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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: Column: Ballot Measures
Title:US AK: Column: Ballot Measures
Published On:2004-10-28
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 20:39:12
The Voice of the Times:


WHILE WE would not presume to tell you how to vote Tuesday, we offer
our views on the four measures on the ballot.

Ballot Measure One -- Initiative, Referendum Reform

This constitutional amendment requires that initiative and referendum
petition signatures be gathered from more of the voting districts in
the state -- in 30 of the 40 House districts. Further, signatures in
those districts must equal 7 percent of the voters who went to the
polls in that district in the last general election. Now, only one
signature per district suffices. The measure ensures signature
collectors would get a representative sample from the state, not just
its populous areas. We will be voting yes

Ballot Measure Two -- Marijuana legalization

The measure would legalize marijuana for Alaskans older than 21,
however, possession and sale of marijuana would remain a federal
crime. Despite claims that the government's war on drugs has failed,
and regulation and legalization are the answer, we are unsure. Is the
further proliferation of marijuana a good thing for this state, which
already has staggering drug and alcohol problems? We will be voting

Ballot Measure Three -- Bear Baiting Ban

This measure is a feel-good solution for a non-existent problem.
Hunting Alaska's black bear population over bait already is the most
tightly regulated and controlled form of hunting in the state. Its
impact is negligible. Passage of this poorly crafted measure could
have the unintended consequence of hamstringing the Alaska Department
of Fish and Game's management efforts. We will be voting no.

Ballot Measure Four -- Senate Vacancy Election

If passed, this measure would end the practice of the governor
appointing replacements for U.S. Senate vacancies, and, instead,
require a special election to fill the seat. While the argument that
our senators should be elected has huge popular appeal, the idea of
our state lacking representation in one of its two Senate seats for an
unspecified period of time until an election can be arranged is a bit
unsettling. We will be voting no.
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