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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NC: PUB LTE: Drug Testing Questions
Title:US NC: PUB LTE: Drug Testing Questions
Published On:2004-12-22
Source:Salisbury Post (NC)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 05:45:34

I wonder what kind of advice Bill Judge will give to the Rowan-Salisbury
Board of Education when he comes to speak to them about student drug testing
("Rowan-Salisbury school board to bring in expert on random drug testing,"
Dec. 14).

Considering that Mr. Judge is a paid consultant for the drug testing
industry, I wonder if he'll give board members an honest and accurate
depiction of the effectiveness of drug testing.

I wonder if he'll tell board members about the largest-ever study
conducted on the topic, which found that "school drug testing was not
associated with either the prevalence or frequency of student
marijuana use, or of other illicit drug use." The study was funded by
the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Will Mr. Judge tell board members that drug testing damages the
relationships of trust between students and school officials that are
so crucial in helping young people to make positive lifestyle choices?

Or, will Mr. Judge simply spout pro-drug testing rhetoric in hopes
that the board will adopt a program that will divert scarce school
resources to companies that profit from alienating students?

Tom Angell

Washington, D.C.

Editor's note: Angells is communications director for Students for
Sensible Drug Policy.
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