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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: 3 States Face Marijuana Votes on Decriminalization
Title:US: 3 States Face Marijuana Votes on Decriminalization
Published On:2004-11-01
Source:American Medical News (US)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 20:56:35

To date, nine states have legalized medical use of the substance.

Medical societies in three states are fighting to see November ballot
initiatives dealing with marijuana go down in flames. The groups argue that
the measures are bad for public health.

Voters in Alaska, which legalized medical marijuana in 1998, will decide
whether to decriminalize marijuana altogether for adults. In Oregon, voters
face a question of whether to expand existing medical marijuana laws. And
Montana voters will decide whether to legalize medical marijuana, which
would make the state the 10th to do so.

AMA policy calls for "further adequate and well-controlled studies" of
medical use of marijuana and other related cannabinoids in patients with
serious conditions for which preclinical, anecdotal or controlled evidence
suggests that the drug might help. The Association opposes legalization of
the substance for nonmedical use.

Last month, the Alaska State Medical Assn. joined with Gov. Frank Murkowski
and state and local police to oppose the measure in Alaska.

"The medical society doesn't want public health problems, and this would
create public health problems," said ASMA President Paul Worrell, MD. "It
is not going to make the community a better place to live."

The ballot initiative would do away with civil and criminal penalties for
those 21 and older who "grow, use, sell or give away marijuana or other
hemp products."

The "Yes On 2" group that has formed to support the initiative said that
its passage would protect Alaskans' right to privacy and protect patients
with cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS and other conditions who use the substance
as a way to manage their diseases.

"Marijuana prohibition doesn't work," the group said in a statement.
"Measure 2 would reduce teen access to marijuana by taking it off the
streets and regulating it."

The ASMA's Dr. Worrell, who treated drug abuse patients regularly in the
late 1970s and 1980s, disagrees. He said his experience is that marijuana
is a gateway drug to other illegal substances, such as cocaine. "I have
seen it firsthand," he said.

Oregon Looks to Expand

Oregon is among the nine states that allow patients to use medical
marijuana. The law requires patients to get a note from their doctors that
they can bring to the state to receive a license. Patients or their
caregivers are then allowed to grow the marijuana.

The ballot proposal would permit creation of licensed, nonprofit
dispensaries that the Oregon Dept. of Human Services would regulate. The
dispensaries would be allowed to grow and sell marijuana to registered
patients and their caregivers.

But a caregiver could serve up to 10 patients without a medical marijuana
dispensary license. He or she could grow up to 10 plants and possess one
pound of usable marijuana at any time. Or, if the caregiver proves
production of only one crop annually, he or she could possess up to six
pounds per patient immediately after that one harvest.

In addition, the proposal would include naturopaths and nurse practitioners
in the definition of "attending physician" -- the person who writes the
note necessary for a patient to obtain a medical marijuana license. It also
would expand "debilitating medical condition" to include any medical
condition for which an attending physician determines that marijuana would
benefit the patient.

The Oregon Medical Assn. took no position when voters were asked to pass
the first medical marijuana initiative in the 1990s, but the association
opposes the new measure.

It believes the ballot proposal is simply a way to try to legalize
marijuana. "If people want to have a legislative debate to legalize
marijuana, that's fine," said Robert Dannenhoffer, MD, OMA's
president-elect. "But don't do it under the guise of medical marijuana."

The group also is urging voters to say no because the measure would be bad
public health policy. In a letter included in a state-provided voter guide,
OMA President John C. Moorhead, MD, points to a British Lung Foundation
report that shows that smoking three marijuana joints is as bad for your
lungs as 20 tobacco cigarettes and a study that shows a link between
marijuana smoking and depression and other illnesses.

"Ballot Measure 33 is a thinly disguised attempt to legalize marijuana,
because FDA-approved medication with the very same substance [THC] that is
in marijuana already is available to patients," Dr. Moorhead wrote.

But the measure's proponents, including some physicians, disagree. Six
doctors sent a letter included in the official Oregon voter information
that supports the ballot initiative.

"Measure 33 is not legalization, because a health care provider must
qualify the patient," wrote Richard Bayer, MD, the letter's lead author.
"Primarily, Measure 33 establishes dispensaries so patients can get
immediate access to medicine -- just like a pharmacy."

He points to a 1999 Institute of Medicine report to support his argument.

The IOM concluded that marijuana's active components are potentially
effective in treating pain, nausea, the anorexia of AIDS wasting and other
symptoms, and should be tested in clinical trials. New delivery mechanisms
for the drug that are safe, fast-acting and reliable but that do not
involve inhaling harmful smoke should be developed, the institute stated.

"For centuries patients used marijuana (cannabis) as medicine, achieving
favorable results to treat a variety of conditions," Dr. Bayer wrote. "Many
dying and suffering patients are afflicted with conditions for which the
responsible use of marijuana as medicine helps."

Montana's First Look

A ballot measure in Montana would legalize medical marijuana for the first
time there.

The initiative would allow patients with debilitating conditions who are
under medical supervision to produce, possess and use marijuana to
alleviate symptoms of illnesses such as cancer, glaucoma and HIV/AIDS.

In a situation similar to that in other states, a patient or a patient's
caregiver would register with the state to grow and possess limited amounts
of marijuana. The patient would have to submit a written certification from
a physician that the patient has a debilitating medical condition and would
benefit from using the substance.

A minority of physicians in the state support the initiative. The Montana
Medical Assn. opposes it.

"The MMA felt there would be a substantial risk of abuse if the measure to
legalize medical marijuana were to succeed," said Kurt Kubicka, MD, MMA's
immediate past president and current chair of the legislative committee.

"There is an alternate, FDA-approved form of THC available," he said.



Going to the voters

Residents in three states will vote on ballot questions that propose
various marijuana laws.


Should marijuana be legalized for those older than 21?


Should patients with debilitating medical conditions be allowed to grow and
use marijuana if they submit to the state written certification from a
physician that the patient would benefit from using marijuana?


* Should the state create licensed, nonprofit dispensaries that would grow
and sell marijuana to registered patients and caregivers?

* Should naturopaths and nurse practitioners be included in the definition
of "attending physician?"

* Should the definition of "debilitating medical condition" be expanded to
include any other medical condition that an attending physician determines
would be helped by marijuana?
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