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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: LTE: Outside Pot Pushers Don't Give a Hoot About Alaskans' Freedoms
Title:US AK: LTE: Outside Pot Pushers Don't Give a Hoot About Alaskans' Freedoms
Published On:2004-10-08
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 22:10:47

This Outside-funded campaign to legalize marijuana in Alaska is based
on lies, misrepresentation and fear. The U.S. Constitution "promote(s)
the general welfare," then "secure(s) the blessings of liberty."
"Privacy" isn't absolute. "Freedom" requires responsibility.

Pay attention to the money trail. These backers of legalizing pot
aren't Alaskans: They don't care a hoot about the sanctity of your
home; your freedoms; your right to bear arms. Nobody gets busted for
just a few joints at home, only for worse crimes. Alaska's
police/troopers don't bother personal use pot growers/users; it's not
their focus. They're after big-time growers, dealers, hard-core drugs
and pot-users who leave their homes while mentally and physically impaired.

Pot-impaired people on the streets are the problem. Once they leave
their homes (and they do), they are an unacceptable risk to our
children and loved ones, be it behind the wheel or by anti-social
behavior. It's frightening how many high-profile, gruesome murders in
Alaska, especially involving young adults, have had marijuana
involved. Judgment and motor skills are impaired beyond acceptable,
safe limits; people get killed and injured. Alaskans need this tool to
remove real criminals from our midst.

It's not about personal freedoms. It's about illegal drug use. We have
rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," without drugs,
without fear of having some pot user deprive us of our "safety and

Michael C. Lindbeck

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