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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IN: PUB LTE: Make Marijuana Legal To Ease Jail Overcrowding
Title:US IN: PUB LTE: Make Marijuana Legal To Ease Jail Overcrowding
Published On:2004-11-14
Source:Times, The (Munster IN)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 19:10:20

Marijuana should be legalized. There are many people sitting in jail or
prison right now over possession of marijuana. If people want to smoke,
drink or eat marijuana in their homes, it should be their business. It
would be better for the taxpayers because then they wouldn't have to pay
for so many people sitting in jail.

I know marijuana is supposed to slow your brain and reaction time. I know
this because I was once into marijuana. I thought I did better in school
because pot made me think more deeply about what I was learning and helped
it to sink in more.

Also, it is a piece of nature. Someone put marijuana here for a reason.
Maybe it was put here as a forbidden plant, but once people tried it, they
decided that they liked it and wanted more.

Ray Lawrence

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