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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MT: PUB LTE: Do Your Own Research, Then Vote
Title:US MT: PUB LTE: Do Your Own Research, Then Vote
Published On:2004-10-21
Source:Missoulian (MT)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 21:14:52

In these times of such extreme divisiveness (red vs. blue,
conservative vs. liberal, right vs. left) I, at times, wonder if
anyone is listening or examining the various points of our decisions
in the upcoming election. Too many people are taking the word of their
side or party and not doing research on their own to make their decision.

I had a phone call the other day that made me proud, once again, to be
a Missoulian. I have multiple sclerosis and was forced to leave my job
about six months ago. A board member from my previous place of
employment called me to ask about medical marijuana. I have no idea
what his political leanings may be and being older, I probably
suspected him of having a preconceived notion about "drugs." How
refreshing to find someone that is doing his own research and making
an intelligent, informed choice about an important issue.

I wish the federal deputy drug czar had called me when he was in town
a couple of weeks ago. It would have been nice to ask him why
marijuana would be more dangerous and addictive than morphine,
Oxycontin or some of the other legally prescribed drugs currently on
the market. He seemed so sure of himself in the article I read in the
Missoulian regarding his visit, that it would have been nice if he had
let us know he was coming so we could have used him to do our own
research about this upcoming voter issue. I wonder if he ever asked
someone about the uncontrollable pain a person in my shoes can experience.

Thank you to my fellow Missoulian for caring enough to ask questions.
I wish everyone would be as conscientious as him. Please educate
yourself and vote on Nov. 2.

Kristy Johnston, Missoula
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