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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: PUB LTE: Vote Yes On 2
Title:US AK: PUB LTE: Vote Yes On 2
Published On:2004-10-13
Source:Juneau Empire (AK)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 21:54:07

Kudos for your excellent article on Proposition 2 ("Alaskans to decide
on marijuana," Oct. 10). It is rare to find good, balanced reporting
on this issue.

I have only one correction: the very first sentence of the other
article (Legalization advocates hope to tax marijuana), called the
people who work on Ballot Measure 2 "pro-marijuana." We are not
pro-marijuana, but rather pro-reform and anti-prohibition. There are
several key members of our campaign who have never and will never use
marijuana. We work on Ballot Measure 2 simply because it's good
policy. Alaska spends $12 million every year to punish nonviolent
adults who choose to use marijuana. This is both an unfair
infringement on privacy and also a financial waste. More importantly,
countries where marijuana is regulated rather than criminalized have
much lower teen use rates. By taking marijuana out of the hands of
drug dealers, we will make our children safer. Please join me in
voting Yes on 2, even if you will never use marijuana.

Kat DeBurgh

Yes on 2 campaign organizer

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