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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: PUB LTE: Yes on Measure 2
Title:US AK: PUB LTE: Yes on Measure 2
Published On:2004-10-31
Source:Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (AK)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 20:11:41

To the editor:

I am a medical cannabis patient. I have multiple sclerosis and have
suffered from this for several years now.

I have no legal access to my medicine, despite having a medical
marijuana user's card and being registered with the proper authorities
in Juneau, despite that registry interfering in my doctor/patient

If I even had access to legal seeds or medicine, Loren Leman's gutting
of the voter's initiative to allow my use of cannabis destroyed many
of the common-sense protections I would've otherwise had.

Lately the drug czar sent his deputy, Scott Burns, to Alaska to engage
in electioneering regarding an Alaska initiative, Measure 2. Measure 2
would allow me safe legal access to my medicine.

The drug czar's office has seen fit to again fill the media with
dishonesty regarding the alleged harms of cannabis. The drug czar's
office files no Alaska Public Offices Commission papers and was even
given authority by the General Accounting Office last year to lie when
Republican Ron Paul of Texas filed a complaint against them for using
taxpayer money to use propaganda in the war on this plant.

The credible evidence and peer-reviewed studies discount the drug
czar's claims, but they're not funded to permit their science to be
printed in the general media in the manner in which the drug czar's
office is. As a result, the media prints untruths provided by the drug
czar, and patients suffer.

I'm voting yes on Measure 2 to end this nonsense and so that I can
have access to my medicine and ease my suffering.


Jamesa Gordon

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