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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: LTE: Needle Exchanges Won't Make Neighborhoods Safer
Title:US IL: LTE: Needle Exchanges Won't Make Neighborhoods Safer
Published On:2004-11-06
Source:Peoria Journal Star (IL)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 19:43:26

Re. Oct. 27 column by Pam Adams, "Fear bringing community round the circle":

Sure, that's just the example we need to give to our children as they pass
by on the school bus, seeing Beth Wehrman passing out free needles to drug
addicts on our streetcorners again. Give us a break.

But if Pam is convinced this is the solution, we advise her to ask Wehrman
to stand in front of her home, not ours. Maybe she could even open a room
and invite the recipients in for a cup of coffee. Pam will have to hire
someone to direct traffic because the cars coming into her neighborhood
will increase by at least four times. Then if Pam really cares about her
neighbors, she'll have to get someone to pick up the old needles on their
lawns. Tell them not to be shocked if they see the recipients come back,
park in front of their home, tie off their arm and shoot up right before
their eyes.

Also, we'd appreciate it if Pam would stop blaming us neighborhood
advocates for not welcoming the negative elements invading or streets and
alleys. We are out there every day in the trenches working our behinds off
trying to make this a safe, viable place for black, white and brown
families to shop and live.

I've lived here for 66 years and watched as our neighborhoods deteriorated
and businesses left. We want this to stop. We want our sidewalks and
streets to be where our children can jump rope and play games, like it used
to be. This will not be accomplished if the Beth Wehrmans are allowed back
on our streets handing out needles.

LaVetta Ricca

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