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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WI: Editorial: Debatable Feedback - Rumsfeld, Legalizing Medical
Title:US WI: Editorial: Debatable Feedback - Rumsfeld, Legalizing Medical
Published On:2005-01-02
Source:Racine Journal Times, The (WI)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 04:52:18

With fellow Republicans criticizing him, is it time for Rumsfeld to
go? Rumsfeld is an old war dog, obnoxious and testy.

Those of us who dislike him, dislike him intensely.

I find him smug, self-righteous and arrogant.

I think he should be out, but Bush would just put another hateful and
vicious hawk in his place.

The war is, as someone said this week, "bloody, bungled and totally

How do you tell that to a mom or dad whose 19 year old just died in
Fallujah? Rummy typifies the problem, which is we are creating
hundreds of new Arab terrorists every day.

They hate us because we are killing thousands and thousands of their
children and women (no, Channel 4 and 6 don't show that), and leveling
their cities.

Oh, and as for Guantanamo S how come Saddam is treated better than all
those young detainees, some of whom have been shackled for three
years, with no attorneys and no trials? This is not the American way.

* Certainly not. Fellow Republicans? John McCain: he's been crying in his
cereal every morning since Bush beat him in the primaries over 4 years ago.
He's been a cheap shot artist ever since - he votes with Democrats on most
issues just for spite. Trent Lott: he's just a dope. He got beat up in the
press a while back, and now he wants to be in the press's good graces (by
saying anything against Bush or his administration. The only honest
measurement of Rumsfeld is how his troops (including the Commander in Chief)
feel about him - and they love and admire him. Period.

Should alcohol be banned from residence halls and fraternities at all
colleges and universities in the U.S.? * Aw, come on.

* I went to a college where there was no drinking on campus but it
really didn't matter. Yea, some of the parties got busted and the
people got tickets but overall there were always parties. In fact,
there was around the world parties at least once a semester. People
would bring kegs into the rooms and no one was the wiser especially
not security or hall directors. At sporting events, there were always
people with alcohol in plastic bottles and they never get them taken
away. The campus knew what was going on the whole time but the rule
wasn't strictly enforced.

Should state tax "death benefits" for soldiers' families? * It is the
most ridiculous thing I have read or heard of. Taxing the death
benefits of soldiers killed in combat. It is not enough that the
family loses their son or husband, but for the State to tax the
benefits is ludicrous. The State is taking blood money. Shame on them.
I wonder if they can look at themselves in the mirror.

Should medical use of marijuana be legal in Wisconsin? * Medical
marijuana would obviously do good for humankind. In fact, if the U.S.
would just legalize it altogether and tax it as they do cigarettes,
there could potentially be billions of dollars in tax moneys out there.

What is the sense of keeping marijuana illegal when we will keep
alcohol legal and it kills thousands on Wisconsin roadways each year!
People who smoke pot aren't out there driving around, or robbing and
killing to support their habit; they're your regular, average
every-day Joe that is just taking a couple of moments in their life to
stop and smell the roses.

I've been smoking pot for years and function normally. I have a great
family, a good job and I pay my bills like every other tax paying
citizen. What's the issue with this? If anything, besides focusing on
the medical aspect of it, maybe the JT should focus on those that use
it recreationally and how "normal" they are. Then compare that to your
average alcoholic or crack addict. There are many differences and I'm
sure you'll conclude, as I have, that there is nothing wrong with
smoking a joint once in a while.
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