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News (Media Awareness Project) - US OR: LTE: Potentially Dangerous
Title:US OR: LTE: Potentially Dangerous
Published On:2004-10-25
Source:Herald and News (Klamath Falls, OR)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 20:39:26

I join other Oregon law enforcement officers opposing ballot Measure

I strongly feel that it is potentially dangerous to the majority of
the citizens of our county, our communities and our state.

Measure 33 proponents are targeting your neighborhood, and they want
to make marijuana operations legal. They are trying to fool you into
voting to expand the so-called "medicinal" marijuana law.

The Oregon Medical Association opposes Measure 33, calling it a
"thinly-disguised effort to legalize the use of marijuana without any
medically scientific justification."

What the proponents really want is for unregulated pot markets to
blossom in your neighborhoods, making it easier for pot users to
support their habit to the detriment of your health and safety.

Measure 33 would allow the establishment of unregulated pot
"dispensaries." These marijuana operations would function much like
the clandestine meth labs that already blight too many Oregon
neighborhoods. Increased day and night traffic in neighborhoods by
those seeking the drug is reminiscent of the crack house syndrome that
plagues communities.

Incredibly, those promoting Measure 33 also want to make it legal for
an individual to possess up to 6 pounds of pot. That's enough for an
individual to smoke a marijuana joint every 60 minutes for a year.
It's a license for a perpetual high - and they want to make it legal.

This measure, at times, would require the state of Oregon to provide
free marijuana for indigent people who could not afford to buy the
drug, at taxpayers' expense.

Measure 33 proponents also want to get medical doctors out of the loop
by allowing nurse practitioners and naturopaths to be able to give out
marijuana prescriptions.

If this measure passes, marijuana growers will flock to Oregon to
cultivate their own marijuana crops. Don't allow Oregon to become a
marijuana haven.

Measure 33 is foolish. It even allows children under the age of 18 to
use marijuana.

Don't be fooled by this fraudulent measure, which is opposed by every
responsible law enforcement person in Oregon. Ask yourself: Why has
the Federal Drug Administration never approved "medication" that has
to be smoked?

Measure 33 would allow easy access to marijuana, lowering the quality
of life in people's neighborhoods, negatively impacting business and
absurdly allowing children to use marijuana. Unbelievably, this
measure requires the state to guarantee the availability of free
marijuana at taxpayer expense.

I urge people to vote no on Measure 33.

Tim Evinger


Klamath County
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