks
waving guns around. It's fun to some of them and exciting work;
otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. Dealing with a stolen bike isn't
as fun as kicking in a door to many of these officers.

I don't look to others in my profession to agree that
decriminalization is a good & sound policy, because there's too much
money involved.

And basically, that's it. Unless you'd like to talk about the
destruction of the 4th Amendment and police corruption that has also
come along with our current drug policies; but I don't think we'll
have time or space for that now.

If you would like to learn more about LEAP (Law Enforcement Against
Prohibition) or make a contribution or become a member, you are
encouraged to phone 781-393-6985.
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