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News (Media Awareness Project) - US KY: Editorial: KBI Not What's Needed To Fight Drugs
Title:US KY: Editorial: KBI Not What's Needed To Fight Drugs
Published On:2004-10-06
Source:Messenger-Inquirer (KY)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 22:22:17

Being tough on crime -- particularly drug-related offenses -- is a winning
political strategy and clearly one that Democratic Attorney General Greg
Stumbo is trying to use to his advantage.

Stumbo announced Thursday that he would create a new department within his
administration -- the Kentucky Bureau of Investigation -- whose primary
focus would be targeting illegal drug trade.

But while Kentucky clearly has a drug problem it must address, Stumbo's KBI
has the potential to do more harm than good. What Stumbo doesn't seem to
realize is that his idea for addressing the problem is just more of the
same, while Gov. Ernie Fletcher, Lt. Gov. Steve Pence and others are trying
to move forward with new ideas that have real potential.

Kentucky is trying to head in the direction of attacking the problem at its
root causes by educating people about the dangers of drugs and treating
those with addictions. We know now that simply fighting drug use at the
enforcement level is not only incredibly expensive, it's also not very

But Stumbo's plan is flawed in ways that go beyond philosophical
differences. There are already plenty of law enforcement agencies dealing
with drug investigations. It's difficult to see how the KBI will add
anything to the mix other than creating added confusion, more turf battles
and another bureaucracy.

Recently, drug task forces around the state saw their budgets cut, some
significantly, including the local Pennryrile Narcotics Task Force. While
we hated to see this happen, we understand the need, because some of the
limited resources available are being redirected into prevention and
treatment efforts.

Rather than create another agency -- especially one at the state level that
will likely be detached from local efforts -- Kentucky needs to make sure
that existing agencies are better equipped. The local police and sheriff's
departments, the regional drug task forces and the state police have been
on the front lines of this effort, and they are in the best position to
handle enforcement -- if given adequate resources.

We agree with Pence when he says, "What we do not need is another layer of
law enforcement. We do need law enforcement personnel, but what we do not
need is another agency."

Seeing through Stumbo's rhetoric to find the real reason behind the KBI
plan is not difficult. If he can show he's tough on drugs as attorney
general, that will only help him reach his higher political ambitions.

But there's no room in this fight for turf battles, and there's no room for
political posturing. The fact is, the Fletcher administration has put
together a solid plan that could actually change the way Kentucky addresses
its drug problem. If Stumbo truly wants to make a difference, he'll work
with them to see that it's successful, not try to pull Kentucky in the
opposite -- and we think, wrong -- direction.
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