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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MT: PUB LTE Defending Opinionated Comics, Medical Pot
Title:US MT: PUB LTE Defending Opinionated Comics, Medical Pot
Published On:2004-11-14
Source:Billings Gazette, The (MT)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 18:59:59

I'm writing about the letters condemning medical marijuana, "Doonesbury"
and "Mallard Fillmore."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry after reading the recent letter from
the Ministry of Misinformation condemning the passage of the medical
marijuana initiative, and the one from the Chief of the Fun Police blasting
"Doonesbury" and "Mallard Fillmore."

Like Ed Kemmick, I note the irony of a state like Montana that
overwhelmingly approves George Bush for president and, at the same time,
votes in medicinal pot (by about the same percentage), despite the Bush
administration's efforts to dissuade Montanans from doing so.

I would be less alarmed at someone ingesting medically prescribed pot in
the workplace than the same popping barbiturates or getting drunk on the
job. In almost any country but the US of A, workers can consume alcohol
during their lunch hour or even at their desk. The trick is to not abuse
the privilege.

Sure, marijuana contributes to crime because it is currently illegal to
use! Myself and millions of others would embrace the decriminalization of
pot, and allow the growing of marijuana for personal use. Maybe we'll see
that initiative on future ballots. On the other subject, I cannot get
through the morning without my daily dose of reality from Garry Trudeau. I
particularly enjoy his characterization of President W., and I consider The
Duke a personal friend. You can set "Mallard Fillmore" on fire, for all I
care, but every now and then even Bruce Tinsley is actually funny.

Bill Cook, Park City
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