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News (Media Awareness Project) - US DC: OPED: It's Our Drug War, Too
Title:US DC: OPED: It's Our Drug War, Too
Published On:2007-08-16
Source:Washington Post (DC)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 00:11:40

How America and Mexico Can Defeat the Cartels

U.S. and Mexican authorities are nearing agreement on an aid package
to support Mexico's courageous new offensive against the deadly drug
syndicates that threaten both our nations. The stakes are high for
the United States: We depend on Mexico as a cooperative neighbor and
trade partner, and most of the marijuana and as much as 90 percent of
the cocaine consumed in this country pours over our southern border.
If Mexico cannot make significant headway against the bloodthirsty
cartels, our security and our people will suffer the consequences.

Since President Felipe Calderon's victory last year, Mexican
authorities have stepped up efforts to fight drug sales and have
paved the way for increased cooperation with the United States.
Calderon has subjected hundreds of senior-ranking police officials to
polygraph testing and has dismissed thousands more suspected of
corruption. After years of internal legal obstacles, Mexico has
captured and extradited major traffickers to the United States in
record-breaking numbers.

Conceding the corruption or weakness of some local police forces,
Calderon has deployed 20,000 Mexican soldiers to help match the
firepower of murderous drug gangs. Mexican officials -- as jealous of
their national sovereignty as we are of ours -- have set aside
historical sensitivities and welcomed unprecedented cooperation
between law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Now is the time to
forge a genuine partnership.

Certain elements of such a partnership are uncontroversial and are
likely to win universal support. Surveillance and eavesdropping
equipment, radar for aerial interdiction, aircraft for drug-tracking
teams and assorted special training are reportedly already part of
the agreement. Under the administration of Vicente Fox the two
governments began working together, with U.S. aid directed at
database improvements, law enforcement training and material support
for border-crossing posts. Increased coordination in these areas
should be part of the new agreement.

Other elements will prove to be more challenging to legislate or to
implement. Congress and the Bush team will have to set aside feelings
of distrust and polarization if they are to forge a deal that can win
ample funding and long-term, bipartisan backing. U.S. lawmakers need
to be brought into the negotiating process so that they can have
confidence in the plan and will not seek to micromanage the fight
against drugs in a way that will demoralize our Mexican friends. We
must strike a balance between congressional meddling and the
oversight necessary to sustain funding and political support.
Moreover, waiting for the regular appropriations cycle means an
eight-month delay. President Bush should move quickly to request
urgent supplemental funds, and Congress should do its duty by acting
with the urgency this task demands. Our government must reassure its
Mexican counterparts that meaningful help is on the way.

Of course, Mexico is wary of U.S. activity on Mexican soil, and
American law enforcement and intelligence officials have been
skeptical of their counterparts. But the U.S. government can and
should demonstrate its commitment to fostering rather than
controlling the program. For their part, Mexican authorities must
open themselves to the scrutiny that builds trust. Law enforcement
cooperation will prove vital if we are to match the seamless
integration with which our criminal enemies operate across our common border.

Both sides will be understandably reluctant to cede jurisdiction over
their respective territories. The Europol model, which leaves
enforcement responsibilities to national and local police while
coordinating information exchange, threat analyses and technical
support at a supranational level, may provide a template for
successful cooperation.

No less important than a focus on security is aid for legal reform
and judicial capacity-building. Now that the political will for
serious reform exists, Mexico needs the funding and personnel to
properly investigate and prosecute drug traffickers and the corrupt
officials who abet them. Fortunately, Calderon's national development
plan promotes a culture of accountability, transparency and respect
for the rule of law that will strengthen Mexico's institutions
against drug corruption.

Felipe Calderon has already demonstrated his commitment to rescuing
his country from a criminal drug machine, and he welcomes increased
U.S. support. There are few challenges more grave than those posed by
the deadly cartels Mexico is fighting. And there are few
opportunities more precious than helping our Mexican friends win the
battle on our doorstep.
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