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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: PUB LTE: Drug Bust Money
Title:US NY: PUB LTE: Drug Bust Money
Published On:2004-11-07
Source:Ogdensburg Journal/Advance News (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 19:37:22

To The Editor:

Last Sunday I read an article in the Journal Newspaper in regards to
the Border Patrol handing out $71,000 to various law enforcement
agencies throughout St. Lawrence County.

I do not know how the Border Patrol received the power to deem who
reaps the rewards from drug bust money. I'm concerned this money
belongs to the tax payers and we should decide where this money is
divided. We pay the salaries of all law enforcement officers and we
provide the money for their budgets. If they continue to receive these
monetary gifts then our Legislatures should deduct these gifts from
their yearly fiscal budgets and redirect this money towards other budgets.

I am very disgusted with the Border Patrol since they have descended
on our North Country highways because they think they have the right
to treat you, the taxpaying American citizen, with disrespect all in
the name of marijuana. If they were here for terrorism they would
have bomb sniffing dogs instead of drug sniffing dogs. How many
terrorist and aliens have been captured versus drug smugglers? Now
that marijuana is the prime target will cocaine and heroine take its
place? The drug war will never be won and to compound this complex
situation with the Border Patrol agency is both financially ruining
and emotionally damaging for our county.

Please seriously ask yourself do you really want this constant
invasion of your privacy all in the name of marijuana. Please contact
Senator Schumer and voice your concerns before these Border Patrol
check points cause deaths on our highways similar to what happened on
Interstate 87 last spring.

In closing, if the Border Patrol wants to give away money why not try
something unique like donating it to the Ogdensburg Neighborhood
Center, Catholic Charities, Habitat for Humanity, or after school
programs in our area. We all know the season of need is fast

Joanne Monnet
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