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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Column: I Am Your Canary
Title:US TX: Column: I Am Your Canary
Published On:2004-10-01
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 22:36:16

Like the proverbial canary in the coalmine, please let my life serve
to protect yours. I urge you to join up or hide and watch.

The drug czar, John Walters is a horse's ass. John Ashcroft is a
cretin, a slime ball scuz bucket whore. Locally the district attorney
is a back woods, superstitious "fund-a-mentalist" dispenser of
"justice" that would make Judge Roy Bean proud. Our mayor White lives
only to serve his corporate masters and of course our Texas boy W is a
self contained unit of ignorance whose connection to God has destroyed
tens of thousands of innocent lives.

The drug war is a fraud, pure, plain simple; a hoax of immense
magnitude. Controlled by the bankers and the pharmaceutical houses,
the "science" funded and controlled by US government "overseers" is a
sham, a lousy, scheming slide into another dark age. A goddamned
inquisition is what this drug war has brought home to roost.

George Bush. Tom Delay. John Kerry. Governor Perry. Drug Czar of
the America's John Walters. Asa Hutchinson. These are just the top
level of the people I have invited, numerous times to appear on my
radio shows, to defend the need for drug prohibition. Needless to
say, they run like rabbits from every such request.

I figure I have until at least after the November election to continue
the "Unvarnished Truth" column and to grow the Drug Truth Network from
here in Gulag City If only Kerry and friends will pull their heads
out of their asses, I think we can make at least incremental progress
in drug reform. But, if Bush is elected, I figure Vancouver is nice,
I'll just broadcast and write from there.

The point of this column is to light a fire under your ass. To show
that at this point in time, the drug warriors are too distracted, too
insulated to care about reformers like me or you. However, whether or
not Bush is elected, or steals his way into office, you can rest
assured that he will take that "mandate" all the way to the bank and
send folks like me all the hell on earth we can stand. So think about
your choice very seriously. It's way too late for me, my die is cast.

Common sense died in America on September 11, 2001 and people have
been kicking dirt on its' grave ever since. But the solution to this
90-year war on our own people is so powerful, even some of the U.S.
Republican Guard are seeing the light. Under our current policy, the
ones who are winning the most from this drug czar are the bankers who
launder the money, the pharma houses who cannot stand the competition
of coca leaves, opium and marijuana and of course their support staff
of growers, smugglers, street corner vendors on the one side and on
the other, the prison builders, cops judges, doctors, scientists and
others whose jobs, status, income and very futures would be destroyed
if the truth about "drugs" were known.

Over the next few months, I will spit in the drug warriors eyes, at
least once a day, on the 4:20 Drug War NEWS. I'll piss on the Drug
Czars shoes at least once a week on the Cultural Baggage program and
if ever I get the chance, I promise to leave something in the
Presidents' punch bowl. just for you.

Hide and watch or dare to care it's your call. It's getting scary, at
least here in Texas. Some of the "cops are the cartel" from Mexico is
starting to become more glaring here in the Lone Star state, but these
assassinations stick to up front agitators and journalists. So, if
you want to just sit and watch the machinations of the drug war, I
understand; hell, I did just that for 20 years. I just can't sit any
longer and watch truth being beat up by punks like Bush and Walters,
like an old hero getting mugged by young toughs.

Pity. America used to stand for justice.

Please do your part to end this madness. Contact


Listen to the "Unvarnished Truth" about the drug war on KPFT Radio
90.1 FM in Houston and on the net at kpft.org. Our guests over the
last few weeks have included: Dr. Stanton Peele, Police Chief
McNamara, Warden Richard Watkins, Dr. Donald Evans, Paul Wright,
Deborah Small and dozens of other nationally known experts in the
field of drug reform. Please visit DrugTruth.Net

Dean Becker

2004 Houston Press "Best Radio Talk Show" (Cultural Baggage) "Great
radio... sparking a revolution, one show at a time." 2003 Houston
Press "Best Radio Commentary" (4:20 Drug War NEWS) "Becker monitors
the drug war like Fox News monitors the war on terrorism."

Reporter, Pacifica Radio, KPFT, Houston http://www.DrugTruth.Net
Exec. Producer Drug Truth Network - "14 Towers, 1 Newspaper"
Author: Declaration of Evident Truth; Publisher: Drug Truth A-Z
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