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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Crime Stoppers To Hold Tip Line Event
Title:US TX: Crime Stoppers To Hold Tip Line Event
Published On:2004-10-28
Source:New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung (TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 20:40:45

You might not know it, but chances are, you know a drug dealer -- or
know where one plies the illegal trade.

Today, you can report him or her to the police -- and get a reward.

Comal County Crime Stoppers, the Safe City Commission and local
narcotics investigators will be manning telephones as part of
"Crackdown New Braunfels," an effort to close down drug dealers as
part of the annual "Red Ribbon Week" crime prevention effort.

"Red Ribbon Week" is the annual nationwide celebration in which
thousands of communities and schools across the United States attempt
to raise drug awareness.

Police Lt. Mike Rust said he and Mayor Adam Cork went to area schools
this week issuing a proclamation declaring Red Ribbon Week.

"We're asking residents to call and turn in their local drug dealer or
report any drug-related activity," Rust said.

Crime Stoppers representatives and narcotics officers will be manning
the telephones, he said.

"We're mainly looking for information about suspected drug dealers,"
the detective said. "Also, if anyone has ever wanted to become an
informant, they can do that at that time. They and their information
will still remain confidential."

Rust said drug dealers often operate openly and are easy to spot if
someone in a neighborhood is watching.

"You should be suspicious of excessive come-and-go traffic, or someone
leaving a house to meet a vehicle out front for an apparent exchange,"
Rust said. "Watch for unusually high traffic at certain times of the
day or anyone who seems out of the ordinary or out of place."

An unusual odor in a neighborhood, Rust said, could possibly be a sign
that someone is operating a kitchen or bathroom drug lab.

The Crime Stoppers line is always available, the investigator said.

"Even if you have information you don't feel like giving Thursday, you
can call the Crime Stoppers line any time involving any crime --
burglaries or robberies -- not just narcotics," Rust said. "We will
follow up on any calls as quickly as we can."

"We want to stress to people that they can remain anonymous in this
process. We simply want their information so we can get the drugs off
the street," Rust said.
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