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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NM: LTE: Grants Needs Rehab Centers
Title:US NM: LTE: Grants Needs Rehab Centers
Published On:2005-01-07
Source:Cibola County Beacon (NM)
Fetched On:2008-01-17 04:31:32

Dear Editor:

After reading the "Community Guest Column" by Paul Stern, I felt a need to
express my concern about the treatment options for drug-dependent adults as
well as youth in the Grants area. As a past resident of Grants, I am
appalled by the drug abuse that is running rampant on the street and even
more ashamed of the available treatment options for them.

It seems to me that the streets in Grants need to be cleaned of the dealers
that contribute to the drug abuse among the youth as well as the adult

Of the many family members I have in Grants and Milan, a few are in jail
facing drug charges. They have little hope of finding a quality rehab
center, even after begging for some help.

To quote the article, "The truth is most court-ordered methods, although
well meaning, are ineffective. People often don't believe they have a
problem, and more than likely will smoke a joint before a mandated treatment
session. When the session is finished, they'll light up again."

In my opinion, the court mandated methods need to be evaluated. Obviously
the system is not working and alternative treatments need to be created. If
our loved ones are sent to AA and NA only to get their "papers signed," and
then are released back into the society that they came from that created
their problem, then it is a never-ending cycle of drug abuse that will never
go away.

AA and NA are not the answer to our court-mandated treatment. Those should
be available AFTER intense detoxification therapy with qualified personnel
who administer intensive evaluations before and after treatment.

Another option would be ISP, which is Intensive Supervised Probation and
includes curfew, daily visits with the probation officer, random drug tests,
one-on-one counseling and group meetings in conjunction with NA and AA

In reference to the Therapeutic Community (TC), are there plans for a future
service for the men who reside in local prisons? Why for one and not for the

I agree that this situation needs to be looked at long and hard and more
importantly, quickly.

Tammy J. Mace

La Porte, Texas

former Grants resident
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